Status: Complete.


I'm New

School came far too quickly. Waking up early in the morning before the sun had even risen is not exactly something I appreciate doing, but it must be done.

A frown made its way onto my face as I pushed myself into a sitting position. I was far too lazy to actually try and find something to wear so I grabbed whatever I saw first. It ended up being a pair of my favorite jeans that weren’t too baggy but weren’t too lose along with a BOTDF shirt.

I couldn’t hear mother down stairs. That meant she was either still asleep or had already left. I tip toed to her room and peaked in to see her small figure wrapped under piles of blankets.

Quietly, I went downstairs to get myself some cereal. It didn’t take me long to eat and when I finished I grabbed my keys along with a set of directions and stepped outside into the slightly chilly fall air. Goose bumps made their way onto my arms and I cursed them.

I hate goose bumps.

The directions I had grabbed a moment before were for school. I glanced at the small paper occasionally on my drive there and when I finally reached the school I double checked the message because what sat before me did not look like a school…at least I didn’t consider it big enough to be one…

There were yellow buses in front of it though and teenagers were stepping off to enter through the doors below. I raised an eyebrow and pulled into the back where I assumed the students parked. My assumption was proven right when I saw students getting out of their vehicles and heading up to the doors.

I stepped out, grabbed my messenger bag, and followed after them. I could feel eyes on me as I entered the building, which was bigger on the inside. It was still a pretty small place though. I’m guessing the school population is 300 at the most and I learned from mom that this school was grades 7 through 12, which was odd to me, but whatever…

“Here’s your schedule and locker number,” the secretary says, handing a sheet of paper to me. “And a lock for your locker. We require all lockers to be locked and if you need any help don’t be scared to come ask.”

I didn’t answer the woman and stepped out of the office to stare down at my schedule. First period, music. At least my first period was a period I’d enjoy instead of something stupid like…math.

I grimaced just thinking about that awful subject. It should be banned.

After a few minutes roaming the halls I found the music room. It was practically hidden, actually it is hidden. There’s a specific hallway that leads straight to it and only it. When I finally did find it, class had already started.

Teens sat in chairs chattering away while the teacher took roll. When he saw me he smiled kindly and asked, “Hello, can I help you?”

I walked over to him and answered, “I’m new.”

“Oh, you must be…,” he scrolled down his line of names until he got to mine. “Rory?”

I nodded.

“I’m Mr. Carton. You may sit where ever you like,” Mr. Carton said before gesturing towards the rows of seats filled with students in front of us.

Once more, all eyes were on me. People stared, pointed, and mumbled to one another about the new kid. It was the typical thing that happened when someone new showed up and by now I was used to it.

I took a seat in one of the thirty chairs. I began praying for no one to speak to me, but those prayers must have been thrown in the ‘I don’t care’ box because seconds later a female with boobs the size of my head appeared at my side.

Just my luck, the slut talks to me.

“Hi, I’m Kathy,” she introduced herself in a way that made me want to beat kittens. She had an extremely squeaky voice and she puckered her lips, making her look severely constipated. “What’s your name?”

I didn’t bother answering. I hoped that she’d get the hint, but the bitch was pretty persistent and started talking randomly about something that I obviously wasn’t paying attention to. From the corner of my eye I could see her fingers twisting flirtatiously in her strawberry blonde locks while her lust filled eyes were set on me…

Or should I say a certain part of me…

Mr. Carton stood and passed out some worksheets. They were a few basic things about the history of music. Most kids weren’t paying attention and some even slept, but Mr. Carton didn’t wake them up and taught as if everyone was awake.

I kind of liked it. It showed that he knew that no matter what it was the students choice to learn or not.

Back to the problem at hand though…

Katie, or whatever the fuck this girl’s name was, is now placing her hand on my thigh, which in my mind is a purely sexually place.

The only time anyone touches your thigh is when they are implying something like sex. Right? Right.

“Sweetie, are you paying attention at all?” She giggles annoyingly making my eyebrow twitch.

I huffed and calmly looked at her. She smiled at me but that smile disappeared after I said as coldly as possible, “Fuck off. You’re a skank and I’m clearly not interested.”

She gasped as if no one has ever said that to before. I’d be surprised if no one did. Finally the girl stood to her feet and stomped off to her group of friends where she over exaggerated what I said and got all her little Barbie girls on her side.

Not that I cared. They were all probably beat anyways. It’d probably be like throwing a hot dog down a hall way.
♠ ♠ ♠
I still feel like this is slow, but I really like it
I don't know why but I do =D
