Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


“He’s not?...well, when he gets in can you have him call Emily?” Emily asked, trying to get a hold of Grissom, but he was out.

Emily smiled “Thanks.” She said, hanging up her cell phone and throwing it on the couch.

It was too late for Emily to be up on a school night, but Emily couldn’t sleep since looking into the eyes of a rather wanted man.

She had looked Paul Millander in the eyes, and it ruined a good nights sleep for her.

All the lights were on in the house as she walked around the house aimlessly, there was no favorite stuffed animal to cuddle with, no, not tonight.

Emily played music and played with Hank as she waited for Grissom to call her back, or better yet, she wished he could feel her fear with his ‘Grissom-Spidey-Senses’ and come straight home.

It was 2 o’clock in the morning, and the lights were on. Yet, it surprised Emily when the doorbell rang.

She was in the kitchen making Mac and Cheese, as the ring echoed through the house, Hank thought it was strange too.

Emily grabbed a knife and walked towards the front door, she knew she shouldn’t open it. But it must’ve been serious at 2 in the morning.

Hank followed the 14-year old to the door as she opened it, and there he was.

Paul Millander smiled at the young girl as he looked into the house before looking back at Emily.

“Is your father home?” he asked.

Emily shook her head “He’ll be gone all night.” She remarked.

Paul nodded “What time will he be home, exactly?” he asked.

“I don’t know…” Emily spat, kind of annoyed with the man who was the reason behind her nightmares.

Emily sighed “Look, I can’t really let you in, and my father is also looking for YOU…so why don’t you just go somewhere more noticeable?” she asked before closing the door.

That is, before Paul caught it.

“Now-now…there’s no need to be uncivil…” Paul said, pushing himself inside the house.

Emily had her knife ready, and Hank was ready to pounce as Paul Millander entered the Grissom house.

She jabbed at him, but Paul grabbed her wrist and forced her to drop it, Hank was beginning to growl.

“Emily…” Paul said, trying to talk her down.

Emily tried to pull away from Paul, but he wouldn’t let go of her hand as he bent down and picked up the knife.

Paul chuckled “Now, Emily…this is not a toy, you could hurt somebody, or yourself with this…” he said, taunting her with the knife.

Emily watched closely as Paul waved the knife around her while holding onto her wrist “Oh, give me a fucking break!” Emily said.

Paul stabbed Emily, she screamed in pain, she never thought something going through her skin could be so painful.

Hank barked loudly, Paul let go of Emily’s wrist as retracted the blade from Emily’s side.

Emily was pretty sure he got her Appendix.

“Now, look at you! You’re a mess…and look at the mess you’re making on the carpet!” Paul said, charging at Emily and stabbed her again in the stomach.

Emily fell to the floor, bleeding everywhere as Hank continued to bark at Paul Millander, she looked at the ceiling while he looked down at her.

“From this angle, you’re very pretty Emily…” Paul said, kneeling down to almost gut her when she managed to ball up her fist and throw a punch at Paul.

And that was when Hank went off.

The dog jumped across Emily as he attacked Paul Millander, chewing on his pants and shirt, tearing up his clothes before he got out of Hank’s jaw and ran off, leaving Emily to bleed to death.

Luckily for Emily, Hank had been trained to take care of Emily by Gil Grissom.

Hank jumped on the couch and grabbed Emily’s cell phone, dropping it in front of her for her to grab and call 9-1-1.

Emily turned to reach and noticed all the blood everywhere “…dad’s gonna kill me when he sees this mess!” she thought as she dialed 9-1-1.

“9-1-1…what is your emergency?”


The nightshift at LVPD had never bared witness to Gil Grissom crying, but watching Grissom be torn apart alive while looking at his daughter gave everyone a new perspective.

Emily was connected to several life support machines, half of her wounds had to be stitched and stapled together, and there was too much blood for doctors to find the wounds in the first place.

“Oh my god, Emily…what have you done?” Grissom asked in tune with his sobbing, he covered his face from his team.

Warrick was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and Nick was about to kill somebody as they both rocked in their seats.

Catherine held Grissom as he cried and Sara sat on Grissom’s other side.

Nobody had seen her, and the paramedics had given a description of the scene. The description gave terrifying mental images to the CSI’s as they waited for something from the doctors.

Brass sat alone, he couldn’t believe anybody would actually want to hurt Emily, he always wanted to smack her, but he never wished somebody would gut her like a fish.

Emily’s doctor walked out of the room “Gil Grissom?” he asked.

Gil shot out of his seat as he walked towards the doctor, he didn’t want to hear how bad off she was, but he had to know, to breathe easier…or harder.

“Emily’s lost a significant amount of blood, some of her wounds of superficial, some are serious…thank god for your dog being there, or she would have died. Her throat wound is superficial, however her airway is very thin, so until we can go in and securely fix it, we’re going to keep her in a coma, with a tube in her throat…” the doctor said.

Grissom almost fainted as he heard all of this.

All Grissom heard was ‘she might have died, but she still might die.’ And he couldn’t think of anything like that.

“Can I see her?” he asked.

The doctor nodded “Yes, you may. But you can’t touch her…she can’t respond to you…it might jeopardize her chances of surviving…” he said.

Grissom nodded, and followed the doctor back into Emily’s room where more sobbing would ensue from the broken man, Gil Grissom.