
Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Ally.

Ally has RND or Reflex Neurovascular Dystrophy. Its a disease of the Nervous System. You know how they say having a baby is the worst pain ever? Yeah, try again. RND is worst.

She had to go through this pain everyday, not even knowing what she had. Some days her pain was worst then others. Ally was a very active girl, so she realized the more lazy she was the more it hurt.

She woke up every morning to pain, a fire-like feeling in her legs and hands.

So one morning when she woke up to that, it was normal. But she went to walk and couldn't. That's when her parents started taking action. They took her to every doctor they could find. All of the doctors-not knowing what was wrong- said the same thing, she was crazy.

Now Ally would have killed herself by then if she didn't think someday she would find out what was and be cured.

But then that day came.

"Ally, you have RND." The doctor told her.

The doctor continued to talk, but Ally blocked out the rest, because she was so happy.

"Can it be cured?" Ally asked, very quite and timid.

"Well you can go to Children`s Institute." The doctor told her, and she blocked out the rest. "But it wont cure you it will just limit the pain. Exercising is good."

Ally and her family were now driving home.

"Ally, we cant take you there." Ally ignored everything else and started crying.

When the car parked in front of her house, she ran out of it and inside up to her room. She slammned her door shut and locked it.

While crying even worst the before she poured out her dresser to find her longest belt. When she found it, she tied it around her neck. Then she slowly walked over to her window. Unlocking it, she tied the rope to the window.

"I love everyone. Forgive me," she said and closed her eyes.

She jumped out the window, taking her life.....