
the beginning

I woke up one morning and felt like something was going to happen today but I didn’t know what so I went into my bathroom and had a shower and got dressed for school and did my hair like I always do every morning. Then I went down stairs to have breakfast and when I got down stairs my mum was nowhere to be seen, so I went into the kitchen to see if she was there but she wasn’t. Then I had breakfast and I went outside to see if she was already by her car waiting for me but no she wasn’t.
Then I heard something in the garage so I opened the garage door and there was mum with a new car and I didn’t know why she had a new one because her car was only bought last week.
“Good morning, Zoey and happy birthday what do you think about your new car I brought you for your 16th birthday today?” my mum said.
I totally forgot it was my birthday today and mum reminded me.
“Wow mum this is a great birthday present but I don’t have my license yet?” I replied.
”Well I thought you’d get your license today because you’ve got your driver’s test today don’t you?” she asked.
“Well… yeah… I do?” I answered.
Well I totally forgot about my driver’s test today because I have a lot going on right now. That’s also why I forgot about my birthday too. But I didn’t want mum to know so I just said what my gut told me to say.
“Hunny you don’t seem sure you have your driver’s test today?” she asked.
Well to be honest that was true but I really did have my driver’s test today so I just said
“Yeah mum I do have my driver’s test today, but can you drive me to school today?”
“Well okay hunny I will but when you get your license you’ll be driving yourself to school because I’m getting too old to drive you around everywhere?” she stated.
“Mum that’s mean, I’m your daughter doesn’t that count for anything?” I asked.
“Umm… no… it doesn’t” she replied.
I wanted to say ‘mum…’ but couldn’t so I just hopped in the car and she drove me to school. A whole day went by but nothing happened. When I got home I told my mum the good news which is that I got my license.
“Yeah… really… great… well tough luck I took the car back and got my money back and I spent it on this plane ticket?” she said meanly.
“What do you need a plane ticket for mum” I asked.
“Not me… you” she answered.
“What…” I asked with confusement.
“Your dad rang today hoping you hadn’t gone to school already but you did, so he was disappointed and then he asked me if you wanted to live with him and your brother.” She said excitedly.
I haven’t seen my dad and my brother since me and my brother were 5 yrs old because my mum and dad split up and my dad took my brother because my mum didn’t want to look after a boy. she always tells me mean/bad stuff, like what she did with the car.
So now I was happy to leave my mum and go live with my dad.
“Mum… yes… I will go live with dad and Zeke?” I said.
“Great well I’ll put you on a plane tonight and you’ll get there tomorrow morning? So why don’t you go pack?” she asked.
“Ok… mum… I will” I replied.
I went up to my room and started to pack my bags. When I finished packing my mum drove me to the airport and I got on the plane and took my seat.