Big Words, Recycled Phrases, and the Bittersweet Taste of Other Boys on Your Lips


“Thanks for lunch,” I smiled waving to Mikey and Gerard, “I have to go pick up my brother from school though.”

We exchanged our goodbye’s, and I had to wander around for a few minutes before I found Jon’s car. I had a momentary freak out while I looked for his keys, but breathed a sigh of relief when I found them.

I drove super carefully on my way back to Zach’s school. I ended up getting there a few minutes early, but it wasn’t long before people were filing out of the school. I hopped out of Jon’s car grabbing my stuff out of the trunk and locking the car. I hung back in the parking lot, and I watched as Zach glanced around before spotting me.

“I told you I’d be here,” I told him, tossing the keys to Jon.

“Do me a favor,” I told Jon, and he looked up confused, “Don’t ever lend me your car again.”

He broke into a smile, “Why not?”

“My times were all messed up,” I shook my head, “I was early, or I was trying to find spots in parking lots, it just messed up my entire schedule.” I shrugged. Zach rolled his eyes, throwing his backpack into Jon’s car and hopping in.

“Brendon,” I redirected my attention, “Has he been causing any problems?”

“No way,” Brendon squinted, “There are so many kids at my house that you could all come and stay and no one would notice a thing.”

I laughed, “Thanks a lot, I promise he’ll be gone in a few days.”

Before he could respond Zach butt in, sticking his head out the open door, “Why do you still have your suitcase?”

“I’m staying with a friend.” I told him.

“You don’t have any friends.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Ouch, thanks,” I nodded sarcastically.

“And why wouldn’t you have left your suitcase at their house?”

“I haven’t gone yet,” I told him, “Speaking of, I really have to go Zach, so I’ll see you. Don’t give the Urie’s any trouble.” I turned and headed out of the school parking lot, telling Zach’s friends goodbye.

It was already getting dark when I got to where I was going. I’m pretty sure that there’s someone who works this block, but I don’t see anyone, so I’m going to take over. I leaned against the wall waiting. It wasn’t long until an older man pulled up. Not an old man, but definitely an older man. Eh, I’ve seen worse. His hair was grey around the edges, and he had a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips.

“How much?” He spoke through his window, and I smirked approaching his car.


“Get in.” I didn’t need to be told twice.

I stayed in the same routine for a few nights, and I managed to make really good money. Also, the clients weren’t horrible. There was one guy who liked biting and asphyxiation, but I’ve had worse. The bruises did tend to turn away potential clients though, as well as bring some darker ones in. I only managed to get one more night staying in a hotel room, but other nights I got a few hours of sleep in the archways of closed down stores on run down streets.

It wasn’t until the end of the week that I ran into trouble. A guy in a nice car drove up and rolled down his window. He glanced at me for a moment before nodding his head, “This better be worth it.”

“What?” I squinted momentarily forgetting my act.

“They said you were the best, so I’m willing to pay extra, but you got to get in.”

I was assuming that I’d been with a few friends of his, so I got in the car. It wasn’t long before we were pulling into a small apartment complex, and I was mildly surprised to go to his actual place. I followed him silently, and he nodded to one of the people he passed on the way to his apartment. I avoided eye contact as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. When we got in, it was kind of messy. Well, kind of is an understatement.

I stayed silent as he went into the small kitchen and came back slipping a pack of cigarettes in his pocket and lighting the one that was now in his mouth. He cocked his head to the side glancing at me up and down.

“So,” He spoke pulling the cigarette from his lips and puffing out some smoke, “What do you think of burning?”

I almost blurted out another ‘What?’, but instead I stayed silent for a moment averting my eyes before answering, “What kind?”

“Just in general.” He shrugged.

“I don’t really do-”

“Of course, you would in return get a lot more money.”

“I don’t know who recommended me to you, but I don’t do stuff like that.”

The guy started laughing, “You’re a hooker,” He spoke, “You do whatever the client wants for a certain sum of money. Everything has a price.”

“How much would you pay?” I spoke, keeping my voice from shaking.

“However much you cost.” He shrugged.

“800 dollars,” I smirked.

“Deal,” He nodded, and my smug expression quickly left. For 800 dollars I could get the apartment back. I could get the apartment back for long enough to make more money and keep it. Before I could weigh the cons of this idea, we were heading further into the apartment.


He dropped me back at the block, and I was only mildy limping. He drove away as soon as I was out of his car, and I kept repeating the words ‘800 dollars’ in my head as I breathed slowly in and out through my nose.
♠ ♠ ♠
Craziness. I haven't written in a while for I have an art show coming up, and I've been doing a bunch of stuff to get ready for that, as well as I'm going on a little trip this weekend so I have to have everything ready before then. So, it's mildly crazy right now. I'm really excited about the trip and the show though, so it's a good kind of crazy.

Anywho, I hope you guys liked the new chapter. :)

Hopefully I'll get some more stuff out shortly!

Also, check out my new baby titled 'I've got Myself to Blame for this' as well as the character page for it. :)

It's going to be a bit different than my other stories, butstill fanfiction (Shocking, right?)

So check it out!


<3 Penn