Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


Emily and Grissom stared at each other, Grissom didn’t know what to say to Emily as she just looked at him.

“Why did you come talk to me about it?” Grissom asked her.

Emily shrugged her shoulders “What was I supposed to say? ‘Oh, hey, dad…glad I caught you, because I just got a gun in my face and somebody acted like they would going to kill me, how’s your day going so far?’…you would have jumped…” she said.

Grissom sighed, he shook his head “No, Emily, there could have been other ways to deal with this…” he said.

“No, dad…Morgan is fierce, she’s made of daddy’s money, and the spoils of Las Vegas…she would have figured out a way to pin it on me…and, I can’t do anything to stop her.” Emily said.

Grissom looked at Emily concerned “You have plenty of things to stop her with…” he said.

Emily shook her head “Like, what? Dad…so, what…I’ve got the entire Las Vegas Police Department AND the Forensics team behind me…but, the evidence…and Ecklie…Morgan would have made it all turn to me…” she said.

“…not if I can help it…” Grissom said.

Emily shrugged her shoulders “And you guys probably won’t find her…” she said, just as Grissom’s cell phone went off.

Grissom opened the text message and smiled at Emily “…spoke too soon, Emily…cause Brass just brought her in.” he said, getting up from his seat.

“You can’t interrogate her, conflict of interest.” Emily said.

Grissom smiled “Doesn’t mean I can’t watch…I’ll be back!” he said.


Nick looked at the teenager with his expensive lawyer, she smirked at Nick, thinking this was going to be a piece of cake.

If only she knew what Nick had in store for Morgan.

“…where were you tonight?” Nick asked.

Morgan shrugged her shoulders “I was at home…studying…big Statistics test tomorrow.” She said.

Nick smirked “How well do you know Emily Grissom?” he asked.

“…she’s my friend…a part of my cliché…why?” Morgan asked, smirking back at Nick.

Nick shook his head “No, reason…we found several shoe prints at the crime scene…mind if I take a look at yours?” he asked.

Morgan shrugged her shoulders “I don’t care…” she said, showing Nick her shoes.

Nick smiled as he examined pictured, and looked at Morgan’s American Eagle flats “Thanks.” He said.

Morgan sighed as she put her feet down “So, what did you ask about Emily?” she asked.

Nick looked at Morgan “Well, before I answer that, when did you last see Emily?” he asked.

Morgan pretended to think about it “…during Statistics…why?” she asked.

“See—you lied, your shoe prints were at the crime scene…why don’t you tell us what happened?” Nick said, taking the file aside.

Morgan shook her head “That bitch killed Gabe…the love of my life, did she say I did it?” she asked.

Nick smiled “I’m not saying you did it, BUT you were at the crime scene…” he said.

Morgan began to figure it out, she stopped talking and looked at her lawyer “I’m done, talking…” she said.

“Good, sit tight…OH, and I’m gonna need your DNA and Finger Prints before I go.” Nick said, smirking at the spoiled brat.


Greg traced every spot of DNA that Nick and Catherine gave him, he just kept expecting Emily to walk in at any moment and say ‘HEY!’…but, she never did.

“You got anything?” Catherine asked, walking into the Lab.

Greg nodded “Yeah, the small skin fragment from the revolver matched Morgan…” he said.

Catherine nodded “Awesome…does anything point to Emily?” she asked after a moment of silence.

Greg looked at Catherine “Besides the footprint and the DNA sample from the fence, no…” he said, then turning away quickly.

Catherine didn’t know what to say to Greg as she walked closer to him “…she’s not going anywhere, Greg…” she assured him, walking out of the lab.

Greg stopped his work as he thought about what Catherine said, he knew he should have been relieved of that comment, but he still wasn’t sure.

And he wasn’t ever going to be sure until he saw Emily in his lab.


Brass walked into Emily’s interrogation room and smiled at her “…you’re free to go…” he told her.

Emily let a small smile off of her lips as she slowly got up from the chair and grabbed her jacket, walking towards the door.

“You want a lift somewhere?” Brass asked.

Emily smiled softly as she thought about it “…the lab?” she asked quietly “I wanna say ‘hi’ to somebody…” she said.

Brass nodded “Okay, then…the Crime Lab it is…” he said, walking with her out of the Police Department.

“So, what’s gonna happen to Morgan?” she asked, walking.

Brass looked at Emily “I can’t discuss that with you, but I can tell you she’s going to jail for a long time…” he said.

Emily put her hands in her jacket pockets and looked up at Brass “Is any of this going on my record?” she asked.

Brass shook his head “No, the peeps at Yale aren’t ever gonna hear about this…” he assured her.

Greg walked into the lab, he looked up to see Emily sitting on top of a counter as she waited for him.

“Hey…” she muttered.

Greg smiled “You’re here…” he said.

Emily nodded “Yes, and a free woman…again…” she said, letting a smile escape her lips.

Greg smiled back at her “Well, I’m glad…” he said to her.

Emily looked at Greg for a good and long moment before clearing her throat “Umm, what time do you get off?” she asked.

Greg shrugged his shoulders “7…why?” he asked.

“Well, if you don’t have any big plans…maybe we could go get a bite to eat…or something.” Emily asked.

Greg smiled “Is Grissom okay with that? I mean, you’ve got school in the morning…so…”

“Grissom suggested that I skip school tomorrow…I mean, it would be my first day of missing school…so, dad doesn’t mind.” Emily said.

Greg smiled “No, I mean…about us…hanging out…” he said.

“What difference does it make if we hang out?” Emily asked.

Greg sighed “It’s just…you’re--”

“—I’m what?” she asked.

Greg looked at Emily, then shook his head “Nothing…” he said, trailing off.

Emily nodded “Well, it’s only midnight, so…you can think about it, just let me know…” Emily said, pushing herself off the counter and looked at Greg, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, and left the Lab.

Greg smiled to himself as he watched her leave, the feelings grew strong with this Lab Tech.