Status: I need help

Forgotten Memories

secrect's out part 2

Everyone seem to stare at you since the fight you were getting pretty tired off all the stares so you just looked up hoping they would just forget about it.

" so Mika what was with the whole fire thing" Sakura asked you not caring that everyone was look at you like a new person

" It was nothing it just happens when I'm angry"

" Oh cut the crap Mika whats the truth behind the fire" Naruto said to you catching you off guard

" you don't want to Know because if i told you you would hate me just like everyone from my old village did"

" you want to bet on that" Naruto said back

" fine but if i do all of have to stop asking my question i don't want to answer"

"Deal" everyone said

You take a deep breath and stare into the camp fire and told everyone what you been hidding you whole life since you move to the leaf village but you didn't tell them about gaara you thought they would go after him were every he is now.

" and that my story can we drop it now"

"Fine...Fine but the third will have to find out about this" Kakashi said to you

" Ok but i'm not telling him"

And with that no one said a word not even Naruto but he did stare at you most off the night till you through something at him and told hi to go to sleep.

I'm on a boat.. I'm on a boat..... take a good hard look at the mother fucking boat ..." I sung quietly, causing a few eyes to stare. " Sorry about that I sing when I'm bored

" This fogs so big.. you can't see anything..." Sakura mumbled quietly.

" WOAH. LOOKS HUGE." Naruto yelled, making the rower tell him to silence himself. I wrinkled my nose before laying my head on my hands. "

To pay attention to something else as we reached the shore, I stared to sing a stong in my head so no one will bug me or hear me.

I moved slightly ahead once more, singing a song in my head. I started to hum to it, until I heard Naruto throw a kunai. I looked over at their reactions and rolled my eyes. He did it once more, and I sighed. " Stupid." I growled at Naruto, before walking into the bush.

" Aww... hey there little fella..." I cooed as I noticed a frightened white bunny. " Looky you... you're so terrified you turned white! though you aren't really from here.. you're from the mist little bunny.. right?" I cooed some more, but silently, hugging the bunny close. " NARUTO YOU ALMOST KILLED THE POOR THING." I yelled after Sakura yelled at him.

Suddenly the little bunny was grabbed by my hands and into Naruto's. I got up lightly, and walked over to Sasuke, brushing myself off.

My senses tightened as I looked up. " White Bunny... Throwing Kunais..." I whispered, before hearing Kakashi yell " Look Out!"

I dropped to the floor, and growled

" More like Zabozo Momoneeds a shirt." I whispered quietly, then yawned.

" Naruto I told you not to run you idiot! You are supposed to be protecting your client, not trying to show off, do you want to die before you're supposed to?!" I snapped at him, and I wished I didn't.

Zabuza looked at me.

" Kakashi.. the sharingan eye." Zabuza said calmly, and I felt Sasuke grow rigged. " It's too bad huh, you'll have to hand over the old man."

"Sharingan... A rare power...It resides in the eyes. The user of this visual jutsu or doujutsu can easily see and comprehend genjutsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu and reflect the attack on the attacker. Sharingan, is a special, rare form of doujutsu. However, there's more to the sharingan then that, alot more." I held my head in pain No one notice but me head felt like it was about to explode i needed to release some fire and fast or I'll faint again.

I shut my eyes, and started to breathe lightly. Am in my mind, and I calmed down. My body stopped trembling and I could think clearer now. Everything was very clear. I looked up at the branches and they bended and twisted until it broke. " ... alright... I'm good.. I'm very good." I told myself before walking back to them. I went behind Tazuna, and breathed in.. and out for the time being.

" Die!" Zabuza snarled, swinging his sword at Kakashi's waist.
YOU CAN JUST GO FUCK OFF." I yelled before throwing the kunai.

I turned around and noticed Kakashi putting a kunai to Zabuza's throat.

" Alright.. He got him." I whispered with relief, before feeling a jolt. " Wait... Dammit.. It's not over." I whispered quietly, shutting my eyes.

" It's not over." I said before falling to .
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Sorry about being so late i keep having writers block