My Sister


My sister, Amanda had a very bad cough. It sounded like a bark. It wouldn’t go away so we took her to a specialist. He decided to put her to sleep and put a scope down her throat to see what the problem was. He found out she coughed the opposite of most people. But she couldn’t walk afterwards. At first we thought it was normal like she couldn’t walk because of being tired from being put to sleep. But after a couple days of her not walking we realized something was wrong. We took her to the hospitable, they took a lot of tests and when they couldn’t find anything wrong they said it was in her head. But we knew that wasn’t so she wasn’t that type, she wasn’t even the type to complain about pain. So we took her to more doctors, all also saying she was crazy and it was in her head. One took her walker off of her and said it wasn’t needed. But then finally we came along a doctor that didn’t think she was crazy, she said she has RND. She suggested going to Children's institute, so that’s what we did. At first she was outpatient therapy(therapy where you go in to the place but do not live there) until she could go into inpatient therapy(where you live there. )After she finished in inpatient therapy she went back to outpatient therapy for a while. After she was totally realeased from Children's institute she wasn’t on a walker like in the beginning or on crutches like a little later, she could walk o her own two legs. She was still in pain, yes, but she was a lot better. Nowadays she is still in pain but she doing pretty well. She now has full body RND, instead of just in her legs. She does sports like volleyball and basketball which helps with her RND like her therapy did. She came a long way. We aren't sure what caused her RND. It could have been the surgery, it could have been shots she has recently had, it could have been stress, it could have been something else, or it could have been all of the above.
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Yes, this is really about my sisters.