Status: Complete.


Rainbows and Unicorns

When I reached Allister’s I double-checked myself in the rear-view mirror. When I noticed everything was in place and I didn’t somehow magically look like shit I got out of the car and walked up to his door. I knocked a few times until I heard Allister’s dog for the first time. What’s his name? Scrappy…?

I chuckled when I heard Allister, “Scrappy, be quit. Ow! S-Stop it! That’s my ankle.”

The door opened to reveal Allister and the “demonic dog” nibbling at his jeans. I raised an eyebrow at it and when the thing noticed me it started jumping up and down, barking like a mad animal until I hit its nose. Then it whimpered and ran away.

“I told you it’s d-demonic,” Allister mumbled, sending it a glare as the pup ran off.

“I think it’s kind of cute…and speaking of cute, you’re looking mighty fine. What’s the occasion?”

Allister flushed long and hard. I grinned and ran my fingers across his cheeks, feeling the warmth against my fingers.

“T-Thank y-you,” Allister whispered. “You look g-g-good too.”

“Allister, who’s at the door?” A female voice shouts, catching both our attention. The two of us looked back to see a small woman, a little shorter than Allister with long nearly platinum blonde hair and brown eyes. When the woman saw me she smiled. “Ah, is this Rory?”

I gave Allister a questioning glance as he sputtered, “Y-Y-Yes.”

The petite woman ran up to us and smiled sweetly. “I’m Chrissy, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Allister talks about you all the time.”

That made Allister’s cheeks light up and I smiled as I eyed him suspiciously. “Does he now? What does he say?”

“Lots of things! That you’re hot, funny, and that you beat up those assholes that kept bothering him and-”

“Mom…um I think h-he g-gets it,” Allister interrupted, giving her an almost pleading smile. I was grinning because well…why wouldn’t I be? Allister talks about me all the time? Yeah, that would make anyone feel good.

“Right, right sorry,” Chrissy giggled, hugging Allister tightly and placing a motherly kiss on his cheek, which had him wrinkling his nose. “You two have fun then. Bring him home before midnight ok?”

“Will do.” I grab Allister’s hand than and pull him towards me to give him a kiss. Chrissy squealed and I chuckled as I dragged the blushing Allister to my car where he and I took a seat and drove off to Texas Road House.

“I like your mom.”

“Of course you d-do,” Allister mumbled and squirmed in his seat beside me. “She won't shut up.”

“I’m ok with that,” I laughed getting myself a glare from Allister.

“You a-are, but I’m not!” Allister whined, crossing his arms, and leaning down in his seat. “S-She’s embarrassing.”

“But I like knowing that you talk about me.” My hand goes over to run my fingers through his silky hair. “Makes me feel good.”

I could feel Allister’s eyes on me as I said, “You s-should know t-that I talk about you…w-why wouldn’t I talk about you?”

I shrugged. “I suppose it’s expected since I’m such a stud.”

Allister giggled. “You said stud.”

“What? You don’t think I’m a stud?” I asked, pulling into the parking lot of Texas Road House. I found a parking place and parked us there before looking to my side at Allister.

“I think you’re a stud muffin.”

“Why a muffin?”

“Cuz o-on the inside you’re a softie,” Allister answered, leaning in and pressing his lips against mine. Did I mention how much I loved it when he kissed me? No, I didn’t? Well I’m going to now, I love it. Every feeling I felt coursing through my being was indescribable and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.

We walked inside together hand in hand. The waitress smiled at us and giggled as she took us back to our booth. There she asked us the normal before leaving us alone.

“What do you think you want?”

“I d-don’t know,” Allister answered, chewing on his finger nail as he eyed the menu like a five year old who just saw a five pound piece of chocolate. “E-Everything s-sounds so good.”

I laughed and grabbed his wrist to pull his poor finger away from his teeth. With a grin I intertwine our finger and say, “That’s a bad habit.”

“I know, but I’m h-hungry.”

“So you’re going to eat your finger nails?”

“No! You w-weirdo!”

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my coke. After helping Allister decide what he wanted to eat we ordered our food and waited for it. It took about twenty minutes and during those twenty minutes I made Allister blush, laugh, and snort. Really, he doesn’t seem like the type to snort, but it’s pretty damn cute when he does.

I didn’t even know I liked snorting. I mean, pigs snort…so why would I like it? But I’ve been saying this for such a long time. Allister does strange things to me so I guess it’s to be expected.

After our date and I got Allister home it was about 11. We had spent a long time talking, just talking at the restaurant and when we finally got to his house I didn’t really want him to leave. I debated on just sneaking inside and staying the night but I’m sure neither of our parents would appreciate that.

“I-I’ll see you t-tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” I sighed, squeezing his hand and leaning down to brush my lips against his…ok so maybe I applied a little more pressure than necessary, but he didn’t seem to mind. Actually, he was applying just as much back.

I felt his thin arms wrap around my neck as my arms went around his waist to pull him flush against me. Our lips fit together perfectly, moving in sync. I wasn’t sure if I should or not, because Allister seemed so fragile, but after I felt his lips against my own all logical thinking stopped.

I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, praying that he would be ok with it. When I felt his lips move, allowing me access I relaxed. Our tongues battled for a moment, twisting and running across the other until I won and I managed to roam every crevice of his mouth, from the pocket of his cheeks, to the roof of his mouth, over his teeth and around his tongue.

But my chest was beginning to hurt. I needed air, but Allister was so much better than air. I didn’t want to pull away, but I did. The two of us were panting like we’d just ran a marathon. We were breathing in the others exhales because of the close proximity, but I was ok with that.

“T-That was…”

“Amazing,” I finished for him, placing a chaste kiss on his bruising lips. I didn’t realize how much force we were using until now. “See you tomorrow.”

Allister nodded and pulled away, quietly making his way into his house while waving good-bye to me before shutting the door. Once he did and I knew no one was around to watch my moment of insanity, I danced all the way back to my car because I was that happy.

Wow, Allister really does do strange things to me…next I’ll probably be shitting out rainbows and unicorns…
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter something will happen that you may not expect ;D
