Status: On hold.

The Vampire Mansion: Shiki and Rima



As the sun went down, we were still walking around the streets, attracting everyone around's attention. He went on and on about his life as the soul heir to his father's fortune. I pretended to be interested, and tried to keep in mind my mother's all important sign which she gave me right before we left. "Be perfect," and to that I was trying my hardest. My brilliant bright smile and flattering personality, should have been good enough to fool him. Of course, it was.

"It's very fascinating, isn't it?" he said.

"Yes, very," I lied.

It was going rather well so far, not the worst night of my life, just one of the most boring. My mother would have been very happy if this turned out well, and I wouldn't have mind in the end. But then he stopped. I followed him inside a bar that caught his sight, though I was more forced than convinced. He led me through the bar, tightly holding my hand, passing the tables with drunken men, eying us like unwelcome visitors.

"Sir Victorich!" I scowled at him, but he wouldn't listen. "What are we doing here? I want to go back home!"

His smile grew weary and the slight chills that went up my spine came again. He wasn't normal, though in the end nobody was normal. His personality changed too quickly, just before we separated from my mother. I was a fool to have accepted his invitation, and I knew that. But I had no choice. I had no choice but to watch in fear of what might happen to me. He interrupted my thoughts, as he pulled me closer to him, an inch away from his face.

"You look pale," he noted. "I think you need a drink." He put up the beer he was drinking in his hand and held it closer to my face.

I pushed it away and glared at him, severely. "What I need is to go home."

He took a few minutes to take a hold of the situation. He looked very disoriented, almost drunk. I glared at him even more, making him aware that he looked embarrassing in my eyes. I stood up and hurried for the door, ignoring him calling me back. I had enough of this! I told myself. The streets looked dark and scary. I'd never been out at night, it was too dangerous for girls like me to be out alone defenseless. Yes, I was defenseless against anything. That frightened me a lot.

I stopped, for I had heard something behind me moving around and a couple of whispers. I was not alone. Stay calm, I told myself. You give them any reason to shut you up and they'll do it! Stay calm! But I couldn't stay calm. It sounded like whoever was out there was beginning to act restless and started making more noise, I had no choice to but to gain speed and walk faster. It didn't work, whenever I picked up speed, he or she picked up speed too. I stopped in my tracks, and my head flopped around looking at the shadows getting bigger and closer. No! I think, I'm surrounded!

"Hey, girly." I heard one of them say. "You look lost. Need any help finding where you belong?"

I stared at the faces emerging from the shadows and revealing some of the drunken men from the bar. Great, a couple of drunken men looking for some unauthorized fun. I took a deep breath, and looked brave. "No, I'm not lost." Good, my voice was firm and brave, at least I had a chance.

"Really?" he eyed me from head to toe. I shivered quickly but remained calm. "If you're not lost, then can you spare some time and tell us directions." The men laughed, like they had a little inside joke within those words. How nauseating.

"No, sorry I don't have time," I responded.

"Aw, why not?" He pretended to look disappointed. This was making my stomach twirl and nut up, I had to leave quickly.

"I'm in a hurry, so if you'll excuse me." I quickly turned to leave but stopped to see a very big man blocking my way. "...Move." I ordered.

I turned back to the laughing sounds behind me. I really didn't want to know what was so funny. The man who had spoke to me, shook his head slowly and crossed his arms, smiling suspiciously. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that." He snapped his fingers, giving them the order. You have to be kidding me, I thought to myself, on the verge of making a gagging noise. Two of them grabbed me by my arms, letting me no way to run away. My eyes shot up as he approached me, his tongue slobbering all over his lips. That was it, I made a gagging noise and looked away in disgust. They all looked at me, confused.

"Do we disgust you?" One of them squeezed my arm, making me wince.

I struggled to get away, demanding them, "Let me go!" but they only held me tighter.

The man approaching me, held my face up to look at his, with his hand and smiled satisfied. His face was an inch from mine, his beer breath smothering me in the face. I didn't think they would have liked me very much if I was vomiting all over their shoes. His breath was sickening, the least he could do is wash his mouth before approaching anyone. "So, what do you say?" He smiled, unconvincingly. "Want to stay with us, girly?" Like hell I did!

As soon as the men's arms loosened up, I made my move and ran away. They ran after me, but as I turned around the corner to a closed shop, I hid inside an alley and held my breath until they were gone. I looked around for any men left but none were there.

"I can't believe this happened..." I said to myself, staring at my hands shaking. I really couldn't. I had just went through one of the most scariest things for a woman to have to go through, and it was all for selfish benefits my mother lied about and said were all for me. I was infuriated with myself, but I was also scared. Fear ran through my veins and tears ran down my cheeks. "I can't, I can't, I can't!" I kept repeating. And with that, I hurried through the dark streets and ran away.
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I hope you like it, I worked hard...sort of...on it and again.
I'm still practicing.
Comment and tell me what you think, kay? ^^