Status: Complete.


Touchy Moment?

So Resa was thoroughly pleased the next day when Allister came to school smiling, I, of course, was happy too. I didn’t like it when he was sad.

“H-Hi,” Allister squeaked, standing shyly in front of me. He nibbled on his bottom lip and I smirked before throwing my arm around his waist and pulling him in for a kiss.


Oh my god! You two are too cute!” April screamed, hands placed on her cheeks and eyes staring at us. Resa stood beside her with a gigantic grin that clearly stated how thrilled she was to know that we were “an item.”

I don’t know why people call it “an item,” but whatever. As long as they get the idea that Allister is mine and no one can touch him than I’m ok with that.

Allister flushed and buried his face in my chest. I raised an eyebrow at the two girls who were practically a drooling mess in front of us. I shook my head and grumbled, “Women.”

“Excuse me?” Resa punched my arm lightly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Yeah, we can help it that we find two guys making out hot. You like it when girls make out!” April exclaimed with both hands placed on her hip.

I rolled my eyes and waved the girls off. Allister and I walked to first period hand in hand and it…felt different. I never actually been in a relationship before. I’ve never tried it, because of obvious reasons. So it did feel different, good different though.

When we entered the music room all eyes were on us. A few of those jerks who teased Allister before glared daggers at us, but when I caught their gaze they turned away fast and ignored me. Allister tugged at my hand, getting me to finally stop glaring at those ass wipes and follow him to our seats.

As we sat down I couldn’t help but catch eye contact with Mr. Carton. He was smiling widely, like he saw this coming and was pleased that it finally happened. I shook that off though and ignored him so I could focus on Allister who was currently talking about how his dog was trying to chew off his toes this morning.

I laughed and he whined, “It isn’t f-funny…he could have chewed them off!”

“Sure, I bet he would have.” I smirked at the pout he gave me. “I didn’t know you had a dog.”

“Y-Yeah, it’s a Pomeranian. His n-name is Scrappy.”

“You’re scared that a Pomeranian was going to chew your toes off?” I cracked up.

“He’s evil! He always steals my clothes a-and chews up my socks!” Allister shrieked, giving me one of those ’this is a serious matter’ looks that only made me laugh harder.

“Yeah, he’s demonic.”

Allister elbowed me and smiled. Class went on and the bell rang for second period. I wrapped my arm around Allister’s waist and pulled him into my side as we walked down the hall. It felt amazing to have him right next to me.

“Do you have work tonight?”

“No,” Allister answered, shoving his things into his lockers. I laughed when a few things began to fall out and he turned and used his back to pack it all in there. He’s too adorable. “I d-don’t work, I just help my parents o-out when someone c-calls in sick. Why?”

“I was thinking we should…” Damn, how can I not ask my own boyfriend out on a date? I’m more of a pussy than I thought. “Go out to eat or something tonight…if you want that is.”

Allister’s eyes lit up with excitement. He slipped from his position against his lock and fell to his butt. I smiled as his cheeks stained red and he whispered, “I uh…w-well…sure that’d be c-cool.”

I leaned down to grab his hand and helped him back onto his feet. Placing a chaste kiss to his lips I grin and say, “Good, because we were going even if you didn’t want to.”


“Oh my god, are you really?” Mom screamed, watching me try to adjust my hair in the mirror. I glared at her through the mirror.

“Yes mother, really. How many times do I have to tell you?”

“That cute little blonde that came over? Allister? You two are…together!?”

I slapped my forehead and groaned, “Yes, we are.”

“You got a boyfriend?”


My mother attacked me and squeezed me to death. I sighed and hugged her back. She was grinning like mad and when she sighed and said, “I’m so proud of you Rory.” I didn’t really understand what she meant.

“What do you mean?” I asked, pushing her away so I could look down at her.

“You’ve always focused on taking care of me and acting like the man of the family. You never trusted anyone because of your father and you never even tried, but now…you’re just doing so well. You’re getting friends and taking care of yourself. I’m just so proud of you,” she cried, wiping at her cheeks with her sleeves. “You’re finally acting like a teenager. You’re finally having fun like you should.”

I never really thought of it like that before. Just because I’m a teenager doesn’t mean I have to have fun, but I guess…for mom that’s what she thought should happen. I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Mom, I’ll always take care of you it’s my job.”

“But you need to take care of yourself, Rory. I have Robert who is more than willing to help me so you need to focus on yourself and finally enjoy your life like you should.”

“Ok…can we stop having this touchy moment? It’s weird.”

My mother laughed and flicked my nose. “Sorry sweetie, I’m your mom I have to have touchy moments with you.”

I groaned and pushed her out of the bathroom. Once she was gone I finished getting ready for dinner with Allister and grabbed my keys to go pick him up. We agreed on going to Texas Road House because a.) it’s good and b.) it’s not one of those fast food places, but it isn’t fancy either so it’s perfect.

“I’ll be back later.”

“Ok, have fun!” Mom shouts, winking at me. I rolled my eyes at her and exited the house ready to go see Allister.
♠ ♠ ♠
My birthday is tomorrow!
16 baby ;D
