
zoey meets josh heart

The next day I woke up, got dressed in short shorts, a tank top and my favourite slip on shoes. Then I got down stairs and dad was in the kitchen making breakfast. It smelt so nice like pancakes and it was pancakes. My dad gave me a plate with 7 pancakes on it and he said that there was maple syrup on the table. So I sat at the table and covered my pancakes with maple syrup, then I started eating them.
When I was done I washed up my plate and put it in the drainer. Then I asked dad were Zeke was and he said that Zeke was still in bed. So I asked dad if I could go wake him up and he said I could but I had to be cautious because he normally sleeps with just his jocks on in this hot weather. I told him that I’ll be fine just as long as he’s not naked.
“don’t worry because he knows if he sleeps naked with you here he’ll be dead” he said.
So I told dad thanks and then walked up to his room and opened the door.
“Eww” I shrieked.
His room smelt horrible, but I walked in anyway. I walked up to his bed and started to tickle him and he started laughing.
“Stop… hahaha… stop… hahaha… stop Zoey your killing me?” he said while he was laughing.
“Only if you get up and get dressed for school?” I asked.
“Ok” he replied.
Then I went back down stairs and went to dad and told him that Zeke was coming down in a minute. Then Zeke finally came down stairs grabbed a pancake and the maple syrup and shoved the pancake down his throat and pored the maple syrup on top and when he finished eating the pancake he grabbed his keys and he said I could drive his car to school. So we got in the car and I drove us to school.
When we got to school Zeke said that I could keep his keys for the day because he would be home late.
I told him “okay, thanks… I think…”
Then I asked him why he was going to be home late but he didn’t tell me. So I walked off from him and went to the office but I didn’t know where it was because I forgot to ask Zeke where it was so I asked someone. They said that we were standing outside of the office so I went inside and went to the front desk.
The lady at the desk told me to sit down and wait a moment because she was busy with someone else. Then I saw the two people she was talking to and it was a girl and a boy, they were holding hands. Then they came over to me.
“Hi, I’m Sarah heart and this is Jeremy…” the girl said.
“Hi, nice to meet you…” the boy added.
“Hi I’m Zoey porter and I’m new here” I replied.
Then the lady told them to go and do what she had told them to do.
“You can come over now dear?” she asked.
I walked over to her, she asked me what my name was and I told her. She gave me a map of the school and where the classes were. She also gave me a schedule of what my classes were and what room they were in.
Then she said that my first class will start soon and that I should start going. Then I looked at my schedule for my first class and it was English in room 219 and the teachers name was Mrs. McGomory. So I went to find my class and it was really easy to find so I went in and there were only 5 students in the class.
I walked up to the teacher and told her that I was new and I told her my name. Then she asked me to show her my schedule so I did and she looked at it and she gave it back to me and she introduced me to the class. She told me to sit in any free seat I liked so I sat in the back and she started teaching. After she started teaching a boy came in the room.
“I’m sorry that I’m late but I had some family stuff to take care of?” He said to the teacher and the teacher believed him.
She said “ok, then take a seat” so he did and he sat at the table next to me.
“Hi, my name’s Josh?” He said.
“Hi, Josh it’s nice to meet you… I’m Zoey” I answered.
“Nice to meet you too… Zoey” he replied.
We were talking the whole lesson and we didn’t hear what the teacher was saying. Then the bell rang for next lesson.
“Bye… Zoey…” Josh said.
Then he left the class room to go to his next class. Then I left to go find my next class which was chemistry in room 120 and the teachers name was Mr. King.
When I got to chemistry, I went straight to the teacher like I did last lesson and told him I was new and all the other stuff I did with the other teacher. He told me to sit next to Josh and that’s when I found out he was in my chemistry class too. So I sat down.
“Hi… again…” he said.
Then the teacher told the class what we had to do. Then he gave us some stuff to look at under the microscope. So we started talking while we were looking at what the stuff was. We talked the whole lesson again and he walked me to my locker. Then I saw my brother waiting for me at my locker and Josh walked off like he was scared of my brother.