Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


It was a lovely Saturday morning, the breeze was easy and everything felt so lively as Emily walked up to Lady Heather’s home.

The Dominatrix headquarters that Grissom forbid her from, but Emily was intrigued by unknown opinions on her own part.

Emily knocked on the door and waited patiently for somebody to answer and hopefully let her in.

Heather opened the door, she looked at Emily shocked “Does your father know you’re here?” she asked.

“No.” Emily said, bluntly.

Heather smiled, letting the door wide open for Emily to enter “Well then, what brings you here on this lovely morning?” she asked.

Emily was awkward, now that she was in the territory, asking for a peep seemed embarrassing.

“Well, umm…I was just wondering if…umm…” Emily couldn’t get it out.

“Use your words…” Heather said in a calm and collect voice.

Emily whined “I was wondering if I could watch the dominatrix…” she said, she looked down and away from Heather.

Heather chuckled “How old are you, Emily?” she asked.

“I’m 14.” Emily said.

Heather smiled “…ahh, the perfect age of a teenage girl…puberty is a very stressful thing…” she said.

Emily nodded “Yes.” She said.

“I don’t know if I can…” Lady Heather remarked, turning to Emily with all seriousness.

Emily sighed “Please? We don’t have to tell anybody…”

Heather thought for a moment “Actually, I have a better idea…”


“You want me to what?” Emily asked, letting Lady Heather hand her a leather whip.

Heather smiled “I want you to spank her!”

Emily turned to the young Dominatrix sitting before her, then turned back to Lady Heather “Is she okay with this?” she asked.

“Doesn’t matter what she thinks…” Heather said, staring at Emily.

Emily shook her head “It matters me, do I really wanna spank somebody who doesn’t want to participate in this lesson?”

“…are you okay with this?” Emily asked the Dominatrix, who just smiled at Emily.

Heather cleared her throat “Emily…”

“Sorry…” Emily said.

Heather nodded as she thought for a moment “A dominatrix is a woman who dominates in a relationship or sexual encounter…now while I hope you aren’t sexually active, this could be a good exercise for future relationships…maybe a healthy stress relief routine.” She said.

Emily nodded “Okay.” She said.

“…is there anybody at school you like? Anybody who you’re mad at…who’s not your father?” Heather asked.

Emily nodded “…Greg…” she muttered.

Heather smiled “Okay, Greg…who’s Greg?” she asked.

“He’s a lab tech…” Emily muttered.

“…at the lab?” Heather asked.

Emily nodded “Yeah, we got into a fight last night…” she said.

Heather crossed her arms “About what?” she asked.

“The fact that I manipulate him…but it’s like, I’m fucking 14! How can a 14 year old take advantage of a 20-something?” Emily asked, getting frustrated.

Lady Heather watched Emily twist the whip as she thought about it more, Heather could see the fight replaying in her head.

“Alright…” Heather said, guiding Emily’s arm to whip the dominatrix, Emily flinched from the crack it made.

Heather laughed as she looked at Emily “How did that feel?” she asked.

“Awesome…” Emily said, whipping the Dominatrix again.


Emily sat with Lady Heather while drinking tea, they both talked as they enjoyed the garden that they were watching.

“It’s nice talking to someone so close to Gil Grissom…I can only imagine what it’s like to live with him, and be raised by him.” Heather said, putting her tea cup down.

Emily shrugged her shoulders “It’s okay…sometimes it feels like there’s no connection, like there’s nothing there. And the feelings get stronger the older I get…but at the same time, we grow stronger.” She said.

Heather smiled “Does he want you to become a CSI, like himself?” she asked.

“No, I don’t think so. I’d rather be a Lab Rat…like Greg!” Emily said, sipping on her tea.

Lady Heather tilted her head “Lab Rat? And what would you specialize in?” she asked.

Emily smiled “DNA…I mean, I hang with Greg…he’s opened this new world for me. I mean, before we became friends, I didn’t know what I wanted to do…” she said.

“Well, you’re 14, you’re not supposed to know. But it sounds like you’ve got an idea…and a love interest.” Heather said, smiling softly.

Emily shook from the image “I’m not in love with Greg Sanders…he’s so much older than me, and better looking than I will ever be. He wouldn’t be into me and not just because I’m 14!” she said.

Heather sighed “Well, hopefully one day he’ll see the potential…when you’re older!” she said, chuckling for a moment.

Emily nodded “Me too.” She said.

Emily walked into the house, Hank barked as Grissom walked out of the kitchen “Where have you been?” he asked.

“…out?” Emily said.

Grissom sighed “You could have called…I come home, you’re not here…it worries me when you don’t tell me where you are.” He said.

“Dad, you don’t want to know where I’ve been…” Emily said, sitting on the couch.

Grissom walked up to Emily “And where have you been, Ms. Emily?” he said.

Emily smiled nervously “Lady Heather’s…” she said.

Grissom balled up his anger for a moment “You shouldn’t be going over there…that is a business that you have no means to be involved in!” he said.

“Too late.” Emily said, getting up off the couch.

Grissom groaned “Don’t tell me she recruited you…” he said, following her into the kitchen.

“No, dad…” Emily said, washing her hands.

Grissom sighed “Just…please don’t go over there anymore…that woman can’t tolerate you forever!” he said, pulling dinner out of the oven.

Emily sighed “Okay.” She said in her teenager tone, crossing her arms.

It was quiet in the house for a moment “…so what did you do at Lady Heather’s?” he asked.

Emily laughed, then took it back as Grissom looked at her confused, Emily smiled “Umm, stress exercises, and we had tea and talked about the lab and you.” She said.

Grissom sighed “That’s nice.” He said in an unamused tone.

Emily smiled “Don’t worry, dad. I won’t tell her you have a big crush on her…” she said, walking into the back hallway towards her room.