Status: Complete♥

Forgive Me?

I'm Happy Knowing That You Are Mine.

I never knew it was possible to have a 'happily ever after'. If you asked me if I believed in that, I would've called it a bunch of bullshit.

Ross and I went to college after high school (I majored in Psychology, he majored in Criminal Justice) and we both have jobs. Once we had everything settled, we got married a year after(and my family came to the wedding) we bought a home for us, and I'm glad God blessed me with such a wonderful guy.

I still remember the day I passed out in the hospital, after I closed my eyes. I remember Ross explaining everything. Apparently, I died for a few seconds. I don't recall any of this, but I did. But anyway back to the present...


"Chase, where are you?" I called out, trying to find the small boy in this two story house. I heard faint laughter coming from the closet beside me. I smirked. "I'm coming to get you!" I called loudly and went up two steps, continuing to stomp on them until I made them fade away. I saw the door creek open and Chase was looking the other way. "Gottcha!" I hollered and seize the boy and tossed him over my shoulder. He was laughing as I sat him in the kitchen.

Oh. Your probably wondering what happened and why Ashley's baby boy is here in My and Ross's house. Well, Ashley is my best friend actually. You see, she really isn't all that bad. She said she only did what she did in high school to be popular and she apologized to me for making out with Ross. And needles to say, I've been helping her and Adam out since Chase turned three.

"What do you want to eat, Chase?" I asked him, opening the fridge.

"Uhm..." He thought for a moment while I scanned the food inside. "I feel like nachos." I nodded. I grabbed the cheese that was already pre-melted and opened it up. "When is mom coming to pick me up?" He asked, helping me out in the kitchen by getting out a pot.

"Around seven. She said she was just buying your baby sister some new clothes." Yes, Adam and Ashley had another baby, Linda. She's a very beautiful baby.

As I poured the cheese in the pot, I heard the front door open.

"HONEY I'M HOOOOME!" I laughed, it was Ross. He does this everyday, so it's no surprise. I heard Chase's shoes run from tile to carpet. "Hey there sport!" I drifted from there conversation and continued to focus on the yellow substance in the pot. "Hey Jay." I felt his soft lips brush my cheek. I heard Chase make gagging noises. "How was your day?" Ross giggled. I sighed as I turned the mixture in the pot.

"Uhm, I had no clients come in. The highlight of my day was when Ashley dropped that kid off." I joked and Chase attacked me with a hug.

"This kid has a name!" He exclaimed from my side and Ross pulled him up.

"Of course you do. Let's go watch movies Casey." Ross laughed when Chase was mumbling something.


Yeah. That's basically the end. I'm still my seventeen year old self...just a bit. The only difference is I'm probably a lot nicer. No joke.Ha! But anyways;

Over the years I've been thinking to myself a lot. But Ross hasn't notice a change in my moods. I still act like a PMSing woman sometimes, but hey, someone has too. And I'm glad I ended up giving Ross a second chance. I hate to admit it, but he's my life now. And if I didn't have him, I don't know what I'll do or where I'll be. But hey, I learned this over time it either ended good or bad;

Everyone deserves a second chance.
At least, that's what I believe.
Don't know if you noticed, but I stick to my beliefs.

Well, goodbye.

Jay Terrance Hensley.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lame ending. Don't kill me xD

But yeah, this is how Jay and Ross came to be. And LOL. Jay took Ross's last name xD

I'd like to thank the commenters:

twilight. JONAS!!!!!
and the other people who subscribed but never commented.

(Thanks for giving this story four stars!)
