Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts

Three (Part 2)

Emily, Nick, and Warrick were walking down the halls, the eerie feeling in the office was noticeable with everyone glaring at Emily in shock.

It wasn’t until Greg showed up the three of them figured out what was going on.

“YOU’RE ALIVE!” Greg yelled, grabbing Emily and squeezing her tightly as he rocked her side to side.

Emily was confused as she slowly wrapped her arms around Greg “…yeah…” she said, her tone of voice just as confused.

Nick cleared his throat “Greg!” he said.

Greg put her down and sighed “Oh my god, I can’t believe it! They said you were dead and Grissom was freaking out…and…wow!” he said, Greg didn’t know what to say exactly.

Emily was in shock “What?” she said, Nick and Warrick pulled her back before serious damage control had to be enforced.

“Greg, shut up!” Nick said, walking Emily into Grissom’s office where it remained empty for most of the night.

Warrick and Nick paced Grissom’s office as Emily sat in Grissom’s chair, examining paper work that was starting to pile up on his desk.

The silence consumed the room until the harsh footsteps that belonged to Grissom walked into his office. They looked up from their gazing spots to see Grissom, worried but relieved as he saw Emily.

“Oh, thank god!” Grissom said, walking up to Emily as she got up from the desk.

Grissom held onto Emily tightly as he buried her face into his chest, Warrick and Nick watched the rather awkward and tender moment as Emily managed to wrap her arm around Grissom, who was crushing her, and pat his back.

“Are you okay?” Grissom asked, pulling away from the hug to examine Emily to make sure she wasn’t injured or harmed.

Emily nodded “Yeah, I’m fine…” she said, crossing her arms.

Nick cleared his throat “Uhh, Grissom? You wanna tell us what the hell is going on?” he asked, crossing his arms.

Grissom looked at Emily, then at Nick and Warrick “We found a young girl’s body on the strip. She looked identical to Emily.” He explained.

“My twin,” Emily implied, looking at Grissom who stared at her “Veronica. That’s what she told me her name was when she showed up at our doorstep tonight.” Emily said.

Grissom nodded “She’s dead, Emily.” He told her.

Emily nodded “It figures.” She muttered before running out of the office and down the hallway.

Nick, Warrick, and Grissom watched her run out of sight before turning back to one another “An older woman came by later with ‘Veronica’…said she was Emily’s aunt.” Nick told Grissom.

Warrick nodded “Yeah, she sounded French.” He went on to say.

Grissom nodded “What did she look like?” he asked Nick.

“5’7, bright red hair…long. Pale skin, brown eyes. Was wearing a denim jacket with jeans and a t-shirt…I think it was Pink.” Nick said, looking down at the floor. He couldn’t look at Grissom anymore.

Warrick sighed “I’m going to go find Emily, make sure she’s okay…” he said, beginning to walk out of the office.

Nick and Grissom stared at each other, Grissom sat on his desk as he thought about everything “…what’s going to happen if this gets out of hand? What if her mother shows up?” Grissom thought out loud.

“This is isn’t going to get out of hand…and there is no way in hell I’m going to let some hootchie mama come and snatch your daughter…” Nick said before storming out of the office.

Grissom sighed “Oh, what a night.” He muttered.

Emily ran into the morgue, she was out of breath as she saw it. The body that was bloody and naked, lying still on a tray waiting to be cut up.

The morgue was empty, Dr. Robbins hadn’t arrived yet and he probably would be there any minute then.

Emily walked towards the body and looked at it closely. Her blue eyes were wide open, but where blank as she looked up at the ceiling. Veronica Shepard was dead and Emily felt like all of this was an out-of-body experience.

Like it was HER on the slab.

The doors opened, Doc was coming and he wouldn’t be too happy with Emily in there, she knew from past attempts to watch an autopsy.

Emily panicked, she looked around as she hid under the table and watched as Doc Robbins walked into the morgue with his cane, limping over to the body.

This was one autopsy Emily Grissom didn’t want to be a part of in anyway, but it was too late to escape, the Doc was in.

“Well, better you than her.” Robbins said, putting his cane down and turning on the stereo to The Sex Pistols, there were different styles of music for different styles of autopsy. Emily knew this.

Emily covered her mouth, trying to balance herself on the cold metal beam that she was sitting on, trying to go undetected as Doc started up the saw.

“Oh my god,” Emily whispered to herself as she listened to the blade touching the body as it sliced it open.

The visual image in her head made Emily covered her eyes while shutting them tightly, trying to picture butterflies or Greg Sanders naked, that could possibly take the edge off.

Emily was too focused on trying to think of something else that she almost lost her balance on the beam when somebody else walked into the morgue.

“Grissom,” Doc said, turning off the saw as he looked at him, Emily did too from under the table.

Grissom looked at the body, disturbed and upset as he walked out of the morgue.

Doc sighed “…you’re really not making this easy for anybody, are you?” he asked the body, before starting the saw back and cutting the body even more.

Emily covered her mouth as she listened, it had been a good 30 minutes on the saw before Doc stopped, then David walked in with an upset look on his face.

“This must make you feel terrible,” David implied.

Doc shook his head as he put the saw down “Not as bad as for Ms. Shepard as I do for Grissom.”

David nodded “Well, Emily is missing. She walked out of Grissom’s office, nobody’s seen her since…and that was at least two hours ago.” David said.

It was silent in the morgue for a moment.