The Madness of Life


I will be the first to admit that it was not the greatest idea we'd ever had. In fact, it was probably the most stupid idea anyone anywhere had ever had. We were children, in the loosest sense of the term. How were we going to survive on our own in Japan? I guess the idea had only seemed like a good one while we were still on American soil. Or maybe it was only me who was so worried about everything.

We'd written a list. The list was supposed to be our guide to what we would do when we landed in Japan. Now that I think about it, the list was the only thing that kept me sane.

1. Lia and I would take the bus route from Davenport, Iowa to Raleigh, North Caroline.
2. Once in NC, we'd meet Danet at the airport, where we'd fly to Japan.
3. Once in Japan, we'd stay at a hotel until we were able to get jobs and rent an apartment.

We had gone over all of the possibilities. At first I'd told them that the only way we'd be able to make money in Japan, where we were both minors and didn't speak the language, would be if we sold ourselves into prostitution. That was definitely out of the question, of course. So we decided that we'd take whatever we could. I wanted to be a waitress, Danet wanted to work in a bookstore, and Lia wanted to work at a video game store. Danet had, in the short three months before we'd left for Japan, learned Japanese for us. Prostitution was crossed off our list for good at that.

"Uhm, guys?" I asked, standing next to the two of them outside of the Tokyo airport.

"Yes, Aleka?" Lia replied.

"What are we supposed to do now?"

They both stared at me, not talking, blinking.

Danet began jumping up and down, clapping (she'd had alot of soda on the flight). "I know! I know!"

"And what is it that you know?"

"We find a hotel."

Of course that was what we were supposed to do. What else were we going to do. Danet asked someone directions to the closest hotel and we were off. Of course, I was still the only one who was slightly freaking out about being in Japan.

I voiced my concerns but Lia and Danet simply told me to shut up.
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It's really short, I know. But I'm looking forward to see what Lia has in store for her chapter. xD