Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


“Alright, tell us what happened…” Catherine said.

Emily sighed “Is my dad here?” she asked.

Catherine nodded “Yeah, he’s here…”

“Is he on the other side of the mirror?” she asked, turning to it.

Catherine nodded “Yeah, do you want him in here?” she asked.

“No…I think it would be better if he was on that side of the wall for a change.” Emily said, taking in a deep breathe.

Brass leaned against the wall “So, Emily, what happened?” he asked.

Emily shrugged her shoulders “This thing has been going on since Prom…that’s the thing. Ok, so, I hang with the popular crowd, why, I don’t know…they like me around. These girls are so caddy…they’re snobby attitudes could kill somebody alone.” She said.

“…at Prom, I went alone, and my friend, Morgan, she has this star Quarterback boyfriend, Gabe…turned out he had the hotts for me, and made a move during Prom, right in front of Morgan…his date.” Emily explained.

Catherine smiled “Do you like him?” she asked.

Emily smirked “He’s not my type…” she muttered.

“Okay, so then what happened?” Brass asked.

Emily crossed her arms “…he made the move, and I got offended, and upset…so I left, and went to the Crime Lab…Warrick Brown and Nick Stokes can witness to that story…and ever since, Morgan had been down my neck, just angry, furious…like it’s MY fault Gabe likes me…” she said.

Brass sighed, sitting down next to Catherine “So, girl likes guy, guy likes other girl, other girl doesn’t care?” he asked.

Emily nodded “Yeah. But today, during Statistics, she tells me to meet her and the girls, behind the abandoned Carnival at 8…figured we would be doing some pre-graduation shit or something…” she said, flailing her hands for a moment.

Catherine and Brass both jumped at Emily saying ‘shit’. They’d never heard her say a bad word in their entire existence of knowing her.

“I didn’t want to go, you just get that feeling something’s going to go down…but I went anyway, if only for Heather!” she said.

Catherine cocked an eye brow “Heather?” she asked.

Emily nodded “Yeah, Heather…she’s a friend, in with the cliché…but she got tossed into this thing because she always sides with me.” She said.

Brass smirked “Why does she do that?” he asked.

“Because I’m always right…it’s annoying, but true…even for me.” Emily said, looking at Catherine “So anyway, I go…and there’s Gabe, totally scared for his life as he looks at me…like I’m pregnant and Morgan knows all about it…he’s just mortified!” she explained.

Catherine nodded “…what happened next?” she asked.

Emily began to get choked up “…Morgan said that everything had to be settled, once and for all before graduation…she said she had to kill us…” she said, letting a tear fall down her cheek.

Brass looked at Emily shocked “…kill you?” he asked.

Emily nodded “Yeah…I thought she was joking…that size zero bitch taking on a 6’4 quarterback and a girl who knows how to box…there wasn’t a chance…and we all knew that! But she kept pushing it ‘I’m gonna kill you, I’m gonna kill you’…and I just got sick of it, just annoyed because I swear I thought she was joking.” Emily said.

Catherine nodded “So you left?” she asked.

“Yeah…hell yeah…I left, figured I’d see them all tomorrow, and we’d be laughing at the sick joke…but then I saw on the news a couple of hours later that Gabe was dead.” Emily said.

Brass nodded “Where did you go, when you left?” he asked.

Emily shrugged her shoulders, she turned to the mirror, then back at Brass “I knew I didn’t want to go the Lab…there are times, when you can’t go to the lab…because I knew I would tell Warrick and Nick…and I didn’t want police to get involved…” she said.

Catherine leaned in “Where did you go?” she asked.

Emily turned to the mirror, getting out of her seat and staring at the mirror, knowing Grissom was looking into her eyes, waiting for her to answer.

“I went to the Rapport Casino…” she said.

Brass looked at Emily confused “Why, in God’s name, would you go to the Rapport Casino?” he asked.

Emily turned around and looked at Brass “…because, I thought, since he kind of already knew me, Sam Braun and I could just talk…he’d been around the block with those kinds of situations…figured I’d get an opinion…even though I was pretty sure it was a joke…” she said.

Catherine looked at Emily “And what did you and Sam talk about?” she asked.

“We didn’t really talk, he taught me how to play Blackjack…in his office…until we saw the news flash along with the broadcast search for me, and he requested I go home…or to the lab…or here, because everyone was probably looking for me.” She said.

Brass smiled “And here we are.” He said.

Emily nodded “I swear to God, I had no idea Morgan’s threat to kill were serious…if I did, I would have call you directly, Brass…” she said.

Brass nodded “I know, I know…I trust you. But because we’ve placed you at the crime scene, during the crime, we’re gonna have to keep you here for awhile…but I promise, it’ll be alright, okay?” he said.

Emily nodded “Okay.” She said, holding back tears of fear.

Catherine and Brass got out of their seats, taking one last look at Emily, scared for her, the CSI supervisor didn’t want to leave her, but Catherine knew she had to work hard to prove Emily’s uninvolvement in the crime.

They walked out of the interrogation room with Nick and Grissom waiting for them.

Catherine sighed “We need to find Morgan…and her little followers…” she said.

Brass nodded “I’ll get another broadcast out…have Emily give descriptions of the girls…and their full names too.” He said, walking to his office.

Catherine looked at Grissom “…you wanna go talk to her?” she asked.

Grissom shook his head “There’s nothing I can say,” he said, turning away from Catherine and Nick.

Nick looked at Catherine “…we better get this investigation going if we’re gonna get Emily out of here before dawn…” he said, walking out of the PD with Catherine.