Status: Complete.


Most People Don't

Being in a new town, new school, and a new house means that I have nothing to do on a Saturday afternoon. It’s slightly upsetting to know that I really don’t have a life, but at the same time it’s relaxing. I get to sit at home all day and rest, but after a while that rest is no longer needed.

Mother was out. She said that she had found a flower shop nearby and her green thumb was aching to check it out. Of course she wasn’t going to get anything since winter is so close, but she claimed that she would like to get some during spring.

This meant that I had to stay home alone with absolutely nothing to do.

There’s so many shitty TV shows on now days that I can never find anything interesting to watch. So of course I got bored and shut the damn thing off before deciding that I’d just go for a walk, explore a little more.

Today was warmer than most. I was able to walk outside without wearing a jacket, which is always good in my book.

Sometimes, I wondered what’s going to happen to me after high school. I don’t plan on going to college and I doubt mom will let me live with her forever. That means I’ll probably have to get a job, which made me grimace just thinking about it.

A job means responsibility…what a disgusting thought. I think all kids are afraid of responsibilities and growing old…it means you have to have taxes, which is always a bitch. Mom has made me do them before and it blew.

My stomach randomly began to growl. I took a questioning glance at it, why is it that I always seem to be hungry? It gets annoying sometimes, but food is good so how can I resist it?

I checked my wallet for some cash, which I luckily had. Since I was always out I figured that I might as well go out to eat. There was a local family owned restaurant nearby that I heard wasn’t expensive and had great food so I headed towards it.

Stepping into the restaurant the first thing I smelled was a mixture of everything. It was refreshing and made my stomach growl even louder. I mentally cussed the thing out, because I bet China could hear the loud roar it made.

The inside was just a large room with a fireplace and only about twenty tables. I moved to one closest to the fire place, which was beautiful and I began to wish that my house had one. It would save on the heating bill…

As I this pointless thought ran through my head a familiar voice asked from beside me, “What can I get for you to drink?”

I tore my eyes from the flames to see him. I know those blue eyes anywhere.

“You work here?” I asked, watching the way his eyes went from me to his shoes, nerves obviously getting the best of him.

“Y-Yeah, my parents own it,” he answered with a shaky voice that made me smirk.

“Mm, get me a coke.”

He nodded and handed me a menu and walked off. My eyes, which were once locked with his, looked away from his top half to the bottom…until I realized what I was doing.

“Shit,” I cursed, looking away fast with a scowl. I was just staring at his ass. I was staring at another guy’s ass. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I pushed away all thoughts of what happened a moment ago. I tried to erase the image of his hips swaying from my mind, because it was making me feel something that I did not approve of.

Quickly, I opened the menu to see what exactly I had to chose from. They had a variety of things and just as I found what I wanted the blonde returned with a second drink since I had already chugged my first.

I handed the kid the menu and realized that I didn’t like saying kid or the blonde every time he walked over to me. Whenever he asked what I’d like to eat I ignored him to ask my own question, “What’s your name?”

He seemed shocked. What, did he expect me to know it or something?

“U-Um…it’s Allister.”

“Allister, what kind of name is that?” It sounded foreign to me, like something you’d hear in a different country.

“What kind of name is Rory?” He countered with a slight chuckle, but I didn’t really care about that. All I cared about was how he knew my name. I had never told him.

“How’d you know my name?” I questioned, becoming suspicious that I might have a stalker. I was praying that I didn’t, because I’ve lasted this long without one I hope to last longer.

“Why wouldn’t I know it?” He asked, tilting his head to the side curiously. “W-We have every c-class together.”

Hearing that made me ask myself really? I honestly did not remember seeing him at all in class. I guess I really wasn’t paying attention or he’s just that invisible.

“Really? I didn’t notice you.”

A soft, almost embarrassed, smile etched across his face as he said, “Yeah, most people don’t.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So you learned "the blonde's" name.
Thanks to Nikki who gave me that name ages ago XD
Anyways, more interaction, hope you like it!

P.S. Untouchable is deleted. Don't ask for it back. I hated it.
