Status: Complete.


Definitely Not

The silence between could be only explained as one thing; awkward.

I kept my eyes on him, but he kept his on the floor. His soft locks covered his thin face and hid thosebeautiful blue eyes from my line of sight. Small shoulders were slumped in what looked like defeat and his clothes, which were tight, showing off every curve he had made him look like a cowering child.

After a few moments of this silence I decided that since he wasn’t going to talk I’d just leave, but as I turned to leave a hand shot out and grabbed me. This hand held me in place and I turned to see Allister looking up at me with a thankful smile and this light shining in his eyes.

There it was again, that aura around him that screamed innocence. A feeling shot through my veins, one that told me he was kind, possibly too kind.

“Thanks,” he whispered and took a step closer so our sides were nearly brushing. “Y-You…didn’t have t-to do that.”

“I didn’t do it for you.”That was half a lie. “I did it because I hate dicks who think they can do whatever the fuck they want to people.”

They reminded me of the men my mother dated. They made me think of all the times they screamed at her, making her believe that she was worthless. They are just like them, they’re just like those filthy pieces of shit.

I expected Allister’s smile to fall, but actually I think it got bigger. And with a soft chuckle that sounded angelic he said, “Thank you, for putting t-those jerks in t-their place.”

I was kind of shocked, but shrugged it off. I pulled my wrist from his grasp. It was unsettling feeling his touch and being this close. I could just feel that pure innocence radiating off him and it made me uncomfortable. Why, I’m not so sure.

“Whatever,” I huffed, shoving my hands in my pockets and glaring at nothing in particular.


I glanced back at Allister to see he was struggling to speak. His hands were fumbling with the hem of his t-shirt and his eyes darted from one object to the other as if they held the answer to all his questions. White teeth tugged at his bottom lip, biting and chewing at it in nervousness and I looked curiously at him.

“I w-was wondering if…y-you’d like to sit w-with my friends and I a-at lunch?” Allister sputtered out all in one breath.

The question startled me, because normally my immediate answer would be no, but instead of my mind screaming at me to deny his request, I found it actually thinking the question over. It was odd for me to actually think about sitting with someone because…

Wouldn’t that make them think we are friends?

I can’t say that I liked seeing alone at lunch though…it would be nice to have some people around me, even if I didn’t like them. So sighing I answered him coolly, “Sure…but this doesn’t make us friends. Go it?”

Allister nodded his head, an excited smile now drawn all across his face.

The bell rang loudly, interrupting the loud chatter of the class. People grabbed their things and scurried off to next period and as I watched Allister swim through the halls I couldn’t help but ask myself…

What the hell have I gotten myself in to?


For once, the first half of my day went by fast. Why is that? Because, like I said, the world hates me. It wants me to suffer. It wants me to feel the pain and pure awkwardness of being surrounded by unknown people who I probably will not like.

Groaning, I step into the cafeteria, tray in hand. I spotted Allister, he actually was easy to spot if you try looking for him. The petite boy sat with a group of four people. Two males and two females who I remember seeing in the halls before.

Allister waved shyly at me, as if he expected me not to remember him and just give him one of those ‘who the fuck are you’ looks and stalk off. Oh, how I wish I could do that…well I could, but something inside me didn’t want to and it began pulling me towards his table.

An empty seat was saved for me between Allister and that girl he was talking with. The one with the black and purple hair.

When I sat, each one gave me a smile, and I wondered why, but before I could ask the girl beside me answered without knowing.

“Allister told us about you helping him out, twice, and thanks for that. It’s hard to keep those jerks off his back when we aren’t around.”

I shrugged my shoulder, not actually sure what to say. I’ve never tried socializing before so this was an unknown situation.

“I’m Teresa, but you can call me Resa. This girl here is April and the two boys are Garrett and Ryan.”

All of them nodded and said their own hello. I mumbled a greeting that was directed at all of them before I fell silent and listened to their conversation, which I had to admit was pretty amusing. Garrett and Ryan seemed like your average teenage guys; obsessed with girls, cars, and video games.

At the moment they were arguing over which Final Fantasy was best. April and Resa were talking about girl topics, something I don’t want to touch with a ten foot pole. Now Allister, he was silent, just like me.

He squirmed in his seat beside me. Soft skin brushed against my arm and I forced myself not to shiver. If I did that it’d be a form of a crush, something I definitely do not have.

I do not develop crushes. Definitely not.
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I want to start another story
I've gotten a few idea's but I keep thinking 'is this good enough' 'will I like this' 'will my fans like this'
So...does anyone have any idea's?
