Status: Finished....just posting the chapters....comments are appreciated :)


Copycat Killer?

After making sure both Alec and his mother were comfortable I made my way to his computer, I tried to be as quiet as possible just in case his uncle was still home. Once at the computer I sent a text message to Officer Moore’s phone via instant messenger. I made it short and simple:


Almost as soon as I hit send I could hear stomping and yelling coming up the stairs so I raced over to Alec and his mother as the uncle stopped at the door. I knew that he was there because I could still hear his breathing…then he spoke “Remember me, Kyleigh? Your time has come.”

There was a ping from the computer, and even though I prayed that he wouldn’t hear it, I knew that he did. He then said “I promise that it will be painless, and that you will see your parents and Samantha again soon.” I choked back the tears as I realized he was the copycat. I glanced over at the computer and all it said was:


I thought about trying to climb out of the window but I couldn’t leave Alec and his mother here with the monster. I glanced up at the ceiling and noticed that the attic door was in here. I woke up Alec and his mother and then quietly pulled down the latter. I went up first and found some old lights that still worked and a old couch. First I helped his mother up, then Alec. While I was up there I noticed an old photo album that stood out, it didn’t have any dust on it like the rest of the albums in the pile. I picked it up and something fell out of it, it was a photograph of a skinny man and a younger version of Alec’s mother.

I looked on the back and there in a fancy fine print was the names Joseph and Marcine. I tried to see if maybe it was Alec’s father but then after flipping a few pages I realized that it had to be his uncle. I thought about the man downstairs, whom at any minute would break in and have his revenge. There was no way that it could be him, they looked nothing alike. I walked over to Marcine and asked “Marcine who is this handsome fellow?” Her eyes lit up as she said “Sweetie pie, that is my darling brother Joseph.” My eyes widened as I questioned “Marcine what happened to Joseph?” Her eyes fell to the floor as she said “He died the same day as Abigail. He was in the car that Russell hit.” I dropped the book and said “Oh, God Marcine I’m so sorry!” I glanced over at Alec and said “Does he know?” She smiled weakly and said “Know what?” I knew the meds were probably kicking in and sure enough she was asleep in a matter of minutes. I searched around for more clues, but after finding nothing I decided that I had to go get help.

Other than the door we had come from there was no other way out except for a tiny window that lead to a hide away balcony on the roof. I pushed against the window and as soon as I got it open I heard the stomping again. I knew that I had to hurry so I climbed down to the rose trellis, and decided that it was my best shot at escaping. As I climbed downward I looked through the window and saw him stomping down the stairs, luckily he didn’t see me so I kept going as fast as I could. My plan was to start running as soon as I hit the ground, but there was a hole that my foot landed in and before I knew it I was withering in pain from a sprained ankle.

I crawled over to the edge of the woods and then tried to stand up, then I heard him bellowing “Kyleigh, I know that you are out here…you crushed my roses…now you will have to pay double in pain.” I tried to hid behind a tree but I could hear him getting closer and closer so I raced to the neighbors yard, and then on to the street. My ankle was screaming in pain but not as much as my lungs were. I hadn’t ran like this since I was a kid but I knew that I couldn’t stop because then he would get to me.

I felt something grab my arm, and jerk me backwards. I landed dizzily on the pavement, warm liquid seemed to seep from my head. He was right over me saying something, as he started to drag me back to the house I heard the sirens. I kicked and got free and tried to get to the noise, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I suddenly remembered something that my dad told me: He said “If someone ever tries to kidnap you and you can get to their ear, go Mike Tyson on them.” I remembered laughing at the time, but now seemed like a very good time to use it.

My teeth sunk into his right ear lobe and a I pulled with all my might. I spit out what ever I had in my mouth and as soon as he dropped me I ran screaming. Someone was holding me again, and I kept screaming but then I heard my dad’s voice telling me that it was ok, that everything was going to be fine. Then I slid into the darkness that had been waiting at in the corner of my conciseness. I thought I heard gun shots, but then I noticed that there were a lot of aggravating beeping noises around me.
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