Status: Complete.



“Sweetie, Robert and I are planning to go out to eat tonight, we want you to go with us.”

I spat orange juice all across the table. Choking on my own saliva I eventually regain my normal heart rate and choke out, “Say what? You want me to go on a date with you two?”

My mother laughed at the disgust showing on my face. I do not want to go watch them make out. That’s fucking disgusting! I shook my head and growled, “No way! I am not watching you two suck face.”

“We aren’t going to ‘suck face’, Rory. We’re just going out to eat.”

“Yeah, you’ll probably eat each other out.”

My mom sighed and placed a hand on her hip. I smirked at the glare she was giving me. She knew I didn’t mean it. I just liked messing with people. Eventually she gave up and said that next time I’m going no matter what. But she’ll forget what she said and next time I’ll stay home again.

I just don’t want to eat dinner with Mr. Carton. It’s fucking weird ok! He’s my teacher and he’s dating my mom. Of course it’s awkward and just plain out weird for me. I need time to get used to this…

I waved good-bye to my mom after she left. Mr. Carton had came to pick her up and once the two were gone I grabbed the phone and dialed Allister’s memorized number. If I were to talk to him while mom was here she’d go nuts and probably start squealing.

After two rings Allister answered, “Hello?”

“I’m coming to get you in ten minutes.”

“W-What?” Allister squeaked.

“Make sure you’re ready,” I said, hanging up the phone before he had time to object. Just like I said I arrived at his house ten minutes later and found myself kicking Scrappy a few times because the ass wouldn’t stop attacking my ankle.

I agree with Allister now. This dog is Satan.

Chrissy opened the door and smiled kindly at me. “Hello Rory, Allister is upstairs getting ready. You can go drag him out of his room.”

I grinned. “Thanks.”

“Allister, Rory is coming up!”

“W-What?” Allister hollered. “Don’t let him come up! I’m not c-cute yet!”

I laughed and pushed open his door to see him struggling to pull up his skinny jeans. His face lit up and eyes widened at the sight of me. I don’t blame him though, he was just in boxers but hey, I’m ok with that.

“I wouldn’t mind if you just wore that,” I teased, walking over to him and helping him to his feet.

“S-Shut up,” he mumbled, finally managing to put his jeans on. I pouted when he pulled a shirt over his head. There went the good view…“You s-should have gave m-me more time. I’m n-not cute yet.”

I ran my hands through his hair, which was not straightened but actually kind of curly. “I think you’re always beautiful.”

Ah yes, I am a professional at making Allister blush. Now, if I only got paid for it. I’d be filthy rich.


Allister sat on the couch while I was on the floor. I sat between his legs while I played video games and he played with my hair. I liked it, it felt really soothing and I made a mental note to have him finger comb my hair more often.

Sadly, my moment of relaxation was interrupted by the sound of the door bell. I groaned, “Hold on.”

Getting up I grumbled all the way to the door. Who the hell would be coming over? No one but Allister knows where I live unless he told someone, which I don’t think he did.

I grasped the handle of the door and got ready to bitch someone out. If it was some sales person or something I will kill them…

But it wasn’t a sales person at all.

When I opened the door I was shocked. My eyes grew wide, my chest caved in, my body shook, and my throat ran dry. I felt as if all the anger and the sadness in the world suddenly dropped itself onto my shoulders and began to crush every part of my being.

Standing right in front of me was the person who fucked up my whole life in the first place. The person standing in front of me was the one person I never thought I’d see again…

♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh! Drama!
