Status: Trashed for now.

Maze of Memories

Crash Landing

She didn't scream, for she felt no fear. Lizzie instead felt excitement building within her as she fell. The experience felt like flying; although Lizzie had no wings, therefore she would not truly know what it would be like to fly.

There seemed to be no end to the fall. Maybe hours passed, maybe minutes. Lizzie was unaware of the jagged rocks that protruded from the inside of the hole. She continued to watched the sky as it disappeared.

Lizzie was nearly caught on the jagged rocks, as she watched the world above her grow smaller and smaller. She was also slightly unaware of the new world opening up beneath her; a world with impossibly beautiful nature. It was only when the hole disappeared above her that she noticed, and she looked upon this strange new world with wide eyes.

But she had no time to savor the fantastic sight. The ground was rapidly approaching, and she had no clue how to stop her descent.

Suddenly, she landed on a boy who had been running beneath her.

"Oh, f*ck!" the boy exclaimed.
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I really enjoy writing with Fullmoon12. She's very good.