I Never Loved You

The Problem

He was in love with her.
She was in love with him.

What could possibly be the problem?

For starters, he never knew what or how he should tell her. This isn’t just one of those things you can go up to someone and say, “Hey, I’m kinda sorta in love with you.”

But that’s the exact way she wanted it to be. She liked bluntness and honesty when it came to matters of the heart.

About a week after Andrea had screamed and locked herself in the hotel room, their European tour was over and they were flying back to Maryland.

“Dude, stop pacing,” Rian grumbled, glancing up from his iPhone, “You’re making me sick.”

Alex let out a frustrated groan and ignored his request.

He wanted his best friend back. He didn’t realize how much he had missed her until she was gone. He didn’t see the stress that Andrea was putting on all his relationships until he lost Isabella.

He should’ve listened when Isabella said that what he did was wrong, that he was a total asshole for even cheating on Lisa, and that he should just leave Andrea alone.

But did he listen?


Instead he went three weeks with Andrea, tearing her clothes off at almost every possible moment.

Those three weeks were great for him, but a living hell for the others.

His band mates saw what a whore Andrea was and how she walked around half naked all the time. They didn’t like they way she clung to Alex when fans were asking him to sign things or take pictures, and they sure as hell didn’t like the way her voice sounded when she talked.

It was whiny, it was childish, and it was just plain annoying.

When they finally broke up in that hotel room, Alex vowed to his band mates never to bring another girl back home from Europe or anywhere for that matter, until Isabella had approved of them.

“Just chill,” Flyzik said, standing in front of Alex, handing him a bottle of water.

He hung his head low and took the bottle from him, slumping down into one of the airport chairs.

His life was a mess.
He wanted to clean it up again.

She closed her eyes and sat up straighter on top of her surf board, floating and gliding on top of the waves.

Lately her mind had been clouded with thoughts, most of which were about Alex.

She loved Lisa and she was a great help to her, but no one could understand Isabella better than Alex could.

He knew every flaw about her and didn’t care whether they were unattractive or not. He was the one guy that she could trust with just about anything.

“Are you gonna surf, or just sit there?” Her brother’s friend and band mate, Brian, asked paddling up to her on his board.

She stared out towards the horizon, not really paying attention to what he had said.

He pulled himself up on his board and sat next to her, “Iz?”

“Have you ever been in love Bri?” She asked, still looking off at the spot where the water met the sky.

“I love Michelle,” He simply answered.

“Have you ever been in love with anyone else?”

“No?” He said as more of a question than a statement.

“Don’t. Your life gets all fucked up if you do.”

His eyebrows scrunched together and his head tilted to the side, “What do you mean?”

She turned her head and looked at him with sadness in her eyes, “He loves a girl who’s perfect for him and he loves a trashy hoe,” She hesitated to finish her thought, “But he doesn’t love me.”

“Izy,” Brian began, but he was cut off by her looking at the next wave and getting ready for it.

“It’s like surfing,” She said as the wave rolled in, “It has its ups and its downs and usually knocks you off your feet a couple times too.”