Status: Complete.


I Think I...

Monday morning rolled around and I scowled. Fuck school. I hate it, but I got to spend almost 8 hours with Allister so that makes up for it. I groaned and got up from bed, quickly throwing on some tripp pants along with a shirt and a few accessories that my mother calls ‘daddy hates me jewelry’. I chuckled at the thought and slipped on a pair of my vans before heading downstairs to find my mom cooking me breakfast.

“Are you and Allister still going out tonight?” Mom asked with a sweet smile. I nodded and took a bite of my chocolate chip pancake that she had made me. “Where are you taking him?”

“Out,” I answered, not wanting her to get all giggly on me and claiming how I’ve changed so much since we came him. I knew that. I know that I’ve changed so much and it’s all because of Allister. I don’t need to admit to that though, so I’m going to try to avoid that topic.

After I finished up there I got up and left the house. I grabbed my keys and backed out of the drive way before heading to Allister’s. I honked the horn loudly until Allister came rushing out and hopped into the passenger seat.

“Hi,” he panted, obviously he wasn’t finished when I got here. I chuckled and leaned in to press my lips against his. So maybe we kissed longer and more passionately than needed, but I’m not complaining.

We pulled apart and I took in his appearance. Today he was wearing some tight red skinny’s with a white studded belt, checkered vans, and a black v-cut shirt. Small bracelets adorned his wrists and he had on a layer of thin eyeliner and red eye shadow surrounded his eyes, which only helped the blue color pop out more.

I grinned and asked, “You’re looking hotter than normal. What’s the occasion?”

“N-Nothing…I just wanted to dress u-up for you today,” Allister whispered more to himself than me.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye and reached out for his hand. I intertwined our fingers and sighed, “You don’t need to dress up, Allister. I think you always look beautiful.”

His face caught fire and he sputtered, but nothing really came out right. I smiled and laughed lightly, he’s too cute.

We reached school and went to his locker. I leaned against the one next to his and waited patiently for him to get his things. I grinned and watched as he bent over to get a few things from the bottom of his locker.

“Allister, Rory is staring at your ass like a horn dog again!” Ryan exclaimed, which had Allister shooting up straight and looking at him.

Ryan laughed and I glared at him. “What’d you call me?”

“A horn dog,” Ryan whimpered out. “Because you are one.”

I punched him over the head and he cried out, “You’re a meanie!”

I rolled my eyes and Allister giggled, “Come on Rory, we’re going to be late.”

“Like Robert cares.” Allister still dragged me to first period though and we got there five minutes early, which I teased him about through out the rest of the period. I loved watching the way his nose wrinkled up when he got angry.


“Hey, I’ll be right back I have to go get something,” I said to Allister, placing a kiss on his forehead before heading back down to the music room. I forgot my hat, which I had taken off earlier and I wasn’t going to lose it.

Robert smiled when I entered and held up my hat. I tore it from his hands as he said, “You should take better care of your things.”

Being the child that I am, I stick my tongue out at him in response and headed back upstairs to find Allister. The halls were clearing and I wasn’t really paying much attention to anything but my shoes. There was a hole and you could see my toe.

I need some new vans. But I really liked these ones! I’ve had them for ages…

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard it; a soft whimpering coming from the boys’ bathroom followed by laughing. I looked up finally and didn’t see Allister waiting at his locker. Immediately, I panicked and darted towards the bathroom.

Just as I turned the corner about five guys ran out. When they saw me, their eyes widened in fear and they bolted down the hall, which only made my heart beat escalate further. They didn’t…

Quickly, I ran into the bathroom to find Allister curled up in the corner. I jumped to his side and placed both my hands on his cheeks to force him to look up at me. Puffy red eyes looked up at me while tears stained his beautiful face, which was now sporting a bruise.

His body was quivering and I looked at his neck to see bruises, along with his arms. My teeth grinded together and I snarled, “Who did it?”

He shook his head, refusing to answer. Of course he wouldn’t, he’s too sweet to tell on someone even if they did this to him, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let them get away with it. I’ll find out who did it one way or another.

“Allister,” I said his name and he looked away from me. “Who. Did. It.”

He bit his bottom lip and tried to further curl up into the wall. I ran my thumb gently over his cheek and rested my forehead against his own. His eyes were avoiding my own but finally he answered, “K-Kent and h-his friends.”

Kent. That asshole. He’s that shit head who bothered Allister all the time, before I came along. I should have known that as soon as I left Allister’s side he’d try something…

I’ll get him later. For now, Allister is top priority.

“Come on,” I whisper, placing my arms under him to carry him bridal style. He winced and I knew that there were more bruises that were hidden. I sighed as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head in the crock of my neck.

I walked down the hall as carefully as I could, not wanting to harm Allister any further. I didn’t want any harm to come to him. I didn’t want to see him hurt. I didn’t want to see him cry. I wanted to see him smile, hear his laugh. I wanted him to be happy and I wanted to be the one that made him happy…

I felt my heart hammering against my chest, all because of his simple touches. When he smiled at me I felt like I could too and when I heard his laugh, it was like sweet addiction to my ears.

I looked down at him to see his eyes closed. His chest rose and fell softly and his soft pink lips were parted slightly. His skin felt so soft against my fingers and his hair resembled silk and whatever he did I liked, even if it was something that pissed me off, I still liked it because Allister did it…

I…I think I…
♠ ♠ ♠
Four more chapters until the end!
*wink wink* Y'know what is coming up!Boy lovin'
