Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


Emily slept on the couch, the TV was blaring at 6 in the morning as Grissom came home, there were still ‘words’ that needed to be said since both of them had avoided each other since their incident from the Lab.

Grissom put his briefcase down and took a breather as he turned off the TV, letting Emily sleep in peace and quiet for a moment.

The sun was just rising in Las Vegas as Grissom walked into his bedroom, Hank followed suite as he jumped on the bed and relaxed while looking at Grissom.

Emily’s eyes slowly opened as she noticed that the TV was off, and the rising sun was staring to burn into her eyes.

The teenager looked at her watch and sighed as she slowly sat up on the couch and stretch, letting out a large yawn before getting off the couch and walking into the kitchen.

Emily made a pot of coffee for herself and grabbed a box of cereal out from a cabinet.

The smell of gourmet vanilla bean coffee attracted Grissom into the kitchen as Emily turned on the radio, singing along to James Brown’s “This is a Man’s World”

“This is a man’s world, this is a man’s world! But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing…without a woman, or a girl!” Emily sang along with, trying to get her spirits up at the early morning hour.

Grissom smiled as he turned it up, grabbing Emily’s hand and dancing along with the song.

Emily yawned again as she pulled away from the dancing to pour herself a cup of coffee.

Grissom turned off the radio and sighed “I’m sorry, I did those things yesterday…” he said.

Emily shook her head “No, I get it…an innocent 3 month old child just cast aside because some jerk knew he could do it…and it probably doesn’t help you that every time you see a case just like it, it reminds you of me.” She said, mixing in the cream with her coffee.

“It makes me sad…how can a parents deal with that: a child’s death?” Emily asked, taking a sip of coffee.

Grissom sighed “I don’t think you ever can deal…just like it’s hard to deal with the fact that your attacker is still out there…” he said.

Emily nodded “Or deal with the fact that it happened.” She said.

Grissom smiled “How’s the coffee?” he asked.

“It’s pretty good.” She said, nodding.

Grissom nodded back “What are your plans for today?” he asked.

Emily shrugged her shoulders “Go to the mall…if that’s okay?” she asked.

Grissom pulled out his wallet, handing Emily $200 in spending cash, Emily looked at it with a shocked look on her face.

“I can’t spend all of this!” Emily proclaimed.

Grissom grabbed a cup of coffee and smiled “I dare you…” he said before walking back into his bedroom.


Grissom was walking around the lab, trying to get information on his case that he was working on with Nick and Catherine.

He hadn’t seen Emily in the lab all day, but she was most likely making arrangements for Graduation and the ‘after party’ for her and her friends, but this night was going to rank up with one of the worst nights of his life.

Grissom walked into the DNA Lab where Greg was pulling out results, shocked by the results, in fact.

“Is that my high school murder case results?” Grissom asked.

Greg looked up at Grissom scared “We have a problem.” He said.

Grissom looked at Greg confused “What do you mean?” he asked.

“The DNA sample you gave me from the broken fence…it’s Emily…” he said, letting the feeling sink in as he began to worry about Emily.

Grissom looked at the results, Emily Grissom’s blood was on a sharp edge of a broken wooden fence.

He pulled out his cell phone and called Emily’s cell, but it just rang.

Greg called, the same results.

“Should we call Brass?” Greg asked.

Grissom shook his head “Don’t worry about it, Greg…she’s fine.” He said, walking out of the Lab.

It was only a matter of time before he got to Catherine and Nick that Emily might be a suspect in the murder case they were investigating.

Nick was lost with the DNA findings “I don’t understand…why would she be there?” he asked.

Catherine was calling Emily’s phone number, no answer.

“She’s still not answering, maybe we should call Brass…get a broadcast out…” Catherine suggested.

Grissom shook his head “No…because I don’t want to be pointed out as the father of the criminal for a daughter…” he said.

Nick groaned “She couldn’t be a part of this…she might have just stumbled upon it…and she’s running scared…” he said.

“…or something…” Catherine said.


Brass sent out a broadcast for the teenager, only to have her in his office an hour later, unaware of who was doing what, or what was going on.

“You gotta help me, please!” Emily sobbed, holding onto Brass.

Brass nodded “Honey, what happened?” he asked.

Emily cried for a moment “I don’t know, I thought it was a joke, and I just walked off cause I was annoyed with them…and the next thing I know, Gabe’s dead…and it’s all over the news! And I don’t know what to do…” she said.

“Okay-okay…let’s talk…c’mon!” Brass said, walking Emily to an officer where he would escort her to an interrogation room.


“Willows,” Catherine said, answering her cell phone.

Brass sighed “Okay, I got Emily Grissom, crying up a storm cause she doesn’t know what the hell is going…BUT, she’s agreeing to talk…” he said.

Catherine sighed with relief “Oh, thank god…we’ll be there in 10 minutes.” She said, hanging up the phone.

“She’s at the PD…apparently Emily has no idea what is going on…but, hopefully she’ll get us something.” She said “C’mon, Nicky…” she said, patting his shoulder.

Grissom sighed “I guess I’ll meet you guys there…I’ll be watching…” he muttered.

Catherine nodded “Alright, see you there.” She said, walking out of the conference room with Nick.