Status: Complete.


Something Was Missing

I sat beside Allister and Resa at lunch. When I took a seat at their table none of them seemed to be surprised. Actually, all they did was give me a friendly nod before going back to their rather loud conversation about how Garrett’s father stutters whenever he tries to give him “the talk.”

Why a 17 or 18 year old boy needs a sex talk I’ll never know. Aren’t parents supposed to give their kids that earlier on in life?

It wasn’t really any of my business though so I didn’t question them. I took a bite from my chicken patty and listened to them. It was rather funny the way Garrett over exaggerated and through his arms wildly in the air like a mad man.

April, Resa, and Ryan all laughed and teased him about it. Allister giggled from beside me and when I looked at him he gave me a soft smilethat made my stomach flip flop.

“You like that stuff h-huh?” He gestured towards my sandwich.

I gave it a glance and shrugged my shoulders. “It’s better than nothing.”

“I guess…”

Silenced followed afterwards and I had to say it was unsettling. I kind of…liked hearing his voice…ah, shit. No I don’t! I don’t like hearing his voice. It’s squeaky and annoying, like a child who hasn’t hit puberty. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.Not really.

Fuck you conscience. Stop making me think crazy shit.

After practically yelling at myself mentally Ryan caught my attention by asking, “We’re all going to my house after school to play some video games and shit. You want to come?”

My first instinct was to say no. No. No. No. But my mouth has been working without my permission for the entire day and instead of saying no like I should have, something else slipped out. “Sure.”

It wasn’t any of their reactions that caught my eye, but Allister’s. From the corner of my eye I saw him straighten in his seat. Hisbeautiful blue eyes looked at me in slight shock, but the excitement swimming in his irises was plain to see and he grinned rather largely.

“Cool!” Garrett exclaimed. “Meet up with us in the parking lot right after school, k?”

I should say no, really I should. I should make up a random excuse as to why I cannot go, but that grin. That look of excitement on Allister’s face was too much to resist and I just…couldn’t.

I nodded my head just as the bell rang. Everyone stood and headed off in their own direction except for Allister and I. It was true, we did have every class together and it was slightly odd to be walking beside him to art.

Since I had all my credits to graduate I had a lot of easy classes this year that weren’t entirely necessary. I was guessing that the same went for Allister.

I entered the art room and coughed at the strong scent of paint. Maybe it was just me, but to me paint smelled like feet, very sweaty feet. My nose wrinkled in distaste, which Allister noticed.

“What’s wrong?”

“It smells like feet.”

He snorted with laughter and I looked at him as he clasped a hand over his mouth to keep the noise from coming out again. With wide eyes he speed walks away from me, probably because he was embarrassed that I learned he snorted when he laugh.

It’s not that I minded.He made snorting cute. I mean…it suited him.

I glanced at my seat, far in the back, where no one was. Then I looked at Allister seated next to the window. The sun shined in through the glass, making his hair shine even brighter, made his eyes morebreathtaking blue.

With a growl, I throw my head back and storm over to him. Not because I was mad at him, but myself for being such a damn softie.

When I took a seat next to him he seemed shocked. I was probably just as shocked as he was or maybe I was more? Who knows, I couldn’t actually see my face, but that is besides the point.

Allister flushed, but neither of us spoke. Our art teacher walked in, instructed us on what to do, and than left us to do exactly that. A piece of paper lay on a board in front of me along with brushes, cups of water, and paint.

“W-What are you g-going to paint?” Allister asked curiously from my side. “I’m t-thinking about a sun set…”

“I was just going to finger paint,” I answered honestly after I stuck my pointer finger into a cup of blue. The teacher said not to but I wanted to so she can suck it, little bitch.

Allister giggled and watched as I ran random lines, all of which were different colors. When I finished my paper was pretty much a rainbow and Allister’s was exactly what he said his was going to be, a sun set. A very beautiful one I might add.

I wanted to say that I liked his drawing, but I’ve already done too much shit today that I normally wouldn’t. Like, for example, agreeing to go over someone’s house to ‘hang out.’ So I resisted the urge and said nothing as the two of us put our things away and waited for the bell to ring.

When it did we went separate ways, him to his locker and I to mine. As I walked towards class I looked at my side and felt like…something was missing.Allister, I wanted him right beside me.
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I'm working on Ch. 15 now =D
If I say 10 comments, will you give me them?
