Status: writter's block

Dead Dead and More Dead


_-*two years ago*-_

This was before the accident, when I still had a family. I was 15, and walking home thou the forest. When a big gray wolf with black specks came out. I jumped and screamed bloody murder. When I tried to run the wolf jumped in my way. The wolf sniffed the air and did something I never thought possible, IT spoke. Like literally opened it’s mouth and said, “Girl you need to get home now your parents are indanger.”

That scared the crap out of me. I ran with him hot on my trail, right up to my door. I only stopped for a second to unlock the door. Than bolted in only to find a note in the kitchen saying that if I want to see my mom dad and brother alive again I need to go to the tower in the center of town at midnight. I think that the wolf saw the note because it jumped up and yelled ,”NO, you are not going.”

“Who the hell are you to say that?!” I have half yelled, half screeched.

“I am Ethan warrior of the dark, and you?” the wolf asked calming down a little.

“It would have been nice to meet you in a better position... and I am Jenna” I explained to Ethan.

I sprinted out of the house well calling my coven, Josephine first because she is the second in charge, and she has the most understanding. Josephine has fair skin because she used magic to make her skin clearer. Her hair is bleach Blondie but her original hair color is dirty Blondie. She is a very preppy person, and she hates me because I'm the leader of the coven and she's not.

Josephine said she would come. So I called Ember next. Ember is the completely different than Josephine, she has raven black hair, pimply skin and an emoish personality. It's weird that Ember is best friends with Josephine. She took longer to persuade in to helping me get my family back. But she gave in after five minutes.

Next, and last was Melody, she has safety issues. She has brown hair reasonably skin and never stops talking. Surprisingly they are friends, they include each other in every thing, they don’t do that to me. They all hate me, and I am their leader, how sad is that?

After they got here, we had five minutes to get to the tower, so we rushed. We didn’t teleport in because we didn’t know how yet, but we tried a lot, with very little to show for it. That was only because we get all of our powers when we reached 17.

Going in was the worst mistake of my life, because when we got in there he took them from me. Well his goons did. They came out of nowhere when we were not looking for then and looking for my parents. All I herd was the scream of Josephine. I continued to walk looking back every once and a while, ‘cuz I keep hearing footsteps, and they are catching up fast. I ran right up to a big wooden door that looked like the ones in a church. I opened it and went in.

Little did I get a good look before I closed the door. I turned around and the lights went on. I saw a figure in a blood red hood, so I didn’t see the persons face. If it was a person. Behind the person thou was everyone, mom, dad, my brother, Josephine, Ember, and Melody. They were all on crosses and dead.

The figure finally noticed me and said, “Go home and don’t tell any one what you saw here, or what you are. You could die if you did.”

“NO, what did you do them?!” I screeched.

“Me, what makes you think it was me, I tried to warn you, but you don‘t listen very well,” the person said, and from the voice I knew it was a guy. The part that gets me is that the voice sounds familiar. I KNOW I met him before. I ran because I was scared out of my mind. So I left the state of Oklahoma, and never went back....till now.

_-*two years later(present day)*-_

I suddenly woke up drenched in sweat.
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I'm redoing my chapters, adding detail and more plot