Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


Emily was in bed, Grissom was at work, yet again, as Emily watched the city lights from the hospital bed that she was lying in when Catherine slowly walked in.

Catherine looked remorseful and guilty as she smiled at Emily and sat next to her.

“How are you feeling?” Catherine asked.

Emily shrugged her shoulders, she had the pen and pad of paper on her lab ready for conversation with Catherine. Emily couldn’t stand the pain in her chest when she managed a squeak.

Nick had stopped by, resulting in him calling her ‘Squeak’ for the rest of the time of his visit. Which is another reason why Emily used the pad.

Catherine smiled “…I figured out what happened in the Lab.” She said, looking upset at Emily, who smiled.

“…umm, how do I say this?” she asked.

Emily wrote on her pad ‘…is was Greg, wasn’t it?’ she wrote.

Catherine laughed “No…it wasn’t Greg. It was me.” She confessed.

Emily’s eye brow cocked, she put the pen and pad down as she listened to Catherine explain everything to her.


Greg was watching Emily dance in the temporary lab, he couldn’t help but laugh as Emily performed this funky one-footed dance.

“You’re good…you’d be a great one-legged stripper!” Greg said, turning off the music.

Emily’s leg was still in a cast, but she could talk in small quantities, her rib still hurt even if the accident was weeks ago.

“…well, I’m glad you enjoy my entertainment.” She said, grabbing her backpack and patted Greg on the back “I should get going.” She said.

Greg waved as she limped out of the lab.


Emily was walking out of the lab and out of the building when she tripped over her own cast and fell on the floor.

The broken rib pounding on her nerves as she held in her scream.

“…oww….” Emily managed to whimper out as she tried to pick herself up, but was having a hard time getting up from the slipping of her cast.

She could hear somebody laughing, she turned and looked up to see Grissom laughing at her as he held a file in his hand.

“I’m not sure whether to feel sorry for you, or to laugh at how pathetic you look…” he said, laughing out loud as everyone around them turned to Grissom in confusion.

Emily rolled her eyes “Just help me…” she said.

Grissom sighed as he put the file down and helped Emily pick herself up.

“Careful of the rib.” Emily said, slowly getting up off of the floor as Grissom tried to control his laughter.

Grissom started laughing in Emily’s face as she grabbed her bag and shook his head “Not funny…” she said.

“…it’s a little funny!” Grissom said, patting Emily on the back.

Emily sighed “Fine…whatever, can I have cab money?” she asked.

Grissom thought for a second before responding “No.” he said, putting his arm around Emily and turned to Nick.

“Nicky, can you give Ms. Emily here a ride home.” Grissom requested.

Nick nodded “Yeah, sure thing Gil.” He said.

Grissom turned to Emily and smiled “…I’m having you chauffeured home.” He said, before walking away.

Emily sighed as Nick walked up to her with car keys in his hands “You ready?”


“I've been patient, I've been good. Tried to keep my hands on the table. It's gettin' hard this holdin' back, if you know what I mean! I'm sure you'll understand my point of view,
we know each other mentally, you gotta know that you're bringin' out the animal in me…” Emily sang in the car.

The windows were down and Olivia Newton-John’s ‘Physical’ was playing on the radio and neither Nick nor Emily could resist while stopped at the long red light.

“Let's get physical, physical! I wanna get physical, let's get into physical. Let me hear your body talk, your body talk. Let me hear your body talk.” Nick and Emily sang together with not a car who was watching them.

What they didn’t know was that Catherine was in her car right next to them and listening to the whole thing while trying to hold back her laughter.

Nick kept singing as he turned to see Catherine watching the both of them, her sunglasses on and her boxed-in laughter waiting to burst.

He flinched and quit singing while turning the music down.

“HEY!” Emily whined.

Nick nodded at Catherine “Hey Cath…”

Catherine began laughing out loud “You realize the lab is gonna hear ALL about this when I get back, right?” she asked.

Nick sighed “You do what you go to do.” He said, and right then the light turned Green and off Nick went in his black SUV.


Nick dropped Emily off at the Grissom house and went on his way, back to the lab where his humility would be at stake, depending on how many people Catherine managed to tell.

Emily opened the door and Hank nudged against the disabled teenager.

“HANK…” Emily yelled, getting the large dog off of her.

Hank got off of Emily and followed her into the living room where the fell into the couch and propped her feet up on the coffee table, a rare delicacy since her father didn’t allow it at all, when he was home.

Emily turned on the TV and let Hank on the couch, which was another big no-no with Grissom.

The dog and his teenage companion sat and channel surfed until Emily saw a humorous show about to come on.

“Look Hank, Oprah!” Emily said sarcastically, turning to the dog who gave her a rather sad look.

Emily giggled as she scratched the dog behind his ear “I’m kidding…how about All My Children?” she asked, turning the channel to the soap operas.

Hank growled at the TV as Emily turned to him in shock “Fine, we’ll watch Nickelodeon.” She said, turning the channel a few ways and found an old favorite on the TV.

“I love this show.” Emily said to herself as she put the remote down. Hank then proceeded to rest his head in Emily’s lap as he watched TV with her.