Status: Trashed for now.

Maze of Memories


Even though she had backed away, the oddly colored eye intrigued her. Lizzie shook her head, turning back toward the boy. One question had been plaguing her since their very meeting.

"Um, I know her name now, so what's yours?" she asked. The boy's eyes narrowed, and he ignored the question.

"It actually hasn't been all that long since the 'Jane' incident," he muttered to Leeanna, "but you've been busy with studies, so the information might not have reached your ears."

"The Jane incident?" Lizzie questioned.

"She caused quite a disturbance, she did," the boy nodded. "She caught the interest of the fox-boy and deformed dwarf, and woke Tiki the spider from her slumber. This is why otherworlders are rare in our world. And it's even rarer for them to appear outside the shelter of the Hati Temple," the boy stated. "Otherwise, they bring disaster. That's what happened with 'Jane'. She was just like you." He said 'you' like it was a disgusting word. " We are still picking up the pieces from that incident and I don't-"

His sister cut in sharply, "Brother, that is enough. I wont have you mistreating a guest to our world. Know your place." With a single glance from Leeanna, he swallowed whatever words he was about to say.

Lizzie shook her head again, confused and still wanting to know the answer to her previous question. "Tell me your name," she demanded of the boy.

"If you'll tell me yours," he bargained. Lizzie's eyebrows furrowed as she thought about this for a moment. Could I trust this guy? She thought. She heaved a sigh. What harm could be done in telling him?

"I'm Elisabeth, but you can call me Lizzie," the words eventually slipped out of her mouth, with some trouble along the way.

"I'm Xander," the boy muttered. "Now, Leeanna, is there any way we could send her back?" There was a moment of silence.

"Lucifer wouldn't be too happy about us using the portal," Leeanna murmured, more to herself than anyone else. "Our only chance is to get to finding the hole that Elisabeth had fallen through, and somehow get her to go back through it."

"Well, what if I wanted to stay here?" Lizzie asked. She wouldn't mind staying in this weird place.

Xander's eyes widened. "You can't be serious. She can't be serious right sister?" He turned, pleading toward his sister.

"I don't see a problem with it."

"Yeah...Wait, WHAT?!" Xander's jaw dropped. "You cant be serious sister! Where will she live? Scratch that, HOW will she live? Our world is dangerous and she can't even protect herself!"

"We'll teach her," Leeanna murmured, smiling at Lizzie. Lizzie smiled back. I was only being half serious, Lizzie thought.

Even so, she really would enjoy living with these two. No matter how much of an ass Xander was, Leeanna seemed like a nice person.

"We'll teach her how to live here, while she'll be living with us. If you truly want to stay here?"

"I do want to stay here," Lizzie nodded, making her final decision.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter out. Might be it for a while, just to torture you all with the suspense. I see two subscribers, but only one person commenting. What's up with that?