Status: On hold.

The Vampire Mansion: Shiki and Rima

Our Mansion


As I woke up, I could hear the faint whispers of...people, probably, with the same sweet gentle tone the man that had carried me off had. I wanted to jump up and ask where I was and why I was brought there, but something was holding me down. It wasn't figuratively, no, something or someone was literally holding me down. I lifted my head up slightly and opened my eyes, feeling a slight annoyance that the sun was so bright. A sweet smell filled my nostrils and guided my head to the side of...a person laying right beside me.

"Good morning." It was his voice. There was no doubt about it. "How did you sleep?"

I could just imagine what my face looked like, as he said that, no hint of nervousness what-so-ever, just a casual greeting, normally said when you already know that person. I didn't even have any idea of who this guy was. But he was breathtaking. His beautiful blue like silver eyes were on me, and his red, almost spiky, hair was flat against the pillow. That was when I noticed it. I was on a bed, right next to a stranger, who was smiling at me, looking satisfied.

I burst into tears. "Oh, no, no, no!" I sat up quickly and covered my face with both of my hands. What did I do?! I thought to myself.

"Are you alright?" His voice sounded both concerned and confused.

"What did I do?!" I yelled, almost screaming, and removed the blanket keeping me warm. I quickly ran to the door, my first plan being to get out of there as soon as possible. My plan had failed. He was already there, his hands up as in to stop me from saying anything, and a sly smile on his face. "Please, move!" I demanded.

"I know you're confused, but trust me, nothing happened," he chuckled. What was so funny? Did he think something was funny? Because if he did, fortunately, murder wouldn't be much of a problem. "Can you please just calm down and listen to what I have to say?" His voice was careful, but sweet and mellowing. I didn't have any choice.

I sighed in defeat and took a few steps back, crossing my arms over my chest and keeping my eyes on him. He was still smiling, as if my stance was amusing. It wasn't, it was just a precaution for kidnappers.

"I'm waiting," I told him, my eyes still carefully measuring his behavior. One bad move and I could be a prisoner, in lord knows where I was.

"Yes, well, nothing really happened," he began, "and I'm not going to hurt you. I simply just found you defenseless, on the floor, you looked strangely...appetizing, so I took you in my arms and left, to here." He smiled, as if he was innocent in anything he just said. I highly doubted that.

My mouth fell open and I stared at him in disbelief. That was it. I turned around and walked away, headed to the window. I was ready to jump, and if I had to I would break a leg trying. But, once again, he was there to stop me, too quickly for my knowing. His arm stretched out to stop the window from sliding open and he leaned right next to me, still smiling. I shot him a deathly glare and turned around heading this time for the door. Yet again, he was too fast.

"Will you please let me go?" My voice was icy and precise. Exactly how I wanted it to sound like.

"Ah, I apologize, but that can't happen," he said, staring, almost too careful, into my eyes. "I chose you."

I was lost, in so many ways that I could swear that my face could have been that of a child. "You what?" was all I could say.

"I chose you, Rima." His facial expression was serious, his eyes were searching for something in my eyes, most likely fear or confusion, and his voice was firm but gentle. Again, I stared at him in disbelief. Why was it, that I was getting a feeling that each time he would talk, I wouldn't have any idea of what he's saying? He noticed, the almost too great, doubts on my face. "Sorry, you sleep talk."

My mouth fell open, only half this time. The more he talked, the more his position was that of a kidnapper. But I didn't say anything. I just wanted to ask him what in the world he was talking about, and so I did. "What do you mean, 'you chose me'?"

"You see," he explained, "I am the leader of our family, and the owner to this mansion. This mansion was left behind by our father, who died several years ago, and we are to stay hidden here for as long as we live. But you can change that."

"How can I do anything? And what do you mean 'stay hidden'? Who are you hiding from?" My voice was breaking, not good.


My voice was caught on the so may questions I had. What did he mean humans? Wasn't he human as well? Wasn't he? One thing also caught me off guard...what he just said, it could have been possible that I was hearing things wrong...but...I was certain... "What do you mean by 'we'?"
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I hope you like it,
My type board was acting crappy today..
So I apologize if I made any errors.