Status: Complete.


Why Would I Want That?

Just like every parent mom asked, “How was school?”

I gave her a look, one that clearly asked why the hell she asked that. Smiling, she shrugged her shoulders and said, “You never know…you could have had fun!”

I scoffed. Me, have fun, at school? Hell no. It’s school. That in itself ruins my day.

“Did you make any friends?”

“No,” I answered causing my mother to sigh sadly. She really didn’t like that I didn’t have any friends. She thought that friends were very important and that everyone needed them and she tries to get me to socialize with other’s but it never works.

I’m just not the “friendly” type of person. I prefer to keep to myself.I prefer to keep myself from getting hurt.

“Hun, you really need to get some friends.”

“They aren’t needed,” I argued, leaning back into my seat with a scowl on my face that clearly stated how much I disliked this topic. “They’re annoying, always wanting to talk, hang out, and hook you up with beat whores who probably have pink sock.”


“It’s true.” I shrugged my shoulders just as a newspaper made contact with my skull. This made me smirk to myself while my mother’s cheek were dusted a light pink. She was always so shy about topics like that, which is why I loved bringing them up.

It’s fun to mess with people.

My evening went by far too quickly than I had hoped. My alarm clock shrilled loudly next to my ear, driving me slightly mad. With a deep growl I punched the useless piece of machinery and chucked it across the room.

The loud crack told me that I had broken it. Great, that will be the twelfth one this year. Mom will be thrilled to go by me a new one.Sarcasm.

Like every other morning I went through my normal routine, getting changed, checking up on my personal hygienesomething some people need to learn to do, and eating a breakfast. Mom was up this time and fixed me some chocolate chip pancakes.

I thanked her, pecked her cheek, and said a good-bye before grabbing my keys and heading out the door.

The second day seemed worse than the first. Mostly because today people were actually getting the balls to come up and speak to me. In my book; that’s bad.

I scowled each time someone walked my way with a friendly smile and a hello. I glared at the girls who giggled and flirted. All I wanted was solitude, but it seemed that no one got the hint and the torment continued for the rest of the day.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair during English. I hadn’t been paying attention to anyone around me at all, all day. Even if they tapped my shoulder or whispered in my ear, I pretended that I didn’t hear them and that they weren’t even there.

It worked.

There were only a few more minutes until lunch and I was trying to wait patiently for it. But it seemed every time I looked at the clock it went back one minute. I glared at the clock hoping that it might get scared and fast forward, but I actually think it smiled teasingly at me…Why that little bitch.

“Mr. Kelly, do you know the answer?”

My head turned from the clock to the English teacher who was eyeing me angrily. I raised an eyebrow at her as if to ask ,why the hell are you asking me? When I didn’t answer she scowled, “Were you paying attention?”

“No,” I answered which obviously was not what she wanted to hear. She opened her thin lips and went to speak, but I was literally saved by the bell. The bitch went to keep me in here, but I snuck out of the class before she had the chance.

I stood in the cafeteria line waiting for my turn. My hands sat lazily in my pockets while I chewed on my lip ring. This line took forever, honestly how fucking long does it take to get a tray and walk off? Stupid people.

The line began moving forward so I turned to look ahead when I saw a familiar head of blonde. I blinked, multiple times, just to make sure that I wasn’t seeing things.

That kid from last night stood three people in front of me. I could only see the back of him since he was facing a girl standing around 5 foot with black and purple hair and green eyes. She was chatting away as she grabbed her tray along with the boy who I had saved last night.

Part of me said to go talk to him, ask his name, but another much larger part of me said no. That’d make him think that I actually wanted to know him and why would I want that?
♠ ♠ ♠
You find out "the blonde's" name next ch. and some more interaction between those two =D
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