Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


The game of “I bet you” between Greg and Emily on long boring days in the lab were probably exciting for the both of them.

Though Greg always lost, no matter what.

Emily giggled “Fine, I bet you lunch that I can get Nick to eat out of the palm of my end in less than a minute!” she said.

Greg smirked “Fine, then…” he said, watching Nick turn the corner into the lab.

Nick smiled “Hey, guys…” he said, just then Emily grabbed a hold of Nick’s waist and held onto his tightly.

“Hey, what’s wrong, Emily?” he asked, rubbing her back as she held onto him.

Emily look up at him “I’m afraid of the weather…” she muttered.

“The weather, huh? Why don’t we go get a Coke Float as soon as I get my results, okay?” Nick suggested to her, being the softie that he was…especially with Emily.

Greg gaped at Emily, who slightly stuck her tongue at him. He shook his head as he handed Nick’s results “DNA doesn’t match up, sorry…” he said.

Nick nodded “Alright, thanks Greggo!” he said, walking with Emily out of the lab.

“Fricken---unbelievable!” Greg said, angry that he now owed Emily lunch.

Catherine smirked “What’s going on Greg?” she asked.

“Nothing…just…lost at the game, again…” Greg said, looking for Catherine’s results.

Catherine smirked “What did she bet this time?” she asked.

Greg sighed “That she could get Nick eating out of the palm out of her hand…and now I owe her lunch!” he explained.

Catherine laughed “And how did she do that?” she asked.

Greg looked at Catherine and mocked Emily “...Nicky, I’m so scared of the weather…and the storms…and the thunder and lightning…hold me?” he said.

Catherine laughed even hard “Of course…Nicky would fall for that!”

Greg growled, handing Catherine her results and shaking his head “Unbelievable!” he said, turning away.


“Can we do a Grissom bet today?” Greg asked, organizing finished files.

Emily nodded “Sure, it might cost you your job…BUT, what do I care?” she said, laughing.

Greg shook his head “Alright, then…what’s the bet?” he asked.

Emily smirked “I bet I can get my dad to give you a dirty look in under ten seconds!” she said.

“Uhh, Emily…I can do that all by myself! I do every day!” he said.

Emily smiled “Watch this, hey dad!” she said, just as Nick and Grissom walked into the lab.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Grissom asked, smiling at the both of them.

Emily smiled brightly “Well, Greg and I were talking about sex organisms…and then Greg started talking about his penis…” she said, nodding energetically.

Grissom immediately turned to Greg, and gave him a disgusting dirty look while Nick tried to hold in the laughter while giving a small high five to Emily.

Greg looked at Grissom, impressed with the bet, then turned back to Emily “OHH…you’re good!” he said.

Emily had finally come back from her year-long Europe trip, the 19-year old girl was being awaited by the entire Night Shift of CSI’s who had been looking forward for her return for 2 weeks.

The thing about the teenager was that she had grown up in several different ways, mentally and physically.

As she walked into the locker room, Catherine and Sara were talking while getting ready for their shift, still awaiting Emily’s arrival.

“Hello, fellow CSI’s…” Emily said, walking into the locker room.

Catherine and Sara squealed with joy as they hugged her tightly, getting a good look at her.

“You got big!” Catherine said, hugging her again.

Emily nodded, blushing a little “Yeah, I guess Europe does that to people…” she said, smiling.

Sara smiled brightly “How was Europe, anyway?” she asked.

“It was beautiful…” she said.

Sara nodded “Well…I would love to hang out with you, but I have to get to a 419…”she hugged Emily tightly before letting her go.

Catherine kissed Emily’s cheek “I’m so glad you’re home…now go see the guys, they’re anxious to see you!” she said, walking out of the locker room.

Emily smiled brightly, she looks down at her 36 C cup boobs, dreading them greatly, she asked herself why she didn’t tape them down when she had a chance.

The girl sighed, walking towards the DNA Lab where she spotted Greg, Nick, and Warrick standing around talking when Nick spotted her.

Emily waved slowly as Nick’s eyes lit up, running out of the lab and grabbing Emily up in his arms.

“It’s you!! It’s really you!!!” Nick yelled, hugging her tightly as he spun her around the lab.

Nick put her down “You’re beautiful! That trip did you wonders!” he said, trying to resist the urge to hold her tightly.

Emily smiled “It’s good to see you too, Nicky!” she said, stroking his cheek.

They walked into the Lab where Greg and Warrick waited patiently, she noticed the both of them looking down at her chest, before clearing her throat.

Warrick quickly looked back up “Look at you, all woman, no kid…” he said, giving her a big hug.

As Emily was blocked of Greg and Nick’s view, they implied questions of Emily’s busty looks to each other, while not knowing if to ask or assume.

Warrick let her go “I missed you…how was Europe?” he asked, playfully punching her arm.

Emily nodded “It was great, beautiful!” she said, reaching in to give Greg a hug, but he, unlike Nick and Warrick, almost didn’t let her go.

Greg held her close, then letting her go, getting a good look at her “You…look…beautiful!” he said.

Emily smiled brightly “Thank you, Greg…you look pretty good yourself!” she said.

The four of them just looked at each other before Warrick and Nick’s beepers went off, they looked at them, then groaned “Aww, man…” Warrick said.

Nick looked up at Greg and Emily “Grissom’s calling…it was good to see you, Emily…maybe later we can have dinner…” he said, giving her one more hug before leaving.

Warrick and Nick looked at each other “Dude, did she get…like a job?” Nick asked, implying a question of breast implants.

“No, they felt pretty real to me!” Warrick said, walking into Grissom’s office.

Greg and Emily looked at each other, Greg looked at her boobs, then up at her, then at his files, then back at her boobs. It was a pattern of his eyes wandering.

“…just ask…” Emily said.

Greg looked at attention “Are those fake, cause I just wanna---” he stopped, reaching out to touch her boobs.

Emily gagged “They’re real! I got breast reduction surgery in Sweden…” she said.

Greg looked at Emily “…how big were they before?” he asked, a little embarrassed.

“Double D’s…it just…happened, out of nowhere. Woke up one morning and I couldn’t breathe cause they were there!” Emily said.

Greg nodded “Well, that’s nice…how was your trip all over Europe? Did you sleep with any good looking British men, maybe a Swede?” he asked.

Emily sighed “I just…if I tell you something will you promise not to tell anybody?” she asked.

“Like a secret? Sure!” Greg said, moving closer.

Emily crossed her arms “I didn’t go on a trip all over Europe…I went to Rehab in Sweden for Heroin…and then I got out, and the boobs happened, so I got the job there and recovered for the rest of the year!” she admitted.

“Heroin? What the hell were you doing with Heroin?” Greg asked, moving closer to her.

Emily sighed “It was one hit…and then, I didn’t want my dad to find out, and I was afraid I would get addicted, so I told everyone I was going to Europe…” she said.

Greg looked at Emily seriously, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. But he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Emily had become, he wanted to kiss her, maybe fuck her against a wall, but he kept it together.

“I’m sorry that happened to you!” Greg said, walking to the counter.
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Just two more chapters on this one...hope you guys enjoy!