Sequel: The Technicolor Phase
Status: Finished

Painting Flowers

Queen's Court


Danielle frantically hid behind a rock when she spotted one of the knights. She searched around for the key but didn't know where it would be. She felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She quickly turned around to see Mallymkun waving at her. Danielle narrowed her eyes.

"Hatter asked me to follow you." she said.

Danielle nodded. "How do we get out of here?"

"There's a crack in the wall. Maybe we can fit through it."

"Let's try."

"Follow my lead love."

Mallymkun darted behind one of the Knights. She reached the rocked wall that contained a large crack. Danielle nervously glanced up at the guard. Mallymkun motioned for her to start running. Danielle ran as fast as she could. She almost made it to safety but her foot hit one of the cracks in the floor and she fell face first scraping her knee as she did so. She let out a cry of pain. Mallymkuns eyes widened. Danielle glanced up to see the guard turn around. His eyes went wide when he saw Danielle.

"Alice!" he shouted.

"Run!" yelled Mallymkun.

Danielle quickly got up to her feet. She rushed towards Mallymkun who was already running through the crack. Danielle squeezed through it just in time before the guard grabbed her. She rushed up the stairs after the Dormouse.

"Where's the dungeon key?" she asked while running.

"There!" Mallymkun pointed.

Danielle glanced up to see the jail cell keys hanging high on a nail. The only way she'd be able to get it was if she was her normal height. She had to find some Upelkchen and fast. Danielle and Mallymkun made it out of the dungeons. They headed through the castle making sure they didn't get caught.

"Bloody hell, they caught McTwisp." whispered Mallymkun.

Danielle glanced outside to see the White Rabbit running after a tied up porcupine.

"What is he doing?" she asked.

"He's bringing the porcupine back to Andromeda. She's playing Croquet with it and sadly hits him with the flamingo."

"My mother told me about that." Danielle's eyes widened at the thought. "Maybe he has some Upelkchen. But, I have to make sure I hide behind one of the bushes or Andromeda will find me."

"Don't get caught."

Danielle nodded as she ran through the open door and out into the courtyard. She dodged behind the bushes. Andromeda hit one of the porcupine with the flamingo's beak. The force caused the flamingo to soar above the bushes. It landed right beside Danielle. She noticed that it's legs were bound by rope. She rushed over to it. The porcupine cried out but Danielle told it to be quiet.

"I'm not going to hurt you." she whispered.

She untied the knots which let it free. At that moment the White Rabbit appeared. His mouth dropped upon seeing Danielle.

"Danielle, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm saving Tarrant."

"Not being the size of a gerbil you're not."

"Do you have any Upelkchen?"

"Yes, I do."

"Page." yelled Andromeda.

The rabbit pulled out a piece of cake. Danielle took it from him and took a bit. Her body shot up to it's normal height. She saw Andromeda walking towards the hedge. She tried to hide but she spotted her.

"Who are you?" asked Andromeda.

The white Rabbit nervously glanced up at Danielle.

"My name is Ell from Umbridge. They kicked me out because I'm prettier than the other girls. I was wondering if I could be a part of your court."

Andromeda smiled evilly. "Anyone as pretty as you can be in my court. Tell me Elle, do you sing?"

Danielle nodded. "Yes your majesty."

"Excellent. What happened to your clothes?"

Danielle looked down and noticed that she was completely naked.

"They got tattered."

Andromeda glanced back at Blaze. "Blaze, get something for Elle to wear then take her to the kitchen to get her something to eat."

Blaze gave Danielle a rude look before walking off. Danielle nervously bit her lip. She just hoped that Andromeda didn't find out she was Alice's daughter.
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