Status: Trashed for now.

Maze of Memories


"Come with me," he demanded.

"Hey! Wait a second!" Lizzie tried to pull away from the boy, but his grip held fast. "Let go of me!" The boy still wouldn't let go. "What's going on!? Where is this place, why am I here?!" Lizzie's knees buckled out from under her. She felt like crying, but she refused to cry in front of such a horrible person. She was stronger than that.

"This place is the Maze of Memories," the strange, elf-boy responded. "Normally, people like you come here to forget. If the damned forest senses your presence, it'll start sending things your way like no tomorrow."

"So, what are we going to do about that?" Lizzie's eyebrows furrowed, fear radiating off of her.

"We're going to figure out away to bring you back to your world," he stopped in front of a rather large tree, knocking twice, pausing, and then knocking three times on the trunk. Vines began to roll up the tree as a door became visible and popped open. Lizzie licked her lips nervously.

"Um, why am I here? I'm obviously not here to forget anything," she mumbled. The boy glanced at her.

"I don't know," he replied, leading Lizzie into the tree. "Leeanna!" he called.

"What is it, brother?" a female voice called back.

A figure appeared from the shadows, clad in a long black robe. "Leeanna," the boy addressed the figure respectfully, "I've brought an otherworlder. She said she didn't come here to forget."

Leeanna's hooded face turned toward Lizzie. "An otherworlder? It's been so long since one has come here." Leeanna stepped closer, the long robe flowing behind her. It was then that Lizzie caught sight of the girl's eyes. One was the same deep green as her brother's, but the other, the other was the color of blood. Lizzie backed away reflexively.
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Chapter Four! Thanks iMeowTao for commenting. Your awesome! Fullmoon12 is awesome too. I'm enjoying writing this story with her.