I Never Loved You

The Girl

Her name was Isabella Marie Sanders.

She hated being called Bella or Belle. It was always Isabelle or Izy or Isabella.

But no matter what her name was, she was beautiful. She was a first class example of perfection. He didn’t care that she had used her body as a canvas and had gotten a few tattoos. Honestly, he thought they were fucking sexy.

She had dark brown hair that fell in huge curls just over her shoulders that flowed when the wind blew through it. Her eyes were a warm shade of brown, just like her brother’s.

She also had the stubbornness and the cockiness of her brother too.

But among the other traits she shared with him, she shared her love of music with him. Something that Isabella and Alex had bonded over.

They were best friends and so much more.
He wanted more from her.

But she was always occupying herself with someone new. He never even had the chance.

She got into her first serious relationship with a guy named Chad. He was an alright dude, but Alex knew he didn’t make her happy.

The night he was called over to her house, he knew he needed to be armed with a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream and be ready for her to collapse in his arms.

And that’s just what she did.

She told him all about how Chad had cheated on her with four other girls and how she had forgiven him each time, except for the last time, which was the end of their relationship.

He comforted her in the best way he knew how, trying to make her feel better.

He wanted to hold her tightly and say that Chad isn’t worth any of her time and that she should stop looking in all the wrong places when love was sitting right in front of her, but he kept his lips shut.

A few short weeks later, he had asked Lisa to be his. He could tell that Isabella was a little jealous and didn’t like the fact that Alex was spending more time with his new girlfriend than her, but she soon got over that and told him that if he was ever going to marry a girl, that he should marry Lisa.

Isabella came with him when he went to go pick out an engagement ring for her so when Lisa would fly out to Paris while they were on their European tour, he could propose to her at the Eiffel Tower.

Unfortunately, things didn’t go exactly according to plan.

He had had a drunken one night stand with Andrea and after that the two of them were inseparable. He broke up with Lisa over the phone the next morning and forgot all about the ring he had in his bag on his bunk.

Isabella called him thirteen times, bitching him out and cursing him to the high heavens each time. He felt guilty about what he had done, but somewhere down deep inside, he felt okay with it.

That’s when he got the call.

She called him later on that same night saying that she was going to California to stay with her brother. That she couldn’t even look him in the eye anymore and call him her best friend.

He had betrayed her.
He had lied to her.

She left him cold and alone.
With the new love of his life, Andrea, by his side.

Or at least he thought she was going to be by his side……

“Go!” She screamed, “Go to your fucking best friend back in the U.S.!”

He dodged another shoe she chucked at his head.

“I know you love her more than you love me. I was only sex to you!” She shouted, tossing another shoe, but missing and hitting the wall of their hotel room instead.

She swiped her palm across her eyes, removing the tears. She spund around and stopped at the bathroom door, “I know about the ring. I saw it in your bag,” She muttered, slamming the door behind her and locking herself inside.

He let out a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair.

He just lost his best friend.
The love of his life.
And Andrea.