Status: Complete.


No! They Look Great

I now regret deciding to head to the mall with these two. Honestly, I should have saw it coming. Life has been unusually twisted and strange lately that I should have known something would go wrong. But instead of thinking like I should have, I went along with it and now here I am…watching Resa spin Allister around in a pair of jeans that made my throat run dry.

I mean, damn, how did he fit in those? Not that I mind that he can because fuckhis ass looks amazing, not that it doesn’t normally.

Shaking my head, I disperse those thoughts and take in a breath. There’s one problem though, I can’t. A lump has formed in my throat after he looked at me and asked, “What d-do you think?”

I had no idea what to say, how to respond, or even if I should. I was slightly scared that if I did try to speak that only sputtering or something stupid like ‘they make me want to fuck you’ would come out. Now wouldn’t that just be weird? Especially since I’m not gay.Denial.

Resa must have noticed something because she giggled and “excused” herself to another part of Hot Topic. Allister frowned and played with the belt loops of the jeans and mumbled, “A-Are they t-that bad?”

And this is where my mouth fucked up.

“No! They look great, amazing actually I mean…damn they look really good.”

Now, I don’t know who was blushing more, me or him. I didn’t even know I was capable of blushing, but Allister makes me do a lot of strange things…like question my sexuality.

After I realized my mess up I turned without warning and stomped off to the opposite side of Hot Topic. There I glared at poor t-shirts who really did nothing but sit there and look cool, but I had nothing else to take my anger out on so…they were my only choice.

Ten minutes passed, or at least it felt like it until I heard Resa calling for me like I’m a damn dog. I debated on making up an excuse and saying that I had to go home and just call my mom and tell her to come get me, but when I glanced back to see Allister waiting for me with a smile any idea of leaving disappeared and I followed after him like a lost puppy.

It was kind of pathetic…actually it was really pathetic. Why am I feeling like this for some kid I’ve known for a month, a little more actually? He’s just some blonde with beautiful blue eyes, soft looking hair and skin, great body, amazing personality and a cute and innocent aura! Yeah, there is nothing to like about him…

That was by far the worst lie I ever made…

Fuck. I don’t like Allister. I don’t like Allister. I don’t-what the hell is that guy doing whistling at Allister?

What the hell, Rory? Shut the fuck up. He’s allowed to whistle. He is! Because Allister isn’t yours and he will never be because you do not like him. No, vagina’s remember vagina’s!Allister is just an exception.

I nearly screamed out loud, but resisted by tugging furiously at my hair. Sadly, my moment of insanity was witnessed by the one person who was causing it. I don’t know if I felt worse or better when he came to my side and asked sweetly, “Rory, a-are you ok? You seem…o-out of it.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” I lied, but Allister must have saw through it because the look he gave me clearly stated so. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I can’t exactly tell him that he’s driving me completely insane, if I did that he’d take it the wrong way, I just knew he would.

I’ve learned that Allister is very touchy and sweet, far too sweet. Sometimes I find him being walked all over by other people and it infuriates me. How dare they take advantage of such a beautiful being!

Did I honestly just say that?

I whined aloud, which had Allister questioning me again. “Are you f-feeling sick? D-Do you want u-us to stop and g-get you some water or something?”

Damn, why is he so nice to me?

“No,” I answered, but just as I said that my stomach growled. “Uh…actually, lets get some food.”

This made Allister giggle and man was it cute. I think I’m going to give up on correcting myself, because honestly I’ve said so much strange shit in a matter of a hour that correcting myself is just pointless. So let my conscience make me think I’m insane. I’m sure I’ll get used to it.

The three of us visited the food court where Allister and I got ourselves Chinese while Resa fussed about how it’s completely disgusting and went to get pizza. That left us alone at a table and I began to wish that Resa hadn’t left because being alone with Allister makes my mouth slip up.

“I h-heard that Battle of the B-Bands is being held in our school gym…and well I’m g-going but dad says s-some has to come with me…s-so…if you want I mean, w-will you…c-come along?” Allister whispered, his head bowing shyly, but his eyes looking up at me curiously.

“Sure,” I answered. “When is it?”

Now, let me make this clear. I am not going just to hang out with Allister. I am going because I’m actually interested. I enjoy Battle of the Bands even if it’s never as crazy as actual concerts, but it’s still nice to see bands from around here to play.

“Next Saturday.”



“I’ll pick you up at two thirty then.”

Allister flushed and once again I smirked at the cute shade that colored his cheeks. Pink does suit him. I think I’m going to have to try to put it there more often.

“O-ok,” he smiled and that was when Resa returned with her pizza and a long story about how the boy behind the counter was a creeper who was out to stalk and rape her. You bet your sweet ass that was an interesting conversation.

And no, that wasn’t sarcasm.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am now on Ch. 20!
You all will love me in one chapter that I will not name =D

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