Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


Nothing ever came from the shoe print, the skin couldn’t be matched to anybody, and that’s how it was for 2 weeks.

Emily was on life support for 2 weeks, and Grissom wasn’t budging, he would answer his phone from the hospital room, but that was it.

Nick and Warrick would stop by, give Grissom some time to rest while they watched Emily, not that she was going anywhere to begin with.

She was alone, Grissom had left to get coffee for a split second while Warrick and Nick went out on a rather risky 4-19 in progress.

Her eyes shifted open slowly, she didn’t know where she was and Emily felt like she was forced down to something as she felt what was down her throat.

‘A tube?’ she thought to herself.

Emily slowly pulled out the tube as she slowly sat up in the bed, she looked around the room to see the stitches and the connected tubes everywhere, which was when she began to panic and pressed every button on the side of her bed.

The nurse rushed in, she looked at Emily, then back out at the office “She’s awake!” the nurse yelled, walking towards Emily to calm her down.

“You’re okay! You’re alright…” the nurse said, softly pushing Emily back into her bed.

Emily opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out, it was like her throat was clogged, but there weren’t any tubes in there.

She began to cry, unaware of what was going on, but she knew what had happened, she just assumed she was dead.

“It’s okay, Emily…you’re dad’s coming right back!” the nurse said.


Emily couldn’t talk as they examined her everywhere, the cut to her throat managed to disable her voice box.

The doctors assured Grissom that speech therapy would help get her voice back.

Everyone was relieved to know that she was okay, Nick and Sara were glad Emily was awake to see if there was anything she could give them to see who had done this, or better if she knew who did it.

Emily responded to Grissom in Sign Language, they both realized that the lessons would come in handy, besides going to see Grissom’s mother.

Grissom didn’t want to alarm Emily with bombarding her with questions about her attacker, if only he knew she wanted to scream ‘his’ name at the top of her lungs.

If only Emily could talk.

Brass walked in, shaking his head at Emily as he did “Well, little girl, you seem to be the most accident prone person I know!” he said, sitting on the other side of Emily.

Emily looked at Brass, who smiled at her “Aren’t you gonna say ‘hello’?” he asked.

“She can’t talk, Jim.” Grissom said.

Brass sighed “Well, that sucks…” he said in his usual tone.

“If you want, I can translate her signing…” Grissom went on to say, trying to offer help. He wanted to know what happened as well.

Brass looked at Grissom surprised “She can sign?” he asked.

Emily took in a deep breathe, she shook her head at Grissom as she softly took Brass’s pad, he handed her a pen to let her write.

The more she thought about it, the more upset she was, and the more tense and anxious she got, it was almost as if she was paranoid Paul Millander would come back and finish her off.

Emily choked back tears as she clicked on the pen and began to write down the name that frightened her not only in reality, but in her dreams as well.

She handed the pad to Brass and took in a deep breathe as he looked down at the piece of paper in front of him: Paul Millander.

Brass glared at the name “Oh, shit…” she muttered.

Grissom looked at Brass “What is it?” he asked.

“Gil, a word with you outside?” Brass asked, getting up from his chair.

Emily grabbed Brass’s arm, shaking her head and beginning to have a panic attack as he looked at her “It’s alright…hey, it’s not gonna happen again, I promise!” he said, paging for the nurse.

The nurse walked in, smiling at Grissom, who turned to Brass “He pressed it…” he said.

Brass smiled “Can she get a sedative, please? Having a little anxiety attack.” He said.

The nurse nodded “Yes, sir.” She said, before walking out of the room for a shot.


Brass handed Grissom his pad, showing the name on it, Grissom was confused “I don’t understand, why would he want to hurt Emily?” he asked.

“I don’t know, listen, Gil, why don’t we talk to her and see what we can get out of her, maybe an idea of where this schmuck is at now…” Brass said, flailing his arms in the air for a moment.

Grissom looked at Emily, she was calming down as he watched her, he turned back to Brass “Okay, but if anything happens, like another panic attack, or anything like that…it’s done!” he said, walking back into the room.


Brass sat next to Emily again, he looked at her with his coy smile “Alright, this is how we’re going to play, okay? You’re going to sign, and your dad is going to translate everything…and if you need a minute, or if you’ve had enough, the secret word is ‘snapple’, okay?” he asked.

Emily nodded as she sat up in the hospital bed.

“Did Paul Millander attack you?” Brass asked.

Emily nodded.

“Why?” he asked.

Emily signed, Grissom responded “I don’t know, he knocked on the door, said he was looking for dad…” he translated to Brass.

Brass nodded “Okay, I want you to tell me everything, from the moment he knocked on the door, until you called 9-1-1…alright, is that okay?” he asked.

Emily sighed, then nodded. She signed like there was no tomorrow, Grissom couldn’t believe the story he was telling through Emily.

“Had you seen him before?” Brass asked.

Emily signed, Grissom translated “I saw him at the lobby of the lab before I went home, he gave me the creepiest look I ever saw…couldn’t sleep, I waited for dad to come home…” he translated.

“Did he talk to you?” Brass asked.

Emily nodded.

“What’d he say?” Brass asked.

Emily sighed “He asked me my name, and what I was doing at a Crime Lab, and so late at night…---you’re not stupid, Emily…you didn’t know! This could’ve happened to anybody!” Grissom translated, before lecturing her on what wasn’t her fault.

Grissom rubbed her hand “Honey, you’re not stupid! I promise!” he assured her.

Brass smiled “…what time did he come to the door?” he asked.

“A little after 2…” Grissom translated.

Brass was astonished “In the morning? What were you doing up?” he asked.

Grissom translated every word “Like I said, I couldn’t sleep, his face was everywhere, gave me nightmares. So I finished my homework, watched TV, played with Hank, and then I made Macaroni and Cheese, and that’s when the knock on the door came, I looked at the clock on the oven…” he said.

Brass smiled “Okay, get some rest, kiddo…” he said, getting up from his seat, having Grissom follow him out of the room for a chat.