Sequel: Obsticles

Random Thoughts


Emily was in a lot of pain after the surgery, granted she had just been cut open and a rib had been relocated.

Her whole leg was in a cast, she guessed the doctor got it wrong, that her whole leg was fractured.

Sitting up was also painful, but lying straight down made her feel weird.

Emily looked around, there was a wheelchair by the room entrance. The teenager wasted no time getting out of bed and limping towards the wheelchair.

She sat slowly, her rib hurt as she took in a deep breathe…more pain.

Her voice was a simple squeak, just like a little rubber duck for a bathtub. Emily sighed as she rolled out of the room.

One hand on the wheel, the other on her I.V drip.

Emily slowly rolled her way down the hall to visit Greg, but a nurse caught her.

“Need some help?” the nurse asked, rolling her even faster to Greg’s room. His room was dim of any light and she was pretty sure she could see the spikes of his dory hair-do.

The nurse strolled Emily in, Greg was asleep but Emily didn’t care. He was alive of all things!

“Alright, Ms. Grissom…back to your room.” The nurse said, turning Emily around and taking her back to her room.

Emily groaned as she looked around the hospital, she was getting used to coming here once or twice a year for random things.


Emily had quit eating, it hurt for her to swallow and she could feel everything fall into her digestive system.

Her doctor sighed “…well, you can’t starve! Maybe we can try intravenous?” he asked.

Emily shook her head, giving him an ‘I can’t believe you’d suggest that’ look.

The doctor shrugged his shoulders, he knew Emily’s blood sugar was dropping a little more every day, he noticed her shaking more and more by the day.

“…we can always give you Jell-O.” he suggested.

Emily thought about it, she grabbed the note pad by her bed and began to write, and showed it to her doctor.

“…call my dad, please?” the doctor read out loud, he looked at Emily and nodded “Alright, I’ll let him know he’s needed.” He said, before walking out of the room.

The nurse looked at Emily and smiled “…anything else?” she asked.

Emily shook her head, turning away from the nurse.


Grissom was unable to be reached, it didn’t surprise Emily in any way. It was a little after midnight, and except for her friends, Jessica and Amber, stopping by, nothing much happened.

Catherine walked into her room and smiled, she looked beat, and Emily could understand the feeling.

“Hey! You’re awake.” Catherine said, grabbed a chair and sitting by Emily.

Emily smiled, not saying anything as she looked at Catherine.

“Still hurt?” Catherine asked.

Emily nodded.

Catherine smiled “Well, we know you were in the lab when it exploded. And we need to ask you a couple of questions.” She said.

“…we?” Emily squeaked softly, taking in a deep breathe afterwards.

Catherine nodded “Warrick’s coming.” She said.

Warrick strolled in awhile later, with a bundle of flowers in a vase, he smiled as he put the vase next to her bed and rubbed her arm.

“Hey, you look better!” he told her, standing next to Catherine.

Emily smiled as she looked at the both of them, asking their questions, and Emily tried to talk as much as she could.


Grissom walked into Emily’s room. It was 5 in the morning and he had just left work. He had his briefcase with him as he looked at Emily.

She had been doing homework, with her pen on the floor and her Math book on her lap as she slept heavily.

Grissom smiled as he grabbed her homework supplies and put them away, he noticed the flowers that Warrick left and took in a deep breathe.

At least everyone was checking up on her every once in awhile.

The nurse walked into the room and cleared her throat “Mr. Grissom? A word?” she asked.

Grissom got up and left the room with the nurse, she smiled at Grissom as she closed Emily’s door.

“Mr. Grissom, during surgery, we notice 2nd Degree burns on her chest. We noticed, when we admitted her, that her clothes had been burnt though.” The nurse said.

Grissom looked at the nurse “You’re telling me, that when you checked my daughter for injuries, you just happened to overlook these burns on her chest?” he asked.

The nurse sighed “They weren’t there when we admitted her.” She said.

Grissom wasn’t sure to be insulted or flabbergasted. No burns until hours after the incident.

“…may I see her clothes?” he asked the nurse.

The nurse nodded “Yes, I’ll let her doctor know you’ve requested them.” She said, nodding before walking away from Grissom.

Grissom walked back into Emily’s room, she was still asleep as he watched her sleep. He looked at his watch, 5: 45 a.m.


“Hodges said he found Lye on her shirt, inside and out of it. Which could explain the holes in her shirt…and the burns.” Catherine told Grissom over the phone.

Grissom sighed “Alright, thanks, Catherine.” He said before hanging up the phone.

Emily looked at Grissom, she sighed heavily “…could have transferred from the explosion.” She squeaked.

“…I guess so.” Grissom said, like he was going to tell his daughter a serious chemical exploded onto her clothes and skin.

Grissom looked at Emily “Are you feeling better?” he asked her.

Emily shrugged her shoulders, she looked out the large window of her room. She was enjoying the lovely view of the large city as she smiled.

Grissom couldn’t withstand the silence as he looked at his daughter “…I’m gonna go get us something to eat. Italian sound good?” he asked, getting up from his seat.

“Yeah.” Emily softly squeaked as she kept her eyes on the view.

Grissom sighed “Alright, I’ll be back in a bit.” He told her.

Emily nodded.