Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


Emily was halfway across the building when she realized she forgot her homework in the lab, she couldn’t forget her homework again.

She turned around and walked to the lab, Greg turned to Emily with a worried look on his face.

“Do you smell that?” he asked.

The lab exploded. The both of them were pushed out of the lab, Greg landed on the floor while Emily flew into the wall, then slid onto the floor.

Emily blinked as she looked ahead of her, Greg looked up and around before letting his head hit the ground.

“…Greg…” Emily whispered, slowly getting up.

It hurt for her to breathe, her ankle hurt, and she couldn’t carry her backpack anymore.

Emily grabbed her wallet and began to limp out of the building. She was going to be late for school, but she couldn’t miss school completely.


Mr. Karrasik’s Physics class was having a discussion as Emily walked in.

She was dirty, bleeding, and bruised as the class glared at her, Emily was in pain but she couldn’t scream, let alone open her mouth.

“Emily, are you okay?” Mr. Karrasik asked.

Emily shook her head, she began to limo towards her desk as two football players helped her to her desk.

“Carl, get the nurse.” The teacher requested.

The football player nodded and walked out of the room.

The class continued to glare at Emily as she sighed “The crime lab exploded, and I got caught in the explosion.” She explained.

Mr. Karrasik shook his head “Why didn’t you stay there?” he asked.

“Because I can’t miss anymore school…” Emily said.


Grissom walked into the hospital, it was getting harder to for Emily to breathe and talk so they took her to the hospital.

Emily was lying in a hospital bed, gown and all as Grissom walked into the room. The bruises were getting more noticeable and he could see all the pain that Emily was in just by looking at her.

“Gil Grissom?” a doctor asked, guiding Grissom outside of the room to update him on Emily’s condition.

Grissom crossed his arms “What happened?”

“Mr. Grissom, when was the last time you saw your daughter?” the doctor asked.

Grissom looked at the doctor “I saw her yesterday afternoon, before I went to work, right after she came home from school.” He said.

The doctor nodded “We need to take Emily into surgery immediately.” He said.

Grissom cocked an eye brow “I don’t understand…why?” he asked.

“Emily has sustained serious injuries. A fractures ankle, bruises all down her back, two broken ribs, and a popped lung.” The doctor said.

Grissom shook his head “…broken ribs? Fractured ankle? Was she in an accident?” he asked, Grissom was undoubtedly lost about what was going on.

The doctor sighed “The popped lung was caused by one of the broken ribs, we’re gonna go in and adjust the rib so the chance of more damage to the lung is minimal or none.” The doctor explained.

“…you need my consent…” Grissom said.

The doctor nodded “Yes. We do. It’s my understanding that her injuries are from the explosion of the Las Vegas Crime Lab earlier today…” he said.

Grissom sighed “Alright, I consent.” He said, looking at Emily “Can I see her?” he asked.

The doctor nodded “Yes, you may. We’re gonna get her ready for surgery so you’ll only have five minutes.”

Grissom wasted no time walking into Emily’s room, she was tired and she couldn’t keep her eyes open.

“What were you thinking leaving the lab?” he whispered to her.

Emily was almost heaving, she squeaked a little as she opened her mouth to talk “…because I didn’t want you to know that I was there…” she whispered, she was in pain as she spoke.

Grissom flinched as he took her hand “Don’t talk…they’re about to prep you for surgery.” He told her.

Emily took in a deep breathe “…Greg…is Greg…okay?” she managed to get out.

“He’s going to be fine. I’ll let him know you’re down the hall…” Grissom told Emily, trying to keep her spirits up.

Emily smiled “Really?” she squeaked.

Grissom nodded “Really.” He told her.

“…tell him I love him…” she said in a slow sarcastic tone, she began to wince in pain as she adjusted her position.

Grissom smiled “I will…I’ll be in the hall if you need anything, so relax.” He told her, stroking her hand before getting up and out of his seat.

“Dad…” Emily whispered, reaching out for him with her right hand.

Grissom turned back to her, he walked towards her. Emily was tired, she didn’t want to talk anymore.

Emily took in a deep breathe, she squeaked. Grissom tried hard not to laugh at her squeakiness as he looked at Emily.

“…tell Greg, I love him…” she said.

Grissom smiled “I will…I’ll see you later.” He said.

Emily nodded “Bye, dad…” she whispered, turning away and closing her eyes to rest.

Grissom walked out of the room, Catherine and Warrick stood outside the door and sighed as they all glared at each other.

“…burning plastic, Greg he smelt it before the explosion.” Catherine said, crossing her arms. Warrick leaned against the wall, looking at Grissom.

Grissom nodded, he looked at Emily, then back at Emily “Well, if you find anything out, keep me posted.” He said.

Warrick looked in the room, watching Emily before turning back to Grissom “…what’s Emily doing here?” he asked.

Catherine looked in the room, she gasped as she looked at the broken and bruised girl “…what happened?” she asked.

Grissom was confused “…Greg didn’t tell you she was in the lab?” he asked.

They both shook their head “No…didn’t even mention she was at the lab, period!” Catherine said.

“…well, understandable. She has to go into surgery, her broken rib popped her lung…” Grissom said, in his sarcastic tone, he was not amused with the situation.

Warrick looked at Grissom “She get by a car?” he asked.

“She was in the lab, point blank next to Greg when it exploded…” Grissom said.

Catherine and Warrick gasped “We’ll get to the bottom of it as soon as possible, Gil.” Catherine said, walking away with Warrick behind her.

Grissom looked at Emily, he was going to kill whoever blew up the lab.