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Give Me A Sign

Ain't My Bitch

Someone was shaking her, trying to wake her.
Unfortunately for them, her hand shot up and punched them in the jaw.
“Ow! Dude. RAPHINA!” Chase screamed.
Falling out of her bed, she looked around in shock. “What?! What’d I do now?!”
“You punched me. Oh, and Seth wanted me to tell you to get some clothes, and a backpack. You are going to learn how to change today.”
“Oh goody! This will be fun. Note the sarcasm.”
“Luke it going, too…”
Raphina stared at Chase incredulously, but then shrugged and told him to “get out so I can change”.

“IMAGINE THAT YOU’RE CHANGING from a human, to a wolf.”
Raphina’s imagination took over as she imagined herself on all fours with fur coming out of her. Hands and feet changing to paws. A tail sprouting out of her. Ears going from droopy to pointy. Face turning into a snout.
Her eyes opened immediately, but she found herself looking at Luke’s legs, not face. What the hell? She looked down and found fur. “It was painless? I thought it hurt,” she said to Seth telepathically.
“She’s a beautiful pup,” Luke said.
“Pup. Don’t you wish we came as wolves instead? Now we have to protect her…”
She cocked her head to the side and let out a small growl that said it all. Screw you. I don’t need protecting. I can take care of myself!
Luke changed and stood in front of her with his eyes narrowed.
Raphina took a step back and he moved forward.
“You can take care of yourself, huh?” he barked. “You’re scared of me!”
“I am not!” she cried, but it came out weak.
“Then prove it.” He advanced on her, tail down and teeth bared.
She bared her teeth, but backed up.
“Stand your ground. Or are you too scared, puppy?”
Without thinking, she launched herself at him and immediately sunk her teeth into his throat.
Even though Luke didn’t have a bad temper, he shook her off and pinned her to the ground by her throat, biting hard.
She yelped and whimpered, but he didn’t let up.
He was shoved off of her. Luke went to attack, but then realized that it was the leader who had shoved him off.
“Luke, you know better!”Seth snarled.
“She attacked me!”
“She’s a pup.”
Luke changed back into a human and put his clothes on before anyone could even blink.
As shy as she was, and not wanting anyone to see her, Raphina went behind a tree and changed. She came out from behind the tree and wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes. “Sorry,” she whispered as she walked back, no one stopping her.

GREAT. NOW I’M LOST ‘cause I do not know how to get back.
She changed, shredding her clothes in the process. She took her backpack and placed it against a tree. And then she ran off.
A gunshot was heard not far from where she was and she immediately froze, falling to the ground.

LUKE’S EARS IMMEDIATELY PINNED back against his skull. “Gunshot. What if it’s Raphina?”
“We have to find her,” Seth snarled.
Luke immediately obeyed and ran toward where he heard the sound.
He came to a stop as he saw blood and fur on the ground. “Seth,” he whispered, shocked.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Seth muttered, looking at all of the blood and scattered fur.

RAPHINA GROWLED AS THE wolf that had just attacked her backed her into a cave.
“Come on, pup. Stay still!”
A low, deadly growl came out of her as he kept advancing, cornering her. She ran in between his legs and latched onto his cock with her teeth, preparing to rip it off.
“Don’t you dare!” the wolf whimpered.
“Holy fuck!”
“Remind me to never get on her bad side!”
Startled, Raphina sharply turned her head, thus ripping it off in the process.
The wolf howled in pain.
“Yeah, definitely remind me to never get on her bad side,” Chase mumbled as she spit it out of her mouth, completely disgusted.
“I knew it was her blood.”
“Go away!”
“I’m leaving the pack.”
“No you are not.”
“You cannot make my decisions for me!”
Chase walked over and picked Raphina up by her scruff. Even as she fought, he still carried her off.

Shock hit her as her mother told her that Jeremy, her brother, was not dead. “What?”
“He called me today. Told me that he is joining your pack. All he said is that he isn’t dead and never was.”
“’Tell her that I will be there when she least expects it,’ he had said to me. ‘Why?’ I had asked. ‘Because I have a little surprise for her.’”
“A surprise?!”
“He didn’t have a happy voice--”
“OH, MY GOSH!” Raphina screamed and ran out of the house and toward her brand new Crotch Rocket. She was all black with a little bit of red and white. She put on her new black, yellow, and white skull helmet that went with it, then put on leg over and started her up.
Her mom yelled something, but Raphina was already out on the street, heading toward her new house.

“Thought you weren’t staying with us anymore,” Steve muttered.
“Cut the crap, Steve. Where is he?!”
“Where is who?”
“JEREMY!” Raphina screamed and tackle hugged him.
He stumbled, but regained balance and hugged her back.
Luke came downstairs at that moment and surveyed the scene. “Who the fuck are you?” But before Jeremy could answer, he was down on the ground.
“You bastard,” Raphina snarled, venom lacing her voice as she grabbed Luke by his throat and brought his face over to hers. “If you ever, and I mean ever, touch him again, I will kill you.”
Luke had Raphina on the ground in an instant and they wrestled.
Steve tried to separate them, but failed. “SETH!!” Steve yelled.
“WHAT?!” he yelled back.
Raphina bit into Luke’s throat and actually drew blood, but he shoved her off and started pounding her face into the floor.
Seth had them thrown away each other in an instant, both into a wall, almost through.
“Katherine,” Jeremy growled, walking over to her side, “are you okay?”
Blood was running down her chin from a tooth being almost knocked out. “I’m fine. How about you?”
“I was only knocked onto the floor. You had the shit beaten out of you. Though you fought back pretty damned good.”
Seth’s eyes darted in between them with anger. “Who started this?”
No one said a word, not wanting to rat out the other one.
“Whoever did this, is kicked out of the pack. For good.”
“NO! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” Raphina screamed, on her feet in an instant. “SETH PLEASE! DON’T MAKE LUKE LEAVE!”
Seth blinked, shocked. “Why not? He has been causing fights lately and I’m sick of it.”
“I will not do that,” he stated calmly.
“Fine. If he leaves, then I leave.”
“And if they both leave, I’m out,” Chase said.
Everyone looked at Chase with a questioning look.
“Luke is like a brother to me. I’d do anything for him. And Raphina, she is like a sister to me. Same goes for her. But when it comes with both, I will not choose sides.”
“Fine. You two can stay.”
“What about Jeremy.”
“Who the hell is Jeremy?”
“Oh, the new pack member. Right. Jeremy is Raphina’s brother,” Seth stated as if it were obvious.
“Older by two years.”
“Sorry,” Luke muttered.
Raphina didn’t even spare him a glance. “Mom told me that you had a surprise for me!”
With this new piece of information, Jeremy looked uncomfortable. “We’ll get to that…later,” he said with an edge to his voice.
“Jer, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Show me to my room, Stephanie.”

“Sooo, you’re the new member?”
“Yeah..” How am I supposed to tell my best friend, my sister, that I have been ordered to kill her, and if I fail, I’ll be cursed for life. Everyone that I am close to, and everyone that I love, will hate me forever.
“I said what do you want to do when we get to your room? I mean, if you know what I mean?”
“I have a girlfriend.”
“So? She doesn’t live here. It’ll be secret, ya know?”
“You know what? I’ll find my room on my own. Get lost, bitch.”
“No one tells me to get lost!” Stephanie snarled before slapping him.
With one move, he had Stephanie on the ground with his hand around her throat. “I can kill you with a single thought if I wanted to.”
“HELP!! SETH!!!” Stephanie screamed.
He jumped off of her and had a What the hell? look on his face.
Seth was next to them and looked between both Stephanie and Jeremy, who had a big red mark on his face. “Stephanie,” he snarled. “Why the fuck did you slap him?”
“Because I told her to get lost.”
“I can believe it.” He walked away, dragging a crying Stephanie with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
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