Status: Complete.




It was the only thing that could describe this situation.My father Frank, my mother, and I all sat around each other at a dinner table. Our food sat in front of us, steaming hot, but not being touched. The three of us were too busy staring at each other, waiting to see who got the guts to speak up first.

That happened to be me.

“What the fuck do you want?” I snarled this like a wild animal. This got me a glare from the man who eyed me angrily.

“Don’t speak like that young-”

“You can’t tell me what to do, asshole.”

“Rory, sweetie,” mom sighed and clenched my shoulder. I grumbled angrily and glared at the floor, not wanting to see that man who ruined everything. Why did he have to come back? Why is he here? What the hell does he want?

“I’m sorry Frank. He’s just…well, he isn’t taking this too well. I can’t blame him though.”

It’s nice to know that she’s on my side. Than again, that’s to be expected. That bastard hurt her too.

“So Frank, is there any reason that you stopped by?” Mom asked and I looked at her to see that she had a fake smile on her face. I smirked just imagining the inner her shredding my dad to little pieces.

“Yes,” Frank answered with a grin that made my blood boil. “I want shared custody of Rory.”

Before mother could say anything I stood to my feet and screamed, “Fuck you old man, never will you ever have any type of custody of me. You’re the one who left us! I’m not giving you another chance.”

“Rory,” my mom sighed. “Hear him out first.”

For once, I didn’t listen to her. Instead I shot her a look, a pathetic look, like I had been betrayed, which I was. How could she take his side? She wants to share custody of me? No, I’m old enough to decide for myself. Fuck no.

“What? You want me to listen to this ass?” I screeched. People were staring now and Frank noticed this. He hissed at me, telling me to calm down, but I reminded him that he wasn’t my father anymore before continuing what I had to say. “I’ll never listen to you. You betrayed us and I don’t give a damn what you want. Fuck you and fuck your little slut too.”

I didn’t care what either of them had to say as I bolted from the restaurant. I don’t know if either of them followed because I just stared at the cement in front of me as I ran. My lungs burned and legs stung, but I didn’t stop.

I didn’t stop until my legs finally began to wobble and I tripped, sliding across the cement, ripping open my cheek and hands. I hissed in pain as dirt and grime got into the fresh cuts, but this pain didn’t compare to the one ripping away at my heart.

I loved my dad. He…he took care of me. He held me. He told me things would be all right whenever I thought they wouldn’t. He took me to my basketball and baseball games. He played with me outside and wrestled with me in the mud.

He came into my room and tucked me in. He’d kiss me goodnight before I went to sleep. He’d check my closet for the boogey man every night…until he left with that slut.

Now he was back. What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to say? Should I forgive him, because he is my father? But he obviously doesn’t count me as a son because he gave me up. I’m obviously not good enough for him so why in the hell should I listen to him?

Why should I let my ears take in his lies?

I didn’t know the answers for once. I didn’t know what to do or how to act in this situation and…for once, I felt the tears building up within my eyes. Warm and salty, they stung my eyes but I didn’t dare let them fall, not here where people could see me.

I pulled out my cell phone, seeing that I had missed calls from mom. I deleted her messages and called the one boy I knew I could trust and knew would listen.

“Rory, how was the-”

“Allister…c-can you come g-get me?” Damn it. I was stuttering. I sounded so weak, so broken, it makes me sick.

“Yeah, where are you?” He sounded concerned.

I looked around me, trying to find something that might tell me where I was. I saw a gas station across the street and knew where I was and informed Allister who hung up afterwards. I sat on the curb, staring at my beat up, old converses.

I can’t believe this. He’s ruining everything, again. And mom…mom wants me to hear him out. Why? Does she want to get rid of me too? I…I thought I’ve always treated her good, but I guess…I’m not worth it.


I looked up, shocked, to see Allister right in front of me. When or how he got here I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t care. I reached out fast and pulled him into me, burying my face in his chest and begging him, “Can we…go to your house?”

“Of course, come on lets get you off the road.”

Allister helped me into the car where I sat in the passenger seat and rested my head on the window. Allister and I were both silent the entire ride, but I could feel his eyes on me. I could feel them running over my scrapes and the way my eyes were glistened over with unshed tears.

I knew he was curious, but he didn’t have to worry. I was going to tell him everything as soon as we got to his house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please read my new story; I'm Waiting
P.S. I want to thank psychotic.rainbow for being awesome and always helping me ;D I love her ^.^

I'm really excited for it and want as many opinions on it as I can get
Also, what happened to all the love?
I guess I'm gonna have to stall on you guys ^.~
