Status: On hold.

The Vampire Mansion: Shiki and Rima



There couldn't have been a girl more beautiful than me. That's what they always told me, too eager to see my response which made me suspicious, but I always agreed. I never wanted to disappoint anyone. The thought of having someone dislike me drives my instincts to go over board and try to be the most perfect young lady you could imagine. But that took a hold of me eventually. One day I just stopped being as cheerful for everyone, and they would always ask me why. I just told them, "What is there to smile for?" When you really thought about it, why was I still trying to be perfect? It didn't make sense. Yet, my life didn't make sense and I still tried to live as I always did anyway.

My life wasn't the most complicated one out of our town. There were people who had economic problems, and others who even had health problems, yet they were still alive. Barely, I would say. I was simply the only one who was constantly used by her parents to get a good meal. Nothing strange in our town, just rare. Just because it was so unjust and un-parent like, it was that rare. I was the only perfect daughter, used for her parents' benefits, in town.

I had always wished to be the one getting on the ships from the boarders away from this eye soar of a town. Danger in every corner, especially for girls like me. Only for girls like me. I had three very wealthy and very pretty friends, who were always gossiping about who wore this and who didn't wear that. It was exhausting to have to listen to their endless chatting of who had the best horse or the best trainer. I wanted to be the girl on the horse, getting far away from this place.

"Oh, Rima." One of the girls, Katherine who had put up this tea party, finally noticed my far away gaze. Took her long enough. "Wow, you look as beautiful as always! You have to tell us how you do it!" Her fake smile didn't convince me she was telling me the truth.

I looked at my reflection on the cup of tea in my hands. I was sure that everyone always said I looked pretty or to die for. It was something I was used to since I was five years old. Yet there was also something that bothered me about that. Though I was beautiful. I had long soft hair that was the color of the sunset, glossy silver eyes, I was slim and I had perfect skin. There wasn't anything to dislike about me. Just one thing, that no one ever pointed out as something that ruined my beauty. I never smiled, even though I wanted to, I couldn't.

"There's no secret," I told her, indifferently. "You just have to be born with it."

Her face made it obvious that she was slightly insulted by my lack of interest in telling anything. I wasn't concerned about that, so as soon as the tea party ended I said my good byes and never turned back. No one was perfect, yet they all thought I was, on the outside anyway.

"How was Katherine's tea party, Rima?" my mother asked me, as soon as I walked inside.

"It was fine, mother." I put my hat and coat on the coat rack and went on, actually wanting to talk to her. "The girls were very...full of information today," I chose my words carefully, "and many of them,"-as always-,"were very flattering mentioning my beauty." Somehow, having her actually ask me that, like she was interested in how my day went, felt good. But maybe this wasn't the case, as always. I stopped, realizing she wasn't alone. A young handsome man, sat there next to my mother smiling at me like he had just won a prize. I knew what that prize was.

"Rima, this is our guest, Sir Victorich." She looked directly into my eyes hoping I would get the message. I did, of course, it wasn't my first time dealing with this sort of thing. I smiled for him, as he rose up to take my hand. As he took my hand, he eyed me especially, giving me the slight chills. He kissed it carefully looking into my eyes still. "Sir Victorich, this is my daughter, Rima." She sounded proud. Now, it didn't please me so much.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, miss Rima." He seemed to mean it, but not the kind of pleasure you would expect.

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir Victorich." I did a quick graceful curtsy and glanced at my mother's adoring eyes. She was very much enjoying the benefits of this friendship with Sir Victorich, who looked very well wealthy. I expected as much from her.

"Miss Alma, I would like to take your beautiful daughter out for a walk." He looked at both of our faces, as he continued, "If that is okay with you."

"Of course it is!" she smiled and quickly looked at me. "Right, Rima?"

Their stares were nauseating. Nothing good would come out of this. But I had no choice. "Yes," I responded. They both looked very pleased, and as soon as that was settled my mother was hurrying us out, handing me my coat and hat, and before we knew it we were walking down the streets. Before my mother rushed us out of the house, her eyes had went right through me, giving me the all important sign.

"I know, I know," I had whispered. "Be perfect."
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I hope you like it.
I really tried my best on this one,
hoping that it would please you in my first person writing.
I'm not that good....but it's pleasing! ^^