Status: Finished....just posting the chapters....comments are appreciated :)


Parental location M.I.A!

Just seeing him makes my heart skip a beat, and this time it was the same. I saw him standing there in a black t-shirt with his blonde hair hanging loosely in his eyes as he smiled that grin that always made me smile back. We walked into his house, it was a little plain on the outside but on the inside it looked like a millionaire lived here. The furniture and the rooms were all so beautiful, I gasped “Wow.” Alec smiled and said “Yea, it is my uncle’s house but after dad died he insisted that we come live with him.” We walked into a huge kitchen and there in the window seat was a woman, I looked over at Alec. He shook his head and walked over to her saying “Come on mom, you should take your nap.”

The woman looked up and muttered “Shush Alec your sister will be home any minute.” He looked down sadly at her and replied “No, you have time to take a nap before she gets here. I will come and get you if she comes early.” She looked up and him and shrugged. She stood up as Alec helped her into a room beside the kitchen, when he returned he said “That was my mom. She believes that my sister never made it home from daycare and that she is still on the way home. The doctors said that her body could not handle the stress of losing a child so her memory stopped functioning after the first time she found out. She still believes that I am 12 years old.” I put my arms around him and whispered softly “I’m so sorry Alec.”

Someone behind me cleared their throat, I realized that Alec had stopped breathing, I looked at him but he was looking behind me. The man introduced himself as Alec’s uncle then asked “Is she asleep?” Alec simply nodded, as if he was too scared to even open his mouth. The man walked out of the room, then I turned back to Alec. He looked pale as a sheet then he went back to the foyer, as I followed him I realized that we were going to his room. Once inside he closed and locked the door, I sat down on the bed and questioned “Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?” He shrugged and hoarsely replied “It is nothing.”

I sighed as he sat down beside me, I looked at the way his eyes kept darting to the door I put my hand in his hand and said “Alec where did you get the bruises from?” He looked at me with scared child-like eyes and I knew the answer. I pulled him in as silent tears fell down his perfect face, my heart cried with him. After a few moments he pulled back, regaining his composure and whispered “I’m sorry.” I smiled weakly as I leaned in to kiss him. Around dinner time we walked over to my house, on the way I explained about mom’s nervous cooking habit and that the best thing to do would be to leave her alone in the kitchen. As soon as we walked in the door I knew that something was wrong, the door was unlocked, Dad wasn’t home from work yet, and mom wasn’t in the kitchen. I franticly called both cell phones but got no answer, I looked at Alec, and his eyes told me the worst. I called officer Moore and told him that neither were home. He told us to go back to Alec’s house and stay there until he found them. We ran back across the yard, right into the house of the monster that had left bruises on a boy already tortured by guilt.

Dear Diary, (Later on Sept. 5)
Food still in kitchen.
Mom….Dad…where did you go?
Alec’s uncle.
I recognize him…
I know him…
I know that I know him…
How do I know him?
Gotta find out!
Sam…help me.

After a quick check in on his mother we went upstairs to Alec’s room where he again locked the door. It was around midnight when Alec decided that it would be best if we went to bed, so he handed me a pair of his shorts and a tank top. I walked into a plain white and blue bathroom and showered, after drying my hair with a towel I walked back into his bed room to find him in only boxers. I walked over to lay down beside him and as I laid my head on his chest I felt him exhale. He began stroking my hair lightly before pulling me into a kiss, I felt his body against mine, at first I didn’t really notice what was happening but then I realized that it was exactly what I wanted.

The next morning I woke up on his bare chest, and I could hear his heart beating lightly against his chest. I laid there memorizing his face for a little while before drifting back off to sleep. When we finally did decide to get up, I noticed that Officer Moore still had not called and it was already lunch time. Alec could read the worry on my face, he leaned down to kiss me as he said “I need to go check on my mom, promise me that you will lock the door behind me?” I smiled and said “Scout’s honor.” He grinned as he slipped out from under the covers.

Dear Diary, (September 6, 2009)
Another perfect morning.
Waking up in his arms.
Sam wont ever get this chance.
I’m sorry Sam.

After locking the door I went to where I had folded my clothes, and retrieved my cell phone, then started dialing Officer Moore’s phone number. There was no answer and a few minutes later I heard yelling coming from downstairs. I jumped up and raced to the kitchen where Alec was, I saw Alec’s uncle slapping Alec’s mother and Alec was in the middle. I screamed “stop” but it came out more as a feeble whisper. I grabbed the coffee pot and threw the scalding hot liquid across the mans back. He shrank back in horror and pain as I raced to Alec who was now collapsed on the floor. I urged his mother to go upstairs as I helped him up. Once we were in the room we were all in the room I searched frantically for my cell phone. After a few minutes I realized that I had took it downstairs so it had to be down there.

I went in the bathroom to get some towels to clean them up. I started with Alec’s mother, and once I was done I got her to take a nap on Alec’s futon. Then I moved over to where Alec was laying, as I cleaned him up I could already see his face turning purplish blue. Silent tears made their way down my cheeks as I gently wiped the blood away. I looked down at the rest of his body and noticed that there were hundreds of slash marks and that his fists were bloody. I leaned down and whispered in his ear “I love you.”
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hey yall enjoy the new chapter! comments approved =]