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Give Me A Sign

New Divide


RAPHINA, DAUGHTER OF KIKI Sarabi and Kiako Sarabi, granddaughter of Rayne and Jioka Samoyed, was not an average werewolf.
She was full-blooded even though her father was a human. It went far back. The race said that the genes mixed with the humans’ and took over.
Raphina was worried. It had taken a while for her father to accept her mother.
It was his heart that had him accept her, though.

AT FIFTEEN, ALMOST SIXTEEN, Raphina had never had her first change. In fact, on her sixteenth birthday, she was going to get her first pack. Something, like family, that came automatically. Something that she could not choose.
So in a few days her pack would be there to take her to her new home. When she is old enough, she will have the choice to leave the pack and find someone to love, or stay with someone in her pack.

“Sorry nanny.”
“Good, good! Very good!”
“Sorry, sorry.”
“Rachael, really. Stop hurting my daughter.”
Rachael stopped moving and stared Kiki down. “Would you rather do this?”
“I am not paying you to hurt her!” Kiki snapped.
“Mom! Relax. She’s fine, okay? Rachael, get back to work!” Raphina snapped.

“Do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!”
“It’s so beautiful, Rachael. I underestimated you.”
“Yes, Kiki, you did.”
“Humph. We’ll see how they like it. Take it off and hang it up, Raphina. Get ready for bed. Tomorrow is free-day, then the next day you will finally meet your pack.”
“Yes mother.” Raphina walked over to her mother and kissed her cheek. “Night.”

BACK IN HER ROOM, Raphina stripped out of her dress and changed into black silk pajamas that had white lace trim on the sleeves and collar.
Once in her bed, she hugged her teddy bear tightly to her chest. “Night Beary.”

Stupid alarm! Shut up!
Beep, beep, beep.
Raphina grabbed the alarm, threw it at the wall, and rolled over to get some more sleep.
Or not.
“Get up!”
“Why do you sound so angry?”
“It’s twelve! Your pack will be here in five hours!”
“I thought today was free-day?!”
“You slept through it!”
“Up, up! Come on! We need to do your makeup, hair, nails, and all the other necessities. Then the dress. Oh, no! The dress! Raphina, I thought I told you to hang it up!”
“I’m sorry, mother. I was just so tired. I forgot.”
Kiki ran her hands through her hair and sighed. “Just, go to Rachael. She’ll fix you up. I have to iron your dress now.”
“Yes, momma.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Please tell me how you like it. (: It'll make me happy. Oh, and can someone tell me how to put links in here? Microsoft word it's a hyperlink? Please and thank you. I will love you forever!

The next chapter has a whole bunch of links that I need to post...and I'd rather not post them after the words or down here. That gets kind of annoying, don't ya think?