Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts

Three (Part 3)

Warrick and Nick were on a full fledge search for Emily, asking every Lab Tech, every day shifter, and every security guard if they had seen Emily Grissom.

Nobody had seen her.

They went to the morgue, walking in on David and Doc Robbins pulling apart Veronica’s ribs.

“Have you guys seen Emily?” Nick asked.

Doc shook his head “Like she’d be in here?” he chuckled for a moment as he put Veronica’s ribs on a towel.

They both walked out, Emily was about to lose it. This was becoming a serious out-of-body experience and Emily couldn’t keep her hand on her mouth anymore, her stomach began to turn and she thought she was going to be sick.

Emily lost her balance and fell out from under the table, she was ‘out of it’ as David gasped “Oh my god, Emily!”

Doc came around the table to see Emily on the floor, she was getting dizzy as she saw the blood on Doc’s apron.

“You gotta stop, Doc…you’re killing me. Quit cutting me up.” Emily muttered, her eyes rolling slowly.

Doc looked at David “Don’t just stand there! Put her on a table!” he said, grabbing his cane as he watched David picked her up and placed her on a morgue table.

Emily looked around, she turned to Veronica’s body, open wide for the world to see, Emily screamed as she looked at Doc “Don’t cut me up!! Please!!!” she begged.

“Get Grissom!” Doc instructed David, who wasted no time running out of the morgue to fetch Emily’s father.

Emily cried “I’m alive, doc!” she said.

Doc nodded as he stroke Emily’s head “I know,” he told her.

“No…you can’t cut me up. I’m alive, don’t do this to me!” Emily begged.

Doc sighed as he stroked her hair some more “You’re alright…I promise, you’re dad is coming, Emily.” He told her.

Grissom and David came running through the doors, tears streaming down Emily’s face as Grissom nudged Doc out of the way “Where was she?” he asked.

“Under the table, she must’ve been there for a long time because she was looking kind of Green for awhile.” David told Grissom.

Doc cleared his throat “Probably when I started the autopsy…” he suggested.

Grissom sighed as he picked Emily up from under the table “…finish the autopsy…” he demanded, carrying Emily out of the morgue.

Doc and David looked at each other for a moment before Doc shook his head “I hate my job…” he said.

Grissom carried Emily into his office, Warrick and Nick were right behind him as Grissom placed Emily down on the couch.

“Dad…” she cried, not letting go of his hand.

Nick and Warrick left the room as Emily began to catch her breathe, she looked at Grissom and took in a deep breathe “I was four, and I was alone…why did you take me?” she asked.

Grissom sighed as he scooted enough room on the couch for himself as he looked at Emily “I was four…I had been shipped everywhere in the country, why did you?” she asked again.

“…because, you were special, Emily. You were scared, but still willing to help.” He explained to her.

Emily took in another deep breathe “But I was evidence,” she said.

Grissom shook his head “No, you were not evidence. You were a witness. And I saw something in you I had never saw in a young child. You’re my little girl because you were smart, and witty, and wise.” He told her.

Emily calmed down her breathing, Grissom rubbed her hand as he kissed her forehead “You’re okay.” He told her.

Catherine walked into the room “Grissom,” she got his attention “Ecklie wants to see you…” she said.

Grissom looked at Emily and smiled “I’ll be right back.” He told her, letting go of her hand and getting up from the couch.

“Stay with her,” Grissom requested as he walked out of his office.

Catherine smiled as she sat with Emily “Hey, you’re alright.” She said, reaching across the table to get a tissue, wiping the tears away from Emily’s eyes “You’re okay…” she said, reassuring Emily.

Ecklie was waiting for Grissom in the lobby of the building “What the hell is going on Gil? I’ve got a dead 16-year old who for some reasons looks like YOUR daughter, who is currently having a mental breakdown!” he said.

Grissom sighed “Ecklie,” he said, staring down his boss as he calmed down.

“What’s going on?” Ecklie asked, crossing his arms.

“Emily’s twin sister, and her biological aunt came looking for her today. Now, we can’t find the aunt but the twin sister, Veronica, is dead.” Grissom explained.

Ecklie couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and he knew Grissom wasn’t joking because he never and the story was too unbelievable to be made up.

Grissom smiled “…now if you’ll excuse me,” he said as he walked back to his office where Emily had somewhat calmed down and Catherine sat next to her.

Catherine shook her head in disbelief as she slowly stood up from the couch “This has got to be the worst day ever…” she said, almost laughing from how ridiculous it all was.

“…I can imagine worse.” He said, watching Emily as she rested with her eyes closed in the dim-lit office.

Nick walked into the office “Grissom,” he got his attention “We got her…” he said before walking out of the office.

Grissom looked at Catherine, who crossed her arms “You want me to handle it?” she asked.

“If you can beat Nick to it…” he said, “I’ll just watch.” He went on to say before sitting down at his desk.

Catherine smiled “Are you waiting for that single moment where you’re alone so you can pull your hair out?” she asked.

Grissom sighed “If only.” He said, looking up at Catherine who walked out of the office.

Emily turned for a moment, Grissom fiddled with a pen as he thought for a while before getting up and walking out of the office to watch the interrogation.