Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


“We locked eyes…”

“You locked eyes, huh?” Sara asked, nudging Emily as she blushed.

Emily was having a rare typical teenage moment, the cute new lab tech was much cuter than she thought he was going to be.

“You say anything?” Sara asked, watching Emily play with the sleeve of her jacket as they walked to Grissom’s office.

Emily shrugged her shoulders “That I wasn’t lost…and Grissom was my dad.” Emily told her, her soft and squeaky voice almost echoed through the room.

Sara smiled “Well, do you like him?” she asked, walking into Grissom’s office with Emily.

“I just met him Sara, maybe we can talk about DNA and epithelial cells…THEN maybe we can like each other.” Emily said, not noticing that her father, Gil Grissom, was staring at both of them, listening.

“Uhh, Emily,” Grissom managed to get out as he took off his reading glasses.

Emily smiled her dorky smile as she looked at her dad “Yeah?” she asked.

Grissom smirked “Aren’t you a bit young to ‘getting with’ the lab tech? Is that what they’re calling it these days ‘getting with’?” he asked.

Emily and Sara smiled, Emily shook her head “It’s called ‘hooking up’…and I’m Fourteen…and how did you know who we’re talking about?”

“Keyword: Fourteen! And nobody at school likes talking about that stuff, and everyone here at the lab isn’t ‘cute’…” Grissom said in his soft voice.

Sara pouted “Aww, Grissom, give her a break!” she said.

Grissom shook his head “Sara, she’s my daughter, my pride and joy, I do have to smack some sense into her every once in a while!” he told Sara.

“I have plenty of sense!” Emily protested.

Grissom looked at Emily “Go do your homework!” he told her.

Emily groaned “Why do you always to that when you want me out of the room?” she asked, walking out of the room.

Grissom smiled as he turned to Sara who crossed her arms “She’s growing up.” She said.

“I know.” Grissom said, almost frowning at the thought.