Status: Will update when I write more...

The Way You Fell KILLED ME!


I guess I should finally tell you what Ben was like. I don’t want to, but it needs to be said. So, here goes nothing.

Basically, Ben was gay but he never really admitted it. Really? What am I talking about? He would never have admitted it! But anyway, the time after we first weirdly saw each other, we even more weirdly kept bumping in to each other. Once in the post office (before almost all of them got closed down!) a few times at the supermarket, but mostly in clubs. One night I was at this club called...hell! I don’t even remember what it was called, that shows how pissed I was. Well I was at the bar getting a few drinks for me and some friends, and guess who showed up beside me? You got it. Ben. I looked at him, but he hadn’t noticed me, I could tell he was really drunk, he could hardly keep himself up and that's why the bartender wouldn’t serve him, so just like Ben, he started kicking off. Swearing, threatening, the whole shabam! After a few minutes no one had come to get him outside, so I took it upon myself to do it (kind. I know right?) He was still carrying off but I was stronger than him then so I got him outside easily. “Hey, I know you!” He shouted at me. I didn't say anything back because at that moment, he can I put this nicely? Vomited? Yeah that will do...he vomited all over the floor and me. Perfect. ‘Thanks’ I thought. I didn't want to be walking around smelling of sick all night, so I took my top off. Ben was still being sick, but I wasn’t his target anymore, he always took his drinking too far. “T-thanks.” He said in-between purging. “Its fine.” I turned to walk home, with my sick doused shirt in hand. Ready to throw it in to the next bin I saw. “Wait!” He yelled. ‘Great, now what does he want?’ I turned back around and he was there, right in front of me, just staring. Like the first time. “What do you...” I didn't get to finished my sentence because he was kissing me, it took me a few seconds to register what was happening, but after that it was such a rush, you know how I said with other lads it didn't feel ‘right’ well will Ben it so did, even if he did taste like sick, the kiss didn't last for long, but I didn't want it to stop. He slipped his hand in my pocket then walked away. After that I just carried on drinking until the night became u total blur.

The next day after I’d just found my way home, and collapsing on my bed. I took off my clothes from the night before, and was going to put them in the washer, but I remembered that Ben had put his hand in my pocket. I was too drunk and couldn’t care less to bothered about it last night, but now I was almost feeling giddy to see what it was. I pulled out a small piece of paper it said:

Benjamin Tilley

01709 365749


I kept wondering if I should call him, and I did. From that point on, I would never forget...
♠ ♠ ♠
Not a very good chapter, I've got a mojor headache and can't concentrate. Sorry :(

But...please comment if you like it >.<