Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


Grissom was in his office, doing paper work when his phone went off. He sighed as he answered his phone “Grissom.” He said.

The phone call was he never thought he would get, it was Emily’s biological grandmother.

“I’m sorry to say that Avian is dead…” Emily’s grandmother said.

Grissom took in a deep breathe “I’m so sorry for you’re loss…” he said.

The grandmother went on “Yes, but we just went through Avian’s Will…she requested that we inform Emily…and she also wished that she and her legal guardian, whom I’m guessing if you, would come to the funeral…” she said.

Grissom nodded “Well, I’ll have to check with Emily, but I’ll definitely try to make it…” he said.

He hung up the phone, sitting in his chair as he thought about what just happened.

Emily walked by his office “Hey, Emily?” he yelled.

The teenager walked into her father’s office “Yeah, dad?” she asked.

“Can you close the door…we need to talk.” He said, taking his glasses off.

Emily closed the door “Am I in trouble?” she asked.

“No, you’re not in trouble…we just need to talk for a moment.” Grissom said, smiling at his daughter while she sat in front of him.

Grissom sighed “I got a call…from your biological grandmother…” he said.

Emily nodded “Okay.” She said.

“…your mother died…and in her will, she requested you to be there at her funeral.” Grissom said, watching Emily take it in.

Emily looked up at Grissom “…are you telling me that I’m going, or are you asking me if I wanna go?” she muttered.

Grissom shrugged his shoulders “I’m telling you…that you’ve been requested.” He said.

Emily smiled “I’ve only met the woman once…I don’t know dad, I’ll have to think about it.” She said, getting up from her chair and leaving the office.

It hadn’t been a year since everything went down, Emily was 17 and the memories of the tragic accident with her twin sister and Aunt came back to her…but she thought about going to the funereal, there would be closure…if anything.


Grissom and Emily sat in the front row of the funeral, everyone was glancing at Emily, like they knew who she was.

Emily held on tightly to Grissom’s hand as the funeral started, the sobbing was something Emily wasn’t used to, and all the unfamiliar faces that were staring at her.

Grissom just held onto Emily tightly, light a shield from all the eyes wandering towards her as the casket began to be laid in the dirt.

As everyone left to join the party or go home, Emily held onto her father’s hand while somebody called her name.

“EMILY…EMILY!” she heard, she turned around to see a man coming towards her.

Grissom stayed, holding her hand as the man approached them, the man smiled at Emily “You are Emily, correct?” he asked.

Emily nodded, she turned to Grissom “I’ll meet you at the car, I’ll be okay.” She said, letting go of Grissom’s hand.

The man smiled “I’ve dreamed of meeting you for seventeen years…” he said to her.

Emily smiled “So…you’re technically my father” she asked.

The man nodded “My name is Robert Hendig…and I am your biological father…it’s nice to meet you Emily.” He said.

Emily nodded “It’s nice to meet you, Robert Hendig…” she said.

“What do they call you these days?” Robert asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

Emily smiled “Umm…Emily Faye Grissom…” she said.

Robert nodded, he looked at the car while Grissom stood by, waiting for Emily, Robert looked back at Emily “Look, I feel like I owe something to you…”

“No, it’s okay, there’s nothing you can really do…I’ll be Eighteen in May…” she said, nodding to herself.

Robert sighed “College? Are you going to college?” he asked.

“Yale University…I’ve got a full ride…I’m really fine…I don’t need any compensation…I’ve been in Mr. Grissom’s care for…quite a long time now…”Emily said, putting her hands in her jacket pockets.

Robert nodded he stuck out his hand “Well, it’s just nice to meet one of my daughters finally…” he said, shaking her hand.

“It’s nice to meet my immediate family…” she said, walking away from Robert and towards Grissom, who unlocked the car and let Emily inside.

The car was silent as they went home, Grissom cleared his throat as he looked at Emily, she was pale, like she had seen a ghost.

“Are you alright?” Grissom asked.

Emily shook her head “No, dad…not really…” she muttered.

Grissom looked at Emily closely “Do you want me to pull the car over?” he asked, trying to make Emily feel comfortable again.

Emily shook her head again “No, dad…it’s okay.” She muttered.

“I really think we should talk about this…lets be honest, Emily…this was awkward and strange for the both of us…you’re the daughter Avian gave up, and I’m the man who took you away from her…forever!” Grissom said.

Emily huffed, she turned to Grissom “You didn’t steal me from anybody…you…you adopted me! And there’s a difference! I’m a rare gem…because after Veronica and I…there weren’t any other kids for her…it was us!” Emily said, turning away from Grissom.

“I’m sorry…we shouldn’t have gone!” he said.

Emily shook her head “No, I’m glad we did…I needed to go.” Emily said, cuddling up in her jacket as she watched the rain fall.

Grissom turned up the heater as he watched Emily bundle up, it was a cold and rainy day in Las Vegas, a rare thing, but Emily always preferred them to the hot days of summer.

She’d always almost melt, and in a literal sense.

Grissom sighed “…you wanna go see a movie?” he asked after another moment of awkward silence.

Emily thought about it for a moment as she watched the rain pour “…what’s showing?” she asked.

Grissom shrugged his shoulders “I don’t know, maybe a good scary movie?” he said, trying to keep the mood up.

Emily smiled as she turned to Grissom “Yeah, that’d be awesome!” she said.