
family reunion

The plane flight took about 5 hours, when we were told that we could get off the plane I got off to go get my bags from we’re the baggage comes out of. After I got my bags I saw dad he came to pick me up.
“Hi, Zoey, how are you?” He asked.
“I’m fine and mum had disowned me after I turned 10 because she couldn’t get a hold of you in anyway.” I said with no emotion.
Then we got in his car and we went to where he and Zeke had lived for 11 years.
“Zoey, Zeke is going to be so happy to see you. He has missed you since we left you with your mother?” he said.
“I’ve missed him too.” I replied happily.
I would love to know how my new school is, but I couldn’t tell dad because that would make me a nerd and I didn’t want to be a nerd. since my mum disowned me I’ve been head on in my studies so I wouldn’t fall behind without my mum encouraging me to get straight A’s. When we got to my dad’s house I saw Zeke standing out the front of the house.
I got out the car and he came running up to me.
“Zoey, Zoey…. I missed you so much because it’s been 11 years since I saw you last.” He said.
“Yeah… dad told me…” I replied.
“I’ll show you around the whole house and I’ll show you your room too?” he asked.
“Thanks Zeke…” I said.
Then when he showed me my room he also told me that I had an ensuit with a bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe. So I went in and checked it out. It was so beautiful and the walls were purple my favourite colour and the carpet was a bright violet colour. Then I went into my bathroom and it had a shower, a bath, a toilet and a hand basin with cupboards and a mirror connected to it.
The toilet had a fluffy purple toilet seat on it, well on the lid of the toilet seat and the actual seat was soft when you sit on it. Then I opened the cupboards of the hand basin and it had make up and other girly stuff in it. Everything is what I liked best because I told my dad every time I rang him up on my mobile when my mum didn’t know that I did.
Then I looked in my wardrobe and all my clothes and new clothes were hanging up. Then I figured out that my dad was the best parent ever but I bet Zeke chose everything because dad doesn’t have any style or know what girls like. Then I changed into something cooler because it was hotter here then back at my old city. Then I went down stairs to get something to eat.
Zeke and my dad were in the kitchen already eating. So I asked dad what I was aloud to eat and he said that my favourite food was in the corner cupboard. So I opened it and it was packed with my favourite food, I thought my dad was so cool for knowing what I like.
Then I decided to make some salad because I don’t really eat much for dinner. When I finished eating I told dad that I was really tired from the flight and that I was going to bed. When I got into my room I started to read a book I brought from the mall 3 weeks ago.
It was called ‘A Vampire Halloween’ which is actually my favourite book because I love vampires. All the books I brought from the book store were vampire books which some are romantic with a little bit of horror while the others are a lot of horror and a little bit of romance. When I felt tired I put the bookmark in the book and sat it on my bed side table, then I fell asleep.