Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts

Three (Final Part)

Grissom called Emily’s cell phone at least ten times and she wasn’t picking it up at all, or they would go straight to voicemail.

Nick and Warrick were on the other side of town looking for her, but with the pouring rain they didn’t expect to find her at all.

“Where are ya Ems?” Nick asked himself, going down another block.

Grissom called the house, nobody answered. Grissom was getting very weary of the whole situation, but he knew he couldn’t give up as he got a call from Heather’s phone.

“…I can’t really talk right now…”

“Why? You looking for somebody?” she asked in her usual tone.

Grissom thought for a moment “…do you have her?” he asked.

“Yes. Clean clothes, cup of tea, waiting patiently…” she said, looking out the window at the rain as Emily sat by the fire.

Grissom sighed “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He said before hanging up the phone and calling Nick to cancel the search for Emily.


Lady Heather and Emily glared at each other, Emily yawned and relaxed in the chair some more as Heather smiled.

“…so you’re a twin…whose aunt killed yours?” Heather asked, looking at Emily.

Emily nodded, taking another sip of tea “…yeah,” she said, gazing off into space “I just…in my mind, it was supposed to be an inside joke. The ‘I’m adopted’ business…but today it caught up with me, and hit me square in the face.” She explained.

Heather smiled “…well your life is the one thing you create for yourself…you can’t let one woman and a mirror change how you feel about yourself.” She said.

“It reminds me of what I’m not…” Emily said, looking Heather deep into her eyes.

Heather’s eye brow cocked “…which is?”

“Not Gil Grissom’s biological daughter.” Emily said.

Heather nodded as she thought about it “I can only imagine what that would be like…” she said with a soft chuckle.

The door bell rang.

Heather cleared her throat “Excuse me,” she said, getting up from her seat and walked to the front door.

A cold breeze came into the house as Heather opened the front door. The wide oak door swung up and she looked into the concerned blue eyes of Gil Grissom.

“Mr. Grissom,” she said calmly.

“Lady Heather,” Grissom responded.

Heather let Grissom in, Emily was staring at the fire while finishing her tea. Her clothes were still in the dryer and the clothes Heather had given her were kind of big on her.

“Emily!” Grissom gasped, walking up to her and holding her tightly.

Emily just sat there in the chair, too cold and too tired to make anybody part move besides her hand bringing the cup of tea to her lips.

Grissom sighed as he turned to Heather “Thank you, really…” he said, turning back to Emily “Alright, lets go.” He told his daughter as he helped her up from the chair.

“…Emily’s clothes are still drying, I can have them dropped off tomorrow if you like.” Lady Heather said, walking up to Grissom.

Grissom shook his head “No, I’ll come by tomorrow.” He said, nodding his head.

Heather nodded “Alright then, I’ll see you both tomorrow. Hopefully.” She said, walking the both of them to the door.


Grissom carried Emily into the house, she was out for the night and Grissom had to rank the day as one of his worst.

Emily was placed on top of her twin bed, Grissom took her shoes off and watched her sleep for a moment before.

It was the first silence for the first time that night. Grissom was unsure about going back to work, but Emily had had a long day so he didn’t think she would wake up.

Grissom walked out of the house, he was sure to lock the front door before walking to his SUV where work waited for his return.

He sat in his car and looked at the house, the lights were off and he kept waiting for a light to come on. Emily to wake up, but she never did.


The following week, Emily had gone back to normal and reinstated her routine of hanging in the lab with Greg after school.

Grissom felt it better that way, where he knew where Emily was and who she was hanging out with.

“Mr. Grissom, there’s a Mrs. Avian Bernard-Thomas is here to see you…” the front office secretary said.

Grissom was shocked, Avian, Emily’s mother, wanted to see him. For what reason, he didn’t know. It would either be about wanting Emily back or her sister. Either way, he didn’t feel it could end well.

Her eyes were striking blue, pale skin, with brown hair. She was small, and Grissom hated to admit it, but Emily resembled a lot to her mother.

“Mrs. Thomas?” Grissom asked softly.

She looked at him, her smile made him comfortable even if the whole situation was awkward.

“Mr. Grissom?” she asked.

Grissom shook Avian’s hand “…how can I help you?” he asked.

Avian nodded “Right. I have something to give to you.” She said, handing Grissom a large folder. “I don’t need it anymore.” She said.

Grissom opened the file, one Polaroid picture of Emily when she was first born, her birth certificate, her foot prints, and her ultrasound.

“I’ve managed to let go…I think it’s only appropriate as her legal guardian for you to have it.” Avian said, smiling brightly. Grissom noticed that Avian did not have even a slight French accent.

Avian sighed “…is she smart?” she asked.

Grissom smiled “Very. And she’s lovely, she looks a lot like you.” He said, closing the folder.

Avian nodded “…I’m glad you found her. I separated them on purpose. Figured, nobody would want to adopt twins.” She said.

“Would you like to see her?” Grissom asked.

Avian shook her head in a rush “NO…no, that won’t be necessary, I’ve had enough experience with Veronica.” She said, nodding her head, smiling nervously.

“…dad?” Emily asked.

Grissom and Avian turned to see Emily walking towards them, Emily was messing with the sleeve of her shirt as she walked up to them.

“I don’t mean to interrupt this conversation, but do you where you put the calculator?” Emily asked her father. Avian couldn’t keep her eyes off of her, she didn’t even try to not make it obvious that she was staring.

And that made Emily feel uncomfortable.

Grissom thought “…did you check my bookshelf?” he asked.

Emily shook her head “No…” she said, slowly walking away from them. Emily stopped and looked over her shoulder, Avian and Emily sharing a glance. Emily smiled as she slightly waved at Avian before turning back and walked into the lab.

Avian let all her air out of her mouth “She’s beautiful,” she said.

Grissom nodded “She is, she’s a very smart young lady.” He said, looking at Avian.

“…you’ll never hear from me ever again, Mr. Grissom.” She said, before grabbing her bag and walking out of the office.

Grissom looked at where Avian stood, he looked down at the folder and sighed. It was a very eye opening experience for him.